Charles Mix County SDGENWEB Archives
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History of Holland Colony in Douglas and Charles Mix Counties (11 KB)
- 1909 - 1910 Gazetteer Publishing Co. Business Directory
- 1916-1917 R. L. Polk Directory
- Cemeteries
- A list of known cemeteries in Charles Mix Co. (3 KB)
- WPA Graves Registration Project
- Other Cemetery Compilations
- Church Records
- Farm Directories
- Land Records
- Early Homestead Records (includes Indian Allotments)
- Military Records
- School Records
Geddes High School, alphabetical listing (96 KB)
Geddes High School, same as above, but listed by year (98 KB)
- Platte High School, alphabetical listing (149 KB)
- Platte High School, same as above, but listed by year (117 KB)
St. Ann High School, alphabetical listing (7 KB)
St. Ann High School, same as above, but listed by year (7 KB)
- Wagner High School, Class of 1948
- Index to Charles Mix County in Retrospect
- Index to Upper Missouri and Charles Mix Reminiscences
- Search the Surname Index to the 1906 Charles Mix County Atlas
- Browse the surname index to the 1906 Charles Mix County Atlas (670 KB)
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