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Republic of Texas
"Survivors of the Revolution which separated Texas from Mexico, 1835 - 1842"
"The Republic Claims series of Comptroller's records includes claims for payment, reimbursement, or restitution submitted by citizens to the Republic of Texas government from 1835 through 1846. It also includes records relating to Republic pensions and claims against the Republic submitted as public debt claims after 1846."
There are many noted Texans on these Claims Rolls and whenever possible, a short mention has been included from "The Handbook of Texas Online" sponsored by the Texas State Historical Association and the General Libraries at UT Austin. This is only a mention and not a transcription of the files available. If a Submitters Name does not appear next to the Claimant, then the transcription is still needed.
Please Consider Submiting your Republic of Texas Pension Files to the Coordinator Listed Below.
Claimant | Submitted By |
Nabers, Robert W | |
Nabers, Williams | |
Naffee, Cornelius G W | |
Nail, George | |
Nale, Abner | |
Nance, G | |
Nangle, William | |
Nash, J H | |
Nash, James P | |
Nash, Jesse E | |
Nash, Jesse H | |
Nash, John D | |
Nash, William | |
Navarro y Alsbury, Juana | |
Navarro, Eugenio | |
Navarro, Jose Antonio | |
Navarro, Jose Antonio G | |
Navarro, Luciano | |
Navarro, Nepomuceno | |
Neal, Anson G | |
Neal, B F | |
Neal, Fielding | |
Neal, John C | |
Neal, Lewis | |
Neal, Sidney W | |
Neal, William T | |
Neathery, Tilman | |
Needham, William | |
Neel, Fielding | |
Neeley, James H | |
Neely, John | |
Nefler, Alexander | |
Neggin, George | |
Neibling, Frederic | |
Neighbors & Reavis | |
Neighbors, Robert S | |
Neil, J | |
Neil, T O | |
Neill, Andrew | |
Neill, Andrew J | |
Neill, C J | |
Neill, George | |
Neill, George C | |
Neill, George J | |
Neill, James C | |
Neill, Jennie W | |
Neill, John | |
Neill, John A | |
Neill, Robert | |
Neill, Samuel C | |
Neill, William | |
Neilson, William G | |
Nelson, A A | |
Nelson, Aaron | |
Nelson, David S | |
Nelson, Edward | |
Nelson, G H | |
Nelson, James | |
Nelson, John | |
Nelson, John D | |
Nelson, Peter | |
Nelson, Samuel | |
Nelson, Thomas | |
Nelson, Thomas K | |
Nelson, Thomas T | |
Nelson, William | |
Nelson, William F | |
Nesbit, John | |
Nesbit, Thomas | |
Nestor, Monguia | |
Netherly, Abner | |
Netherry, Samuel | |
Nettles, William | |
Neuschaefer, Andrew | |
Neven, Patrick | |
Nevill, Hardin | |
Neville, James | |
New York (Steamer) | |
New, Samuel | |
New, William | |
Newcomb, Thomas | |
Newcomb, William | |
Newell, John D | |
Newell, William | |
Newford, William | |
Newgate, John | |
Newill, Stewart | |
Newland, John A | |
Newlands, John Alexander | |
Newman, Jonathan | |
Newman, Martha A | |
Newman, Richard D | |
Newman, Sarah | |
Newman, W P | |
Newman, William R | |
Newsom, G R | |
Newton, John | |
Newton, S G & Co | |
Newton, Smith | |
Nibbs, Ann R | |
Nichodemas, Daniel | |
Nichol, Henry | |
Nicholas, Philip | |
Nichols, E B | |
Nichols, Ebenezer B | |
Nichols, Fannie | |
Nichols, George | |
Nichols, George H | |
Nichols, George M | |
Nichols, Henry | |
Nichols, James | |
Nichols, James W | |
Nichols, John | |
Nichols, John W | |
Nichols, Quiler J | |
Nichols, Thomas J | |
Nichols, Thomas R | |
Nichols, William | |
Nichols, William W | |
Nicholson, M H | |
Nicholson, Stephen | |
Nicholson, Thomas | |
Nicholson, William F | |
Nickelson, John L | |
Nicoll, Augustus | |
Nicoll, Walter | |
Nicolson, Granville | |
Niel, John F | |
Niles & Co | |
Niles, J W J | |
Nite, John E | |
Nix, Benjamin | |
Nix, James K | |
Nixon, George A | |
Nixon, L D | |
Nixon, Richard | |
Noble, Benjamin | |
Noble, E B | |
Noble, George | |
Noble, Isaac | |
Noble, John | |
Noble, S F | |
Noble, S M | |
Nobles, Benjamin | |
Nobles, Sanders L | |
Nobles, Watkins | |
Noblitt, John | |
Nolan, A P | |
Nolan, John | |
Noland, Eli | |
Nolin, John D | |
Noll, Michael | |
Norment, Thomas | |
Norris, Elizabeth | |
Norris, Isaac | |
Norris, Thomas | |
North, Charles P | |
Northington, A | |
Northington, Andrew | |
Northington, Mentor | |
Northrup, A S | |
Norton, B Hammett | |
Norton, Bernard | |
Norton, Edward | |
Norton, J H | |
Norton, James | |
Norton, M P | |
Norton, P B | |
Norton, Peter | |
Norvell, Lipscomb | |
Norvell, Samuel G | |
Norvell, William L | |
Norvell, William Lawrence | |
Norvell, William W | |
Norvell, Willis S | |
Norwood, Nathaniel | |
Nounnan, Benjamin Sutton | |
Nowlan & O'Brian | |
Nowlan, James | |
Nowlan, Robert | |
Nowlin, P W | |
Nowoshilski, Leon | |
Nugent, John | |
Nugent, Mary | |
Nuner, Dyer | |
Nuner, William McMaine | |
Nunley, Anderson | |
Nutt, Samuel A | |
Nye, William N |
US GenWeb Archives Project Notice: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist.
The Republic of Texas Pension Project File Manager: Donna Bluemink