Revolutionary War Pension Project


Classes of Revolutionary Pensioners
Revolutionary War Pension Lists

Transcriptions pertaining to land warrants, rosters and veteran lists may also be submitted for this project.

Vermont Volunteer: Janice Jordan


Basford, Benjamin, Franklin County, contributed by Kevin Spaulding
Bugbee, Sylvester, Orange County, contributed by Joy Fisher
Cole, Benjamin, Capt. Tyler's Co., etc.,. Windsor County, contributed by Jan Jordan
Cole, Benjamin, Capt. Elijah Wadsorth and 2 Regt. CT Capt. Hebb's troops, Windham County
Elwell, Thankful
Widow's Application, Bennington County, contributed by Rhonda Brown
Perrigo, David, Franklin County, contributed by Kevin Spaulding
Perrigo, Rufus, Franklin County, contributed by Kevin Spaulding
Prindle, Samuel, Rutland County, contributed by Errol Cross 
Shaw, Crispus, Lamoille County, contributed by Kevin Spaulding
Stebbins, Ebenezer, Franklin County, contributed by Pamela Priest 
Weir, John, Captain French's New Hampshire Co., etc., Windham County
Wolfe, Christian, Hazen's Regiment, Bennington County, contributed by Jan Jordan

Roster Files by Jan Jordan

Aaron, Joseph, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Adams, Daniel, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Adams, John 1781, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Adams, John 1782, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Adams, William, Capt. John Stark's, Col. Ira Allen's Regt., Statewide Counties
Alexander, Kelley, Capt. Jason Duncan's Co., Col. John Sargeants' Regiment, Windham County
Alger, Jared, Capt. John Alger's Co., Orange County
Alger, Silas, Capt. John Alger's Co., Orange County
Alger, Silas, Capt. John Powell's Co., Windsor County
Allen, Seth, Col. G. Warren's Regt. under Capt. Gideon Ormsby, etc., Unknown-Windham County
Allen, Corpl. Timothy, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Andrews, Jehiel, Capt. Samuel Williams Company, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Andrews, John, Capt. Samuel Williams' Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Statewide County
Armstrong, J., Capt. Samuel Willard's Company, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Armstrong, Libeus, 2nd Regiment, 2nd Company, Bennington County
Baker, Remember, Green Mountain Boys, Statewide Counties
Ballows, John, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Bannister, Lazarus, Lieut. Asahel Smith's Company of Militia, Statewide-Unknown County
Barber, Daniel, 6th Regiment, 1st Company, Bennington County
Barber, John, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Barnes, James, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Barns, Daniel, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Barns, Ebenezer, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Barritt, Edmund, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Bayley, Fry, Rosters Thomas Johnson, Genl. Bayley, Statewide Counties
Betts, John, Capt. Oliver Potter, Col. Seth Warner's Regt., Statewide Counties
Biglow, Jotham, Windham County
Bisbee, Abner, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Bishop, Jeremiah, Major Ebenr Woods, Windsor County
Bisbee, John, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Bishop, Levi, Major Ebenr Woods, Windsor County
Bishop, Seth, Major Ebenr Woods, Windsor County
Blackman, Ephraim, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Blanchard, Abner, Capt. Parmalee Allen's Co. in Col. Herrick's Regt. of Rangers, Unknown County
Bliss, P., Col. Warner's Regiment, Capt. Simeon Smith's Co., Statewide-Unknown County
Blossom, Seth, Capt. Samuel Willard's Company, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Blowers, Alexander, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Blowers, William, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Bolton, John, Capt. Thomas Sawyer's Co. of Militia, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Boulton, John, Capt. John Patterson's Company in Col. Lyon's Regiment, Unknown-Statewide County
Bowker, Nathaniel, Capt. Samuel Williams' Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Statewide Counties
Boyse, Silas, Capt. Samuel Ashley's Co. of Light Infantry, Major John Wheelock, Statewide-Unknown County
Bradford, John, Capt. William Dyre's Company, Statewide Counties
Bradley, Daniel, Abraham Jackson's Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Rutland County
Bradley, Seymour, First Company in the Sixth Regiment, Statewide Counties
Bradley, Zenas, Statewide Counties
Branch, Rufus, Capt. Samuel Robinson Co., Bennington-Unknown-Statewide Counties
Bridges, Jeremiah, Capt. Ichabod Robinson's Co. of Militia, Rutland County
Bridges, Philip, Capt. Ichabod Robinson's Co. of Militia, Rutland County
Brown, Elisha, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Bruce, Elijah, Lieut. Ward Eager's Co., Windham-Bennington County
Buckingham, Reuben, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Bullard, Abel, Lieut. Ward Eager's Co., Windham-Bennington County
Burch, Corpl. Robert, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Burlingame, Israel, Capt. Abel Marsh, Windsor County
Burroughs, William, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Burtch, Eddy, Capt. Seth Hodges' Co. in Col. Joseph Marsh's Regt. of Militia, Windsor County
Butler, Philip, Lieut. Ward Eager's Co., Windham-Bennington County
Butler, Thomas, Capt. Augustin Odle's Co., Col. John Abbot's Regt of Militia, Statewide-Unknown County
Cady, Jonathan, Capt. John Gideon Bayley's Company, Col. Joseph Marsh's Regt.,Windsor County
Call, Asa, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Cmpany of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Call, Ebenezer, Capt. Strong's Company, Windsor County
Call, Nathan, Capt. Joshua Hazen's Company of Militia, Col. Peter Olcott, Windsor County
Case, Em., Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Castle, Levi 1764, 1st Co. of Militia, Bennington County
Cerns, John, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Chamberlin, Abiel, Statewide Counties
Chamberlin, Silas, Statewide Counties
Chandler, Major Thomas, Windham County
Chapin, Samuel, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Chase, David, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Chase, Jonathan, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abbot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Chipman, Barnabas, First Company in the Sixth Regiment, Statewide Counties
Chittenden, Martin, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Church, Edward, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Company of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Claghorn, John, Capt. Samuel Williams' Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Statewide County
Clark, Thomas, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Cochran, Robert, Capt. Samuel Robinson Co., Bennington-Unknown-Statewide County
Cole, Benjamin, Capt. Jonas Galusha's Co., Col. Herrick' Regt., Bennington County
Cole, Bethuel, Capt. Jonas Galusha's Co., Col. Herrick' Regt., Bennington County
Colver, Joshua, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Cook, Ebenezer, Capt. Samuel Williams' Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Statewide County
Cook, Munson, Capt. Samuel Williams' Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Statewide County
Cornwell, Daniel, Capt. Augustin Odle's Co., Col. John Abbott's Regt of Militia, Statewide Counties
Cox, John, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Cummings, Stephen, Col. Samuel Herrick's Regiment of Militia, Bennington County
Cummins, Joseph, Capt. William Dyre's Company of Volunteers, Statewide-Unknown County 
Curlew, Thomas, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Daily, David, Capt. Jonas Galusha's Co, etc., Rutland County
Darwin, Samuel, Capt. Oliver Potter, Col. Seth Warner's Regt., Statewide County
Davis, Benjamin, Capt. Starks Co., Bennington-Unknown-Statewide
Davis, Jonathan, Capt. Charles Nelson's Co., Col. Benj. Wait's Battalion, Statewide Counties
Deming, Martin, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Deming, Sylvester, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Dike, Nathan, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Dike, Samuel, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Dumphee, Thomas, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Eastman, Calvin, Capt. Starks Co., Bennington-Unknown-Statewide
Eddy, Thomas, Lt. Lemuel White's Co. of Militia, Rutland County
Edmunds, Andrew, Col. Thomas Lee's Regt. of Militia, Rutland-Statewide-Unknown County
Edmunds, Eliphalet, Col. Thomas Lee's Regt. of Militia, Rutland-Statewide-Unknown County
Edmunds, James, Col. Thomas Lee's Regt. of Militia, Rutland-Statewide-Unknown County
Ellison, Peter H., Franklin County
Ellison, Sewell F., Windsor C0unty
Estey, Aaron, Lt. Lemuel White's Co. of Militia, Rutland County
Everts, Charles, First Company in the Sixth Regiment, Statewide Counties
Farnsworth, Sergt. Ebenezer, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Farnsworth, Joseph, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Farnsworth, Josiah, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Fellows, Samuel, Capt. Simeon Stevens' Company, Orange County
Field, Jesse, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Ford, Andrew, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Foster, Josiah, Capt. Abraham Underhill's Co., Col. Ira Allen's Regt., Bennington County
Fox, William, Capt. Orange Train's Co., Col. Lee's Regt., Bennington-Statewide County
Francis, Simon, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Frisbie, Noah, Capt. Abel Merriman's Co., Rutland County
Frost, Joseph, Capt Perry's Co., Bennington County
Fuller, Hezekiah, Lt. Commandant Ward Bailey, Capt. John Strong, Essex County
Fuller, Joseph, Capt. Oliver Potter, Col. Seth Warner's Regt., Statewide County
Gardner, John, Capt. Eli Noble, Statewide Counties
Gilbert, Thomas, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Graham, Winthrop, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Grandey, Robert, Capt. Samuel S. Savage's Co., Statewide Counties
Green, Robert, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Green, Zebediah, Lt. Lemuel White's Co. of Militia, Rutland County
Griffin, John, Capt. Oliver Potter's Co., Rutland County
Griffin, John, Capt. Oliver Potter, Col. Seth Warner's Regt., Statewide Counties
Griffis, Benjamin, 1st Company, 6th Regiment, Bennington County
Griswold, John, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Hamilton, Charles, Capt. Starks Company, Bennington-Unknown-Statewide Counties
Hannam, John, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Hannock, John, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Harris, Asa, Asabel, Daniel, Ebenezer, Edward, Eleazer, Henry, Isaac, John, Joseph, Shadrach, Solomon, Thaddeus,
     Thomas, Captain, Lieutenant, Statewide County
Harris, Asahel, Lt. Lemuel White's Co. of Militia, Rutland County
Hartwell, Peter, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Hatch, Josiah, Capt. Samuel Ashley's Co. of Light Infantry, Major John Wheelock, Statewide-Unknown County
Hawley, David, Capt. Samuel Williams', Col. Ebenr Allen's Regt., Statewide-Unknown County
Hawley, John, Capt. Peleg Matteson's Company of Militia, Bennington County
Hawley, Joseph, Capt. Simeon Wright's Co., Col. Warren's Regt., Statewide-Unknown County
Hawley, Joseph, Capt. Samuel Williams', Col. Ebenr Allen's Regt., Statewide-Unknown County
Henberton, Joseph, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Henry, William, Capt. Samuel Robinson Co., Bennington-Unknown-Statewide County
Hill, David, Capt. Saml. Williams' Co., Statewide-Unknown County
Hill, David, Capt. Samuel Williams' Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Statewide County
Hill, Henry, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown
Hill, Phineas, Capt. Samuel Williams' Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Statewide County
Hill, Thomas, Capt. Thomas Bull's Company, Col. Ira Allen's Regiment of Militia, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Hinds, Adin, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Hodges, Isaac (Jr.), Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Hodges, Joshua, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Hogs, Isaac, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide County
Hoisington, Ebenezer, Windham County
Holmes, Orsamus, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Horton, John, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Hough, David, Capt. Samuel Willard's Company, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Howe, James, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Maj. Ebenr. Allen's Detachment, Statewide-Unknown County
Howe, Joseph, Capt. Charles Nelson, Statewide-Windsor County
Howe, Samson, Capt. Charles Nelson, Windsor County
Howe, Stewart, Capt. Charles Nelson, Statewide Counties
How, Samson, Capt. Charles Nelson's Co., Col. Benj. Wait's Battalion, Statewide Counties
Jacobs, Stephen, Capt. John Mercy's Co., Windsor County
Jenner, Stephen, Capt. Benj. Cooley's Co., Col. Ebenezer Allen's Regt., Rutland-Statewide Counties
Johnson, Elihu, Capt. Simeon Wright's Co., Col. Warren's Regt. of Militia, Rutland County
Johnson, Moses, Capt. Jesse Sawyer Co., etc., Rutland County
Johnson, Col. Thomas, Windham County
Kelley, Alex., Capt. Jason Duncan's Co. of Militia, Col. John Sargeants' Regt., Windham County
Kelley, William, Capt. Jason Duncan's Company of Militia, Col. John Sargeants' Regiment, Windham County
Kelly, John, Daniel Comstock's Co., Windsor County
Kidder, Oliver, Capt. Abel Marsh, Windsor County
Kingsbury, Corpl. Ebenezer, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Knight, John, Capt. Isaac Tichenor's Company, Col. Ebenr Walbridge's Reg't. of Militia, Rutland County
Ladd, James, Capt. Nehemiah Lovewell, Statewide Counties
Lasdell, John, Capt. Abner Selly, Statewide-Unknown County
Lathan, Samuel, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Lawrence, Sergt. Joseph, Capt. John Stark's Co., Statewide Counties
Lazell, Robert, First Company in the Sixth Regiment, Statewide Counties
Leach, Elisha, Capt. Samuel Willard's Company, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Lee, Reuben, First Company in the Sixth Regiment, Statewide Counties
Leonard, Benajab, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Lewis, Matthew, 1st Company, 6th Regiment, Bennington County
Liscomb, Darius, Capt. Elias Weld's Militia Company, Windsor County
Liscomb, Nehemiah, Lieut. Daniel Spooner's Company, Windsor County
Liscomb, Thomas, Capt. Elias Weld's Militia Company, Windsor County
Lockland, Lieut. Dennis, Windham County
Lovejoy, Daniel, Capt. Joseph Parkhurst's Co., Windsor County
Lovejoy, Nehemiah, Capt. Joseph Parkhurst's Co., Windsor County
Lovewell, Priv. Henry, Capt. Nehemiah Lovewell, Statewide Counties
Lovewell, Nehemiah, Capt. Nehemiah Lovewell, Statewide Counties
Lovewell, Priv. Zaccheus, Capt. Nehemiah Lovewell, Statewide Counties
Luddenton, Sergt. John, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Maclean, John, Statewide Counties
Maflit, John, Capt E Wallis's Company of Militia, Statewide Counties
Major, George, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Company of Militia, Bennington County
Mallary, Ebenezer, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Mann, David, Capt. William Heaton's Co., Orange County
Mann, Frederick, Capt. William Heaton's Co., Orange County
Marble, Ephraim, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Marble, Ephraim, Capt. Samuel Robinson Co., Bennington-Unknown-Statewide County
Marble, John, Capt. Samuel Robinson Co., Bennington-Unknown-Statewide Counties
Marks, Isaac, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Marsh, Daniel, Capt. Joshua Hazen's Company, Col. Wood's Reg't, Orange-Windsor-Rutland County
Marshall, Icabod, Capt. Zebediah Dewey's Company, Rutland County
Matteson, John, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Company of Militia, Bennington County
Mattis, John, Capt E Wallis's Company of Militia, Statewide Counties
McQuevy, Asa, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Miller, John, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Milliman, John, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Morse, Jonas, Lieut. Ward Eager's Co., Windham-Bennington County
Morse, Joshua, Lieut. Ward Eager's Company, Bennington-Windham County
Myers, Ensign Gideon, Capt. Thomas Sawyer's Company of Militia, Unknown-Statewide County
Niles, David, Lt. Lemuel White's Co. of Militia, Rutland County
Niles, David, Rutland County
Niles, David, Major John Wheelock, Capt. Abm Salsbury, etc., Windham County,
Ober, Ebenezer
, Lieut. Ward Eager's Company, Bennington-Windham County
Olds, Gershom, Capt. Samuel Williams' Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Statewide County
Olds, Jonathan, Capt. Nathan Seelye Company, Bennington County
Olmsted, Lieut. Moses, Maj. Ebenr Allen's Company, Rutland County
Olmstead, Lieut. Moses, Rutland County
Parker, Amos, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, etc., Statewide-Unknown County
Parish, John, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Parker, Ichabod, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Pasifel, Stephan, Capt. Joseph Hatch's Co. of Rangers, Maj. Joab Hoisington, Statewide-Unknown County
Pennel, Capt. John, Cumberland County Militia, Windham County
Percival, Corporal Steven,  Capt. Joseph Hatch's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Perkins, Elisha, Capt. Seth Hodges' Co., Windsor County
Perkins, Jacob, Capt. Samuel Willard's Company, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Pettibone, Elihu, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Pettibone, Eli, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Piper, Thomas, Green Mountain Boys, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Post, Elias, Capt. Samuel Williams' Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Statewide County
Powell, Stephen, Statewide Counties
Powers, Andrew, Capt. Strong's Company, Windsor County
Powers, Jonathan, Capt. Elkanah Sprague, Windsor-Orange-Rutland County
Powers, Jonathan, Capt. Simeon Stevens' Company, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Powers, Joseph, Capt. Samuel S. Savage, 3rd Regt., Col. Ebenezer Woods, Statewide Counties
Powers, Naham, Capt. Nehemiah Lovewell's Company and Col. Waits Regiment,
Powers, Stephen, Capt. Simeon Stevens' Company, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Powers, William, Capt. Joshua Hazen's Company of Militia, Windsor County
Powers, William, Capt. Elkanah Sprague, Windsor-Orange County
Powers, William, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Prindle, Jonathan, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Remington, Joshua, Capt. John Spafford's Company, Col. Ebenezer Allen's Regiment of Militia, Rutland County
Remington, Uriah, Col. Thomas Lee's Regt. of Militia, land-Statewide-Unknown County
Remington, Uriah, Capt. John Spafford's Company, Col. Ebenezer Allen's Regiment of Militia, Rutland County
Rice, Sergt. David, Capt. Paterson's Company, Col. Warner's [Warren's] Regiment, Windham-Unknown County
Robinson, Samuel, Lieut. Ward Eager's Co., Windham-Bennington County
Root, Timothy, Cumberland County Militia, Windham County
Root, Timothy, Cumberland County Militia, Windham County
Round, James, Capt. Abraham Salisbury's Company, Statewide Counties
Russell, Elijah, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Ryon, John, Capt. Matthias Button, Statewide Counties
Salisbury, Captain   Abraham, Capt. Abraham Salisbury's Co., Statewide County
Salisbury, Jacob, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Sartwell, Jacob, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Sartwell, Oliver, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Savage, Capt. Samuel S., Third Regiment, Statewide County
Sawyer, Capt. Jesse, Col. Ira Allen's Regt., Statewide Counties
Seaton, David, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Seeley, Capt. Abner, Capt. Abner Seely's Co., Statewide Counties
Seeley, Ebenezer, Capt. Benjamin Bates Company, Bennington County
Seely, Nathaniel, Capt. Benjamin Bates Company, Bennington County
Seeley, Oliver, Capt. Abner Seely's Co., Statewide Counties
Serivens, Thomas, Capt. Augustin Odel's Co., Col. John Abbot's Regiment, Statewide County
Sharp, Jeptha, Capt. Charles Nelson's Co., Statewide Counties
Simons, Andrew, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Simons, John (Jr.), Capt. Abraham Salisbury's Company, Statewide Counties
Sissill, Samuel, Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Smead, Elihu, Capt. Josiah Fish's Co., Col. Samuel Fletcher's Battalion, Unknown-Statewide-Windsor County
Smith, Lieut. John, Capt. Silas Goodrich's Co., Col. Ira Allen's Regt., Bennington County
Smith, Sergt. John, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Smith, Joshua, Capt. George Sexton's Company of Volunteers, Statewide Counties
Smith, Matthew, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Smith, Prosevet, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Smith, Recompence, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County
Smith, Reuben, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Smith, Simeon, Capt. Samuel S. Savage's Co., Windham County
Smith, William, Lt. Lemuel White's Co. of Militia, Rutland County
Southward, David, Lieut. Ward Eager's Co., Windham-Bennington County
Spencer, Gideon, Capt. Samuel Robinson Co., Bennington-Unknown-Statewide County
Spencer, John, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Spencer, Simeon, Col. Wood's Regiment, Windsor-Statewide-Unknown County
Sprague, Elkanah, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown
Squier, Joseph, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Squire, Eli, Capt. Samuel Williams' Co., Col. Thomas Lee's Regt., Statewide County
Squire, James, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Company, Statewide Counties
Squires, James, Captain Elijah Babcock's Company in Major Brown's Detachment, Statewide Counties
Stannard, Libbeus, Ethan Allen, Capt. Brownson's Co., Statewide Counties
Stanton, Robert, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Stark, Benajah, Capt. John Stark's Company, Col. Ira Allen's Regt., Rutland County
Stark, Benajah, Capt. John Stark's Co., etc., Statewide-Unknown County
Stark, Ebenezer, Capt. Charles Nelson's Company, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Stearns, Daniel, Capt. Jesse Safford, Capt. Daniel Comstock's Co., Unknown-Statewide County
Stearns, Ebenezer, Capt. Jesse Safford, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Stedman, Nathaniel, Lt. Ward Eager's Co., Windham-Bennington County
Stevens, Ephraim, Unknown County
Stevens, Lemuel, Lieut. Ward Eager's Co., Windham-Bennington County
Strong, Asa, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Strong, John, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Swift, Thomas, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Militia, Windsor-Statewide Counties
Swift, Whitfield, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Militia, Windsor-Statewide County
Thomas, Samuel, Capt. Starks Company, Bennington-Unknown-Statewide Counties
Thomas, Samuel, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Thompson, John, Capt. Nehemiah Lovewell, Statewide Counties
Thompson, Lathrop, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Thornton, Sergt. Stukely, Capt. Abraham Salisbury's Co., Statewide Counties
Tibbets, Henry, Capt. Samuel Ashley's Co., Major John Wheelock, Unknown County
Tichenor, Capt. Isaac, Bennington County
Tilden, Stephen, Windham County
Town, Jr., Elijah, Capt. Jason Duncan's Co., Windham-Bennington County
Town Jr., Elijah, Capt. Jason Duncan's Co., Col. John Sergents Regt., Windham-Lamoille County
Udall, Oliver, Capt. Abel Marsh, Windsor County
Udall, Samuel, Col. Joseph Marsh's Regt., Windsor County
Udall, William, Col. Joseph Marsh's Regt., Windsor County
Underhill, James, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Underhill, James, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Van Arnum, John, William Hutchin's Co., Bennington County
Waldo, Jonathan (Jr.), Capt. William Sharp in Col. John Abot's Regiment, Statewide-Unknown County
Walkins, Henry, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Walbridge, Henry, Capt. Samuel Robinson Co., Bennington-Unknown-Statewide Counties
Wallis, Capt. Ebenezer, Statewide Counties
Ward, David, Capt. Abel Merriman's Company of Militia, Col. Ebene. Allen's Regiment, Rutland County
Warren, Jabesh, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Warner's Regt., Col. Allen, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Weaver, Louden, William Hutchin's Co., Bennington County
Webb, Joshua, Windham County
Webster, Priv. Asa, Capt. Nehemiah Lovewell, Statewide Counties
Weeks, David, Capt. Strong's Company, Windsor Company, Windsor-Unknown-Statewide Counties
Weeks, John, Militia of Capt. William Dyre, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Weeks, John, Militia of Capt. William Dyre, Unknown-Statewide Counties
Weeks, Judah, Capt. Joseph Safford's Company of Militia, Rutland-Statewide-Unknown County
Weeks, Thomas, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Company of Militia, Statewide-Unknown-Bennington County
Westcoat, James, Col. Thomas Lee's Regt. of Militia, Rutland County
Whitcomb, Thomas, Capt Beriah Green's Co. of Rangers, Unknown County
White, Elijah, Windham County
White, Nicholas, Windham County
Whitman, Benjamin, Capt. Abraham Salisbury's Company, Statewide Counties
Whitman, Samuel, Capt. Wm Sharp's Company, Col. John Abbot's Regiment, Statewide Counties
Whitney, John, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Reg't. of Rangers, Statewide Counties
Wilder, Joseph, Lieut. Ward Eager's Co., Windham-Bennington County
Wilton, Ebenezer, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Worcester, Asa, Capt. Benjamin Cox's Co. of Rangers, Statewide-Unknown County
Wright, Ebenezer, Capt. Parmelee Allen's Co., Col. Herrick's Reg't. of Rangers, Rutland County
Youngs, George, Capt. Elijah Galusha's Co., Bennington County

Related Revolutionary War Files

Black Servicemen, Statewide Counties VT Archives Military Records, contributed by Joy Fisher


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Updated September 2012