The USGenWeb
War of 1812 Project
Pensions, Rosters & Land Grants
North Point, Maryland -- September 12, 1814
Painting by Don Troiani,
Arkansas Military Grants, Cross County contributed by Michelle Slabaugh
BIVENS, JOHN - letter from pension application, Madison County contributed by Norma Adams
FOSTER, HENRY, 12th and 8th Inf. Regiments, SEARCY COUNTY, Robert Foster
HARDING, JOHN, Commanded by Maj. Pexcel Fowler contributed by Melinda Pennington
GLISSON, THOMAS, Capt. William Whitsett's Co., KY Militia contributed by Midge Stouffer
McKAY, ABRAHAM, Capt. John Netherton's Co., TN Foot Vols. contributed by G.W. CorneliusSome Military Land Grants (by County), contributed by Linda Ayers
Some Military Land Grants in California for Soldiers for the War of 1812, Statewide Files, contributed by Linda Ayers
WINCHELL, JAIRUS, Capt. Dan Deming's Co., Brigade Div., CT by Polly Weldon Siegel
See New Haven War Pensions for possible War of 1812 Pensioners. Anyone listed 60 years and younger in these files may have been involved in the War of 1812.
SHORTS, NATHANIEL (rejected app.) Capt. John Buchanon's Rifle's Company, DE, contributed by Barbara
HOWARD, EDWARD LEMUEL,"Power Monkey" in Navy, contributed by Leatha A. Betts
NALL, JAMES (widow's app.) Capt. Green's Regt., GA Militia, contributed by Elaine Nall BaySome Military Land Grants (by County), contributed by Linda Ayers
ILLINOISCUNNINGHAM, STEWART (widow app.) 4th Regt., Indiana Militia, contributed by Gwendolyn Plyler
FORNIN, WILLIAM (Bounty Land Claim, Capt. Danial Huffman's Co., 4th Regt., VA Militia, contributed by Valerie F. Crook
GREEN, LUKE, contributed by Nancie Brunk
HARMON, WILLIAM & NANCY, Capt Shultz' Co 7 US Inf., contributed by Lynnea DickinsonSome Military Land Grants (by County), *also Indian Wars, contributed by Linda Ayers
INDIANA (Also see table)
IOWACAMERON, GEORGE (widow's app.) Capt. Peter Stilley's Co., PA Militia, contributed by Marilyn Morgan
GEARHART, DANIEL (widow's app.) Capt. Jacob Homel's Co., PA, contributed by Marilyn Morgan
WAR OF 1812 SOLDIERS buried in Dallas County, Iowa, contributed by Annette LucasSome Military Land Grants (by County), contributed by Linda Ayers
Some Military Land Grants, Statewide Files, contributed by Linda Ayers
BOATRIGHT, Powhatan, Abstract of Compiled Service Record, contributed by Timothy D. Hudson
ELLIOTT, William David, Rosters 10 and 20 Cons. Reg't., La. Mil., contributed by Bobby Duplissey
FAULK, John Tillman, Declouet's Regiment, Louisian Militia, Biography & Service Record, contributed by Richard Fox
FLETCHER, Jehu, Captain John K. Goff's Company, 7th Regiment, Louisiana Militia, Service Records, contributed by David Fletcher
KINCHEN, John, (Widow's Application) Capt. Cleavland's Co., MS Militia, contributed by D. N. Pardue and Donald W. Johnson
KNIGHT, Charles, Pension Application, contributed by Carolyn B. Henderson
SHAW, John C., Capt. L. I. Barbin's Company Light Artillery, Service Records, contributed by Sharon Shaw
"St. Helena Parish War Veterans",2nd Division, 12th & 13th Regiments, contributed by Inez Bridges Tate and D. N. Pardue
Some Military Land Grants (by Parish), contributed by Linda AyersMARYLANDABBOTT, JOHN, Pension, Capt. Brown's Co., Md. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ABBOTT, SAMUEL MOORE, Pension, Capt. Bailey's Co., Md. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ABELL, STANFIELD, Pension, Capt. Rodgers Md. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ABEY, JOSEPH, Pension, Capt. Roger's Co., Md. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ADAMS, ARCHIBALD, Pension Capt. George Lake's Co., Md Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ADAMS, BENJAMIN, Capt. J. J. Stull's Co., D. C. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ADAMS, JACOB, Capt. Jacob Baer's Co., Md. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ADAMS, SAMUEL, Capt. T. Marshall's Co., Md. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
BUTLER, TOBIAS, Capt. John Bringle's Co., MD Militia, contributed by William H. Thayer
KELLER, Frederick (wife Anna Maria), Widow's Pension, Capt. Joseph Houston's Co., Md. Militia, contributed by Roland Keller
ROLISON, JESSIE (widow) Bounty Land Warrant (and image), contributed by Judy W. LockardSERVICE RECORDS
PRICE, GERARD, Nace's Regiment, MD Militia, contributed by Mark Anderson
PRICE, JARRET, 2nd Regiment (Schuchts'), MD Militia, contributed by Mark AndersonMICHIGAN
Some Military Land Grants for Soldiers of the War of 1812 (A - K), contributed by Linda Ayers
Some Military Land Grants for Soldiers of the War of 1812 (L - Z), contributed by Linda Ayers
War of 1812 Roster by Huron Shores Genealogical Society, database manager Alonzo J Sherman
1840 Census Pensioners by Huron Shores Genealogical Society, database manager Alonzo J ShermanMINNESOTA
1883 Le Sueur County Pension Lists contributed byKenneth Thomas
Frederick, Catherine (widow's pension), Capt Benjamin Horton's Co NY Militia, contributed by Lil Heselton
PETTIS, STEPHEN, Col. William Williams Regt., VT Militia, contributed by Douglas J. Peterson
THAYER, ISRAEL, SR. (widow app.) Capt. Ellis' Artillary Company, NY, contributed by Douglas J. PetersonSome Military Land Grants by County, contributed by Linda Ayers
Anoka Chisago Houston Pine Ramsey Washington Statewide MISSISSIPPI
1840 Pension List for Mississippi (includes some of 1812 soldiers and some Revolutionary soldiers) contributed by Marjorie Norris
Muster Roll - Hind’s Battalion of Cavalry, Mississippi Militia (Hind’s Dragoons) contributed by Sue Moore
War of 1812 1st Regiment Mississippi Volunteers Database contributed by Dr. Gregory A. WaselkovSome Military Land Grants in Mississippi (by County), contributed by Linda Ayers
MISSOURIFOREN, WILLIAM Bounty Land Application - Greene County, contributed by Valerie F. Crook
WATKINS, PHILIP Abstract of War of 1812 pension application - Polk County, contributed by Doris Fountain
LAIN, JORDAN Camden County MO Archives Military Records: Regiment: Stewart’s Company TN Militia, contributed by Mary BonsalSome Military Land Grants in Missouri (by County), contributed by Linda Ayres
ABEL, JOHN, Pension, Capt. Clements Co., N.J. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ABELL, WILLIAM, Pension Capt. Timothy Lyman's Co., Mass. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ACKERMAN, LAWRENCE, Pension, Capt. Nathaniel Board's Co., N.J. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ACKERSON, JOHN T., Pension Capt. Vancleve Moore's Co., N.J. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ADAIR, ROBERT, Pension, Capt. Webb's Co., N.J. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ADAMS, LEVI, Capt. Peter Cole's Co., N.J. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ADAMS, SAMUEL, Capt. McKissack's Co., N.J. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
ADAMS, SOLOMON, Capt. Wescott's Co., N.J. Militia, contributed by Cyndie Enfinger
BREWSTER, WILLIAM (Widow's Land Bounty Claim) Capt. Carter's Co., NJ Militia, contributed by Fran BrewsterSERVICE RECORDS
WOOLEVER, JOHN, Capt. Francis Donlevy's Co., 3rd Regt., NJ Militia, contributed by Stewart J. A. Woolever
NEW YORKBREWSTER, SAMUEL, Capt. Benjamin Horton's Co., NY, contributed by Jeannieology
BREWSTER, SAMUEL (Bounty Land Claim) Capt. Aaron DeCamp's Co., 83 Reg't, NY Militia, contributed by Jeannieology
BURLINGAME, URIEL, Capt. Elijah Carpenter's Co., NY Militia, contributed by Shelley Morrison
DAVIS, URIAN, Capt. Selic's Co., NY Militia, contributed by Rita Jacobs
DOWNING, LUTHER, (Widow's Land Bounty Claim) contributed by Jill Nick
RICE, JOEL, Also RICE, JOEL, (Widow's App), Captain Noadiah Hubbard's Regiment, contributed by Shelley Morrison
SMITH, PETER H., Ulysses, Tompkins County, NY, contributed by Ken Smith
ST LAWRENCE WAR OF 1812 PENSIONS, NY, contributed by John Austin
TYRER, LUTHER, Bounty Land Application, contributed by Nancy Poquette
PAYROLL RECORDS, etc.COOK, JOHN R., Capt. Rudolph C. Cook's Co.,Major Frederick Getman's New York 19th Regiment, contributed by Jan Jordan
COOK, JR., JOHN R., Capt. John J. Cook, Major Frederic GETMAN Infantry Militia, contributed by Jan Jordan
COOK, JR., JOHN R., Major Frederic Getman Infantry Militia, contributed by Jan JordanROSTER, etc.
HARRINGTON, TIMOTHY, Capt. Taylor's Co., 30th Inf., contributed by Jan Jordan
INDEX TO WAR OF 1812 PENSIONS, ST LAWRENCE, NY, contributed by John Austin
JUDD, WILLIAM H., Capt. Samuel H. Holly, Capt. Edmund B. Hill, contributed by Jan JordanNORTH CAROLINAANDERSON, MRS. THOMAS J. (MARY), Orange County, contributed by Mary Lu Nelson Johnson
EDGIN, SAMUEL, Lincoln County, contributed by Eldon J. Edgin
FARMER, DAVID, Ashe County, contributed by Tracey Farmer McMillion
FISHER, DORCAS LEVIS, Transylvania County, contributed by Philip SheppardGREY, ZACHARIAH
HARDISON, WILLIAM, Duplin County, contributed by Martha Marble
McCLAIN, CHARLES, Buncombe County, contributed by Don Marsh
MITCHELL, JR., GEORGE, Wayne County, contributed by K. Mitchell
PIPKIN, LOVETT, Wayne County, contributed by Guy Potts
PIPKIN, WILLIAM, Wayne County, contributed by Guy Potts
SURLES, SUSAN, Wake County, contributed by Bill Surles
TAYLOR, EDWIN, Lenoir County, contributed by Martha Mewborn MarbleMiscellaneous FRANKLIN COUNTY War Records, contributed by Sam West
OHIOBEASLEY, THOMAS, Capt. Richard Lewis, discharge paper, Darke County, contributed by Sam McGibbon
BROWN, PETER, Abstract of War of 1812 pension application, Ross & Fayette Counties, contributed by Tracy
BUNCE, ISAAC, - Abstract of War of 1812 pension application - Lorain County, contributed by Bonnie M. Bunce
COLVILLE, JAMES WILSON, Capt. Samuel Colville's Co., 6th Regt., VA Militia, contributed by Ken Burroughs
ELLIOTT, PATRICK, Capt. David Buchanan's Co., 1st Regt., PA Infantry, contributed by Ken Burroughs
McLAIN, WILLIAM (widow's app.), Capt. Sanderson's Co., 27 Regt, Ohio Infantry, contributed by Don Marsh
NARAGONG, JACOB, Capt. Thomas Latta's Co., Ohio Militia, contributed by Nicky Eickerman
PORTERFIELD, SAMUEL C., Flotilla Man, PA, contributed by Ken Burroughs
SHIELDS, PATRICK (widow's app.), Ohio, contributed by Audrey Shields Hancock
WALLACE, ALLEN, Morrow County, Ohio, contributed by David CharleboisLAND GRANTS
Some Military Land Grants in Ohio (A-K), contributed by Linda Ayres
Some Military Land Grants in Ohio (L-Z), contributed by Linda AyresOREGON
Some Military Land Grants in Oregon, Statewide Files, contributed by Linda Ayres
Some Military Land Grants in Oregon for Indian Warrior Soldiers of the War of 1812, contributed by Linda AyresSOUTH CAROLINAASHLEY, THOMAS (Widow's Application) Captain Jacob Reed's Company, contributed by Candace GravelleBOUNTY LAND WARRANTS
ALEXANDER, HIRAM, 1st Regt (Means) South Carolina militia (Capt Hendrick's company), contributed by John Davis
ASHLEY, MOSES, Capt. William Ware and Cols. Carter & Youngblood , contributed by Candace GravelleBARBER, Jr., GEORGE, Capt. William Ford's Co., GA Infantry, contributed by David W. MorganBOUNTY LAND WARRANTS
BONNER, WILLIAM, Capt. Bowen's Company, Freestone County, from "War of 1812 Veterans in Texas" by Mary Smith Fay
CUNNINGHAM, DAVID, (widow's application), Capt. Gabriel T. Wilkinson's Company, VA Militia, contributed by Linda C. Fluharty
DEQUASIE, William, (widow's application), Capt. James Hugh(e)'s Company, VA Militia, contributed by Amber Dalakas
FOREHAND, JOHN, (widow's application), Capt. Isaac T. Preston's Company, contributed by Valerie F. Crook
McCAN(N), William, (widow's application), Capt. John Botkin' s Company, contributed by Dorothy McCann-Phillips
McCLAIN, William, (widow's application), Capt. William C. Scott's Company, contributed by Don Marsh
RUCKER, Elzaphen, (widow's application), Capt. John McClung's Co., VA Militia, contributed by Cara Miller
SINK, Susannah, (widow's application), contributed by Janet King
SPENCER, James, (invalid's application), Capt. S. Taylor's Company, VA Militia, contributed by Brenda C. Dillon
WATTS, William, W., 7th & 8th Inf. Regiments, Enlistment & Pension, Berkeley County, contributed by Robert Foster
ZACQUILL, Morgan, (widow's application), Capt. Morgan Zacquill's Company, contributed by Brian CoreMUSTER ROLLS Brooke County, West Virginia, Soldiers of War of 1812, contributed by Janet Waite
Brooke County, Light Infantry, Muster Roll, contributed by Carol "CJ" Towery
McCAN(N), William, Capt. John Botkin's Company, contributed by Dorothy McCann-PhillipsALL STATESTATE & TAIT SURNAMES, Muster Roll, contributed by Dixie Tait Kirton
Automated form to submit a pension
Project File Manager Donna Bluemink
Special Project Coordinator Rebecca MaloneyUSGenWeb Archives Project Notice: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist.
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File Last Updated August 2013