Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by the
Somerset County Federated Library System and its
constituent libraries,
the Meyersdale Public
Library, Somerset County Public Library, Windber Public
Library and Mary S. Biesecker Library
Started in 1935 as part of Roosevelt's New
Deal, the Works Progress (later Projects) Administration
created jobs for workers meeting certain income and
family census criteria. Projects included building
and improving America's infrastructure and support for
the arts, history and culture of America. One such
project was the Historical Records Survey, later a part
of the Research and Records Program, a component of
which involved compiling indexes of vital statistics,
cemetery interments, school records, military records,
maps, newspapers and other resources for research into
American history.
Researchers are advised that the
information contained in the following transcriptions and images of the Somerset
County WPA Records should not be considered
infallible. Nor should this information be considered
proof positive that the information contained therein is
in fact historically accurate. Further corroboration
of these transcriptions by additional genealogical
documentation methodology
is recommended.

A Special Thanks to all of our Volunteers
Alice James |
Cathy Yoder | Kerry Miller |
Annette Bame Peebles |
Claire DeCecco | Martha A C Graham |
Bev Sellers-Niel |
Connie Burkett | Nancy Lorz |
Bonnie Schultz |
Ellis Michaels | Patty Millich |
Carina Slack |
Jean Wall | Scott Emery |
Carl Gaus |
Joe Patterson | Winnie Nichols |

The Chart below contains links to each
Township and all of the Cemeteries
These are text
Here is a link for the all of the Cemeteries in each
Township and is sorted by

Ok, There are huge amounts of files for this particular project.
They will not be deleted as they are not mine.
In April of 2006 The Nice Volunteers at the Meyersdale Public Library
and Ora L Flaningam
produced a CD with all the files and a super easy index to use.
The whole cd is available on the Site in iso format.
Below is a linked List of Files from the above CD - They are
actually easier to
use than the files on the USGenWeb Server
Cemetery Records: Introduction by Della Reagan Fischer
Somerset County, Pennsylvania W.P.A. Cemetery Readings: A Recompilation
by Ora L Flaningam [July 2006]
"Image Notes" - Explanations
'Alpha sort' - Fully searchable pdf
this file, the sort is by Cemetery, then Surname and Given Name.
Cemetery 'Input' Sort:
In this file, the sort is by Cemetery, then Record Identifier number.
Thus the names are
listed in the order that the graves were read.
The above file is critical to identifying relationships.
There are almost 3000 images of the original WPA Typed Pages.
Mr Flaningam has included them on the CD -
Use This Link
As a matter of conserving space on the Archives Servers, the pdf files
linked above
take up half of the space of the old image files.
For More Information about Somerset County,
Please Visit:
Somerset County portion of the PAGenWeb

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Martha A Crosley Graham - Somerset County Archives File Manager
Copyright: 2008 - Present ~ USGenWeb
This Page Updated: 25 August 2022
