PAGE 5. A note about this page. At some point in the Bible's history, someone wrote an English translation of a small portion (1 line) of an entry onto a piece of paper, and taped it over the original handwritten entry . The tape-over began "Benjamin Franklin was..." The extant photocopies all have this English translation obscuring the original handwritten text. When scanning this page, it was found that the tape-over was loose on the left edge, and could be folded over to the right without harming the underlying page. However, it was not possible to remove the tape-over without risking damage to the page. So, the page was scanned with the tape-over in place, then a section was re-scanned with the tape-over folded to the right, and a composite image was created from these two. The intent was to reproduce the original as exactly as possible. Remnants of the folded addition can be seen in the upper right hand column. -Paul Reitz September 9, 2000