Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives
Montgomery County
[an error occurred while processing this directive] UPPER AND LOWER PROVIDENCE TWP MAP Index of Surnames - Acre [Acker][next to Geo Moyer 1745 near top] Adams Arets Ashenfeller [Ashenfelter] Audobon Baker Bell Bickley Boidler [Beidler] Boors Bowman Boyer Bull Burson Casselberry [next to 1746 J. Umstead] Chestnut Cheyne [Chain] Connelly Conolly Couch Cox Cressman [Chrisman, Kressman] Custer [Custard] Daringer [Derringer] Davis Davy [see Taney?] Dismant [Desmond] Dixon Dubois Edwards Essig Evault [Ewalt] Farmer [ffarmer] Favinger Fawcett ffarington [Farington] Flaxney Francis Gabel Gerber [Garber] Getty Gordon Hamer Hawks Herpel [Harpole] Horning Indehaven [Indehoffen, DeHaven] Jacobs Jones Koch Koplin Lane Lewis Longacre McFarlin Miller Missimer [next to 1746 J. Umstead] Morgan Morris Moyer Muhlenberg North Opdegraf [OpdenGraff] Painter Panebeker Parker Pawling [Pauling] Pennypacker Perry Peterman Peters Philips Potts Rabell Rambo Recup Reeble Rees Reezer Richardson Rittenhouse Roberts Robinson Rossiter Royer Rudolph Rumsaur Saylor Schrack Schunck [Shunk] Shambo [Shambough] Sharer [Shearer] Sitsler Skeen Stem [next to Geo Moyer 1745 near top] Stevens Streeper [Streiper] Swanwick Taney Todd Umstead [Umstat] Vanderslice VanFossen Welker White Williams Woolman Zimmerman NOTE: Several dates of sale are when the Proprietary or the Pennsylvania Land Company in London sold land, and may not be the date first occupied. Ground rent may have been paid from some earlier date. Also, some earlier purchases were not recorded until much later and the land descriptions show additional information on the early dispersal of the land. An example of this is the 1722 purchase of 203 acres by Edward Farmer, shown on the map near the corner of Perkiomen Creek and the Schuylkill River. This deed was not recorded until 1753 and showed the following:
History of land shows that the 5,000 acre tract was situate in, "the Mannor or reputed Mannor of Gilberts" beginning at a corner by the side of the Schuylkill River in the line of Isaac Norris's Land then NE by the sd. Norris's land 766 perches to a corner Spanish Oak, then NW by James Shattick's Land 990 perches to a corner Hickory of Skippack, NW 180 to a Spanish Oak by Perkiomen Creek, then down the several courses of the said Creek to River Schuylkill, then down the several courses of the River to the place of beginning. (Phila. Co. Deed Book H-5:108-112.) 2. 1 Dec 1738 Edward Farmer of Whitemarsh, Gent. sold to Thomas Morgan of New Providence , yeoman, 100 of his 203 acres. This land begins at a corner of a Chestnut by Perkiomen Creek and down the same to another Chestnut at a corner of the land granted to Morris Lewis, [part of the 203 acres...Morris was a signer of the 1736 St. James Petition.], then by the same land 110 perches South East, then East 6 and 1/2 Perches to a Black oak, and then by the land of Daniel Flexney to place of beginning. Wit. Peter Robeson and Jno Durborow. Recorded 9 Nov 1753. (Phila. Co. Deed Book H-5:113-115.) 3. 26 May 1746 Thomas Morgan and wife Jennet sold the 100 acres to James Morgan (same metes and bounds as above.) Wit. Henry Pawling, John Edwards, Recorded 9 Nov 1753. Jennet releases land at that time, apparently Thomas has died. Elijah Davis and Rachel Pawling wit. (Phila. Co. Deed Book H-5:116-117.) ![]()
MAP ROTATED 90 Degrees CCW ![]()
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