(Picture of Samuel B. Swavely) DR. SAMUEL B. SWAVELY, residing at the corner of
Chestnut and Washington streets, Pottstown, is a native of Potts Grove township,
Montgomery county, where he was born April 13, 1847. He is the son of Aaron
and Mary (Burdan) Swavely, the father being a native of Berks county and
the mother of Montgomery county. They had five children: four sons and one daughter, of whom Dr.
Samuel B., Levi and John survive. Aaron Swavely (father) was a blacksmith all his
life in Potts Grove township, Boyertown and Pottstown. He went to Pottstown
about 1868, and was engaged in his trade there to the time of his death in
1896, dying on his seventy-third birthday. His wife died in 1900, aged seventy-four
years. The parents of Dr. Swavely were both Lutherans. The father was a soldier
in the war of the Rebellion, belonging to the One Hundred and Seventy-sixth
Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, serving nine months in all. He was for
one term tax collector of the borough of Pottstown. Samuel Swavely (grandfather) was born in Pennsylvania
and was of German descent. His Wife was Rebecca Richards. He died well advanced
in years. His wife survived him some years. They had a family of five sons
and one daughter. Adam Swavely (great-grandfather) was born in Germany. He came
to America and settled in Pike township, Berks county. Samuel Burdan (maternal grandfather) was a native
of New Jersey, and a blacksmith by trade. He belonged to the state militia.
His wife was Miss Overman. He died at upwards of seventy years of age, leaving
a large family. Dr. Samuel Swavely lived in Boyertown until he was
ten years of age and then went to Pike township, residing in that vicinity
until he was twelve or thirteen years of age. He attended the common school
and on February 29, 1864, when he was only sixteen years old, enlisted in
Company B, Fiftieth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Army of the Potomac, and served
until the close of the war. He was in the following actions; battle of the
Wilderness, Ny River, Spottsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor, City Point,
and in front of Petersburg, and assisted in undermining Fort Stedman. He
was present at the time of Lee's surrender at Appomattox, and then went to
Washington, D. C., and thence to Gettysburg, where the regiment took part
in the dedicatory services of the monument on that famous battlefield, and
was mustered out July 30, 1865. At Spottsylvania his trousers were pierced
by a bullet, and his cap while he was on picket duty in front of Petersburg.
Again, in front of Petersburg, the tin cup from which he was drinking was
shot away. He then entered as a student at Kallyenan Academy, and, on leaving
that institution, taught five years in Montgomery county and two years in
Berks county, after which he took up the study of medicine at Jefferson Medical
College, graduating in 1877. He began practicing at Blue Rock, Chester county,
now called Elverson. He remained there until the spring of 1882, when he
went to Pottstown and has practiced there since. On February 11, 1869, he married Miss Mary D. Buck,
daughter of Henry and Annie (Dunn) Buck. They had two children, Cora Alice
and one who died in infancy. Cora Alice married James M. Reigner, of Pottstown.
They have one child, Charles. Mrs. Mary D. Swavely died November 17, 1880
aged thirty years. She Was a member of the Lutheran church. On July 11, 1895, Dr. Swavely married Miss Annie
Elizabeth Smith, of Phoenixville, daughter of Adam and Elizabeth (Swavely)
Smith. Dr. Swavely was confirmed in the Lutheran church. Mrs. Swavely was
raised in the Methodist faith. Dr. Swavely belongs to Madison Lodge, No.
466, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and to Graham Post, No. 196, G. A.
R. Politically he is a Democrat and has been an (Page 413) active and influential worker in the ranks of that
party since 1868. He is a councilman from the fifth ward of Pottstown, serving
his second term. He was president of the school board in West Nantmeal township,
Chester county. In 1902 he made the canvass for county commissioner on the
Democratic ticket, receiving the highest vote polled in the convention, but
was defeated at the election by a small vote. The parents of Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Swavely were
natives of Germany and came to America about 1852. Mrs. Swavely was born
in Phoenixville, where her parents still reside. CHARLES GILBERT HAWKINS, proprietor of the Montgomery
Hotel, and one of the most popular men in Pottstown, was born at Boyertown,
Pennsylvania, June 14, 1870, being the son of Thomas Charles and Sallie W.
(Gilbert) Hawkins. Thomas Charles Hawkins was born in the state of
New York, and was reared near Ogdensburg, that state. He was a traveling
salesman, dying in Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, in 1878. His wife was born
in Berks county, Pennsylvania, and is still living. She and her husband were
members of the Lutheran denomination. They had three children: Charles G.; John, died
at the age of six years; and Elizabeth, died at the age of four years. Sallie
W. (Gilbert) Hawkins married (second husband) C. W. B. Todd, proprietor of
the Merchants' Hotel, at Reading. Isaac Hawkins (grandfather) was a farmer near Ogdensburg,
New York. Elias Gilbert (maternal grandfather) was born in Montgomery county,
and was a blacksmith during the early part of his life. He later became a
hotel proprietor in Berks, Lehigh and Montgomery counties. He conducted the
Merchants' Hotel, Pottstown, for ten years, and died in that borough four
years after withdrawing from the business. His son, Elias Gilbert, is the
present proprietor. Elias Gilbert died in 1899, aged seventy-four years.
He married Rebecca Wartman, a native of Montgomery county, who died in March,
1901, aged sixty-eight years. They belonged to the Lutheran denomination.
Their children were: Sarah; John W., of Reading;
Ellen, wife of N. K. Gery, of Tioga, Philadelphia; Elias K., of Pottstown;
Emma, wife of W. M. Stauffer, of New Holland, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania,
and Howard, of Pottstown. John Gilbert (great-grandfather) was born in Montgomery
county, and spent the greater part of his life on a farm. He was twice married,
first to Miss Yerger, and second to Miss Nickel, his son Elias being the
only child by the first marriage. Charles G. Hawkins spent the early years of his
life in Berks county and in Lehigh county, where he attended the common schools
and obtained his elementary education. He afterwards attended the Perkiomen
Seminary at Pennsburg, and the John Arms Academy at Pottstown. Mr. Hawkins
held his first position with J. Fegely & Son, in their hardware store,
and later became one of the proprietors of the Merchants' Hotel, of Pottstown,
where he remained until 1902. In 1903 he purchased the furniture and good
will of the Montgomery Hotel, of Pottstown, which is located on High street,
and has made it one of the best hotels in Pottstown. Mr. Hawkins has been
a resident of Pottstown for about twenty years, and is one of the best-known
men in the borough. He is a member of the following secret orders: Manatawny
Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 214, and Encampment; Washington Camp, No. 641,
P. O. S. of A.; Junior Mechanics, No. 353, and Fraternal Order of Eagles,
No. 626, of Pottstown. In politics he is an active Democrat, and was tax
receiver in Pottstown for six years. He is a member of the Lutheran church. HARRY A. SHANER, son of George H. and Sarah (Levengood)
Shaner, was born on the farm where he has always lived, on March 6, 1869.
He is one of the most prosperous and careful farmers in Lower Pottsgrove
township, and has won his place in the world entirely through his own efforts. George H. Shaner (father) was born on the same farm
as his son, in Lower Pottsgrove township, and combined with his occupation
of farming his trade of shoemaking, in which he was very skillful. He served
in the Civil war as a private. In politics he was a Democrat, and was a school
director for many years. George Shaner built the house which is now standing
on the Shaner farm. He was a member of the following organizations: the Mechanics,
and the Grand Army of the Republic. George H. Shaner died in September, 1896,
and his wife died in April of the same year. They had three children, one
of whom, Alice, died very young. The other two are: Harry A.; Flora, married
Frank Radel, and lives in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, where he is a
photographer. (Page 414) George Shaner (grandfather) lived upon the present
home of the estate of John E. Krause, in Lower Pottsgrove township. His occupation
was that of a day laborer. He lived to be ninety-four years of age. He married
Mary Hartenstein, and they were both members of the Swamp Lutheran congregation
of New Hanover township. Harry A. Shaner received a very limited education,
using education in its generally accepted sense. But he has educated himself
by persevering in whatever he has undertaken during his life. He was employed
in Pottstown for some years, and then learned the trade of stonemason. He married Laura Wagner, daughter of Martin and
Emma Matilda (Smith) Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner resided at that time and
still reside in Fegleysville, Montgomery county, where he was a farmer, and
is now living retired. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wagner bought the farm where they
still have their home from Mr. and Mrs. Deiter Smith (parents of Mrs. Wagner)
in 1868. The place, which had been used as a hospital during the war and
which had been a burying ground for soldiers, still contains some relics
of the war. Jacob Wagner (grandfather of Mrs. Shaner) was also a farmer near
Fegleysville. Harry A. Shaner followed his trade of a stonemason
until 1806, when he bought his father's farm, and since that time has not
only attended to his farming but has also continued in his former business.
Before removing to his present hone, Mr. Shaner spent some time in Perkiomen
township, being engaged in the milling business. The farm has been greatly improved under his management,
and each year he aims to be in a better position than before. He is a member
of the following organizations: the Knights of the Mystic Chain; the Junior
Mechanics; the Odd Fellows of Pottstown. He and his wife belong to the German
Reformed church of New Hanover township. They have no children. Mrs. Shaner
was born in 1872. JACOB SHADE, a well-known citizen of Royersford,
was born in Upper Providence township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, October
5, 1827. He was reared on the farm, attending subscription schools, but
owing to the need for his services at home, his educational advantages were
comparatively limited. He was the son of Jacob and Mary (Shunk) Shade, both
of Montgomery county. The last named Jacob Shade was the son of another Jacob
Shade, who married a Miss Buck, also of an old Montgomery county family.
Both families were mostly farmers and both are of German descent, but there
have been a half dozen generations in Pennsylvania. Jacob Shade was a member
of the Reformed church. His children were: Henry, Daniel, Jacob (father),
Elizabeth, Christina, and Catharine, who died unmarried; and Margaret (Mrs.
B. Place). Jacob Shade (father), after his marriage, engaged
in farming in Upper Providence township, Later he removed to Limerick, where
he spent one year and then returned to Upper Providence. He again went back
to Limerick, and engaged in farming near the locality where Royersford now
stands. He died in 1829. He was a member of the Reformed church. His wife
survived him, and married Benedict Garber, a blacksmith, who at first located
in Upper Providence township, but in 1834 removed to Limerick, where he worked
at his trade a number of years. In 1848 he retired from active labor and
lived for a tine in Philadelphia, but later went back to Royersford and built
a home, where he died, and his wife died in 1871 or 1872. His children were:
Francis, a blacksmith; and Martha (Mrs. Evan Lewis). (Page 415) Jacob Shade's children were: Abel, who died at the
age of thirty-two; Jeriah, a Reformed minister; Henrietta (Mrs. F. Isett);
Charlotte (Mrs. Peter Cramer), both died in Philadelphia; Daniel, a wheelwright
first and later a physician; and Jacob, mentioned hereinafter, who is the
only member of the family now living. Jacob Shade was only about eighteen months old at
the time of his father's death. His mother cared for him, although others
of the children were scattered, as she married again. Jacob grew up with
his step-father, and learned the trade of blacksmithing, remaining under
the parental roof until the retirement of his step-father, when he married
and continued the blacksmithing business at the shop near Limerick church.
He remained a dozen years, or until 1860, when he removed to a location near
Linfield, conducting business there until the year 1901, when he retired
and settled in Royersford. He bought a handsome residence where he now lives,
enjoying himself as best he can. He still retains the shop and six acres
of land near Linfield. During his early days when he and his step-father
worked together at the blacksmith business, a different state of things prevailed
from that of later times. Honesty and fair dealing were the rule in almost
every community, and all were striving to make an honest, even though it
might not be a luxurious living. Mr. Shade was an active Democrat. He was
well informed upon all subjects of general interest. He took a hand in working
for party success, and was everywhere regarded as an influential citizen.
As the result of his activity in politics, he received the nomination of
his party at one time for recorder of deeds of Montgomery county, but his
party was in the minority that year, and his Republican competitor was elected
to the position. He was only defeated, however, by a small majority. He
served as township auditor and in other minor offices. He was recognized
as an effective campaign worker, who was always willing to do his share towards
securing party successes. In 1851, he married Miss Mary A. Major, who was
born in Limerick township, August 10, 1827;, being a daughter of Jacob and
Mary M. (Schwenk) Major. Jacob Major was the son of John Major, while John's
father was Jacob Major, who came from Wales to this country during colonial
days and settled in Montgomery county, emigrating along with the Evans family
and others who settled in Limerick and adjoining townships. The Majors were
mostly farmers. John Major was a leading Democrat. He filled several township
offices, including constable and tax collector. His children were: Jacob, William, John, George
and Hannah (Mrs. Daniel Miller). Jacob Major was reared in farm pursuits
and learned also the shoemaker's trade. He died in Limerick in 1851. His
wife survived hint seventeen years, dying in 1868. She was the daughter of
Matthias Schwenk, a tailor, who was of German descent, and a member of the
Lutheran church. He had only one child-Mary Magdalene, mother of Mrs. Shade. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Major were: Matthias,
John, Louisa, Mary A. (wife of Jacob Shade), Elizabeth, David Enos and
Catharine. The children of Jacob and Mary A. Shade were: Charlotte
(Mrs. William Saylor), John M., Zephanian, Samuel, a stove mounter, Jacob
A., Catharine (Mrs. Charles Hetrick), who died in 1891, leaving two children:
Mary D. (Mrs. Daniel Shelcup); Harriet, unmarried; Frederick L, who is employed
at the Royersford Water Works; and Charles M., who learned the trade of a
blacksmith, but later engaged in the life insurance business. Of these children,
Jacob A. died when he was twenty-two years of age. SAMUEL M. YERGER, a farmer of Towamencin township,
Montgomery county, was born in Lower Pottsgrove township, October 30, 1859,
his parents. being Abraham and Sarah (Miller) Merger, in whose family were
eleven children Ann Amanda, deceased, Josiah M., Sarah A., Abraham M., Mary
A., Henry J., Jacob M., Samuel M., Milton J., John F. and Daniel. Samuel M. Yerger began his education in the common
schools and continued to pursue his studies there until eighteen years of
age. He lived on a farm until twenty-two years of age, after which he learned
the harness-making trade, serving two years apprenticeship. He worked as
a journeyman for sixteen years, at the end of which time he purchased the
harness shop of his employer, C. S. Stover, of Kulpsville. He also bought
a barber business of the same man, and is now conducting this. In 1898 he
purchased twenty acres of land in Kulpsville, upon which he has since made
his home. (Page 416) Mr. Yerger gives his political allegiance to the
Republican party and has served as judge of elections and is now filling
the office of township assessor. He formerly belonged to the Lutheran church. In 1884 Mr. Yerger was married to Miss Emma C. Jones,
a daughter of B. F. Jones, of Upper Gwynedd, Montgomery county. Unto their
have been born two children: Stanley J. and Le Roy J. (Picture of William W. Davidheiser) WILLIAM W. DAVIDHEISER, treasurer of the Manatawny
Knitting Company, of Pottstown, was born in Amity township, Berks county,
Pennsylvania, May 10, 1851. He is the son of John and Sarah (Weasner) Davidheiser,
both born in Pennsylvania. John Davidheiser (father) was a miller and later
a farmer in Berks county, Pennsylvania, living to the age of sixty-seven
years, seven months, and fourteen days. He died in 1900. His wife died in
1894, aged sixty-three years. Both he and his wife were Lutherans, and in
politics he was a Democrat. They had three children: William W.; Harriet,
wife of Luther Fisher, of Boyertown; and Jacob, of Pottstown. George Davidheiser (grandfather) was also born in
Pennsylvania, and spent the greater part of his life in Berks county. He
died at the age of sixty-seven years, leaving a large family. Jacob Weasner (maternal grandfather) was also a
native of Pennsylvania and lived in Berks county. He died many years ago
at the age of seventy nears. By occupation he was a farmer. He married Mary
Romich and they had six children. The Weasner family is of German origin. William W. Davidheiser was reared on his father's
farm in Berks county and attended the district schools in the vicinity of
his home. He began life on a farm of two hundred and fourteen acres in Amity
township, and remained on this farm, which belongs to the estate, until 1878.
On removing from Amity township, he went to Greshville, and purchased a farm
of two hundred and fourteen acres and seventy acres adjoining. He also owns
this at the present time. He lived at Greshville until 1901, at which time
he went to Pottstown, where he now lives. He owns a beautiful home at the corner of Third
and Johnson streets. He also is the owner of four houses in Boyertown and
he has an interest in the Manatawny Knitting Mills of Pottstown, of which
he is treasurer. January 1, 1877, William W. Davidheiser married
Miss Matilda Bahr, daughter of Jacob and Kate (Bliem) Bahr. They had two
children: Minerva, and one who died in infancy. Minerva married Daniel R.
Swaively and they reside in Amityville. They had three children, two of whom
are now living: Leon and Stella. Mrs. Matilda (Bahr) Davidheiser died in
1880, when she was twenty-six years old. She was a member of the Lutheran
church. November 26, 1882, William W. Davidheiser married
Miss Melinda Moyer, daughter of John and Maria (Moyer) Moyer. Mr. Davidheiser
and wife belong to the Lutheran church at Boyertown. John Davidheiser, son
of William W. and Melinda (Moyer) Davidheiser, married Miss Katie A. Turner,
of Boyertown, Pennsylvania. They have one child, William Warren. John is
a clerk for the Manatawny Knitting Company. The wife of John Davidheiser
is the daughter of William and Kate (Arman) Turner. William Turner was a
hotel-keeper and now lives on a small farm. Mr. Davidheiser is a Democrat in politics and was
a school director in Douglass township, Berks county. He is a stockholder
in the Reading National Bank, and also in the Security Company at Reading,
and in a canning factory at Boyerstown. He is also interested in the stonecrushing
business in Douglas township, Berks county. Mrs. Davidheiser's parents were born in Berks county.
John Moyer was a farmer and died in 1863, at about thirty-six years of age. (Page 417) His wife died in 1890 at the age of fifty-six. They
had six children, as follows: Amanda, wife of Henry Romich of Boyertown;
Melinda, wife of Mr. Davidheiser; William, of Reading; Katie, wife of Henry
Trout, of Pottstown; Augustus, of Boyertown; and Ellen, wife of Jacob
Davidheiser. John Moyer, grandfather of Mrs. Melinda (Moyer)
Davidheiser, was born in Pennsylvania and was a farmer. His wife was Catherine
Dierolf, who lived to be ninety-three years of age. He died well advanced
in years. They had three children. The maternal grandfather of Mrs. Davidheiser, Frederick
Moser, was a native of Pennsylvania. His wife was Dena Weand. He was more
than seventy years of age at the time of his death. She died before him.
They had six children. The father of Frederick Moser was Franz Moser, who
emigrated from Germany and settled in Berks county. CHARLES SIMPSON, although a native of Solebury township,
Bucks county, Pennsylvania, has been for a number of years a resident of
Norristown. He was born Sixth-month 17, 1872, at the homestead purchased
by his grandfather, John Simpson, about 1832. It is located about one and
a half miles from New Hope, and was occupied by Joseph B. Simpson (father)
until Twelfth-month, 1903, when it was purchased by Joseph Rounsaville. He
attended the public schools of the vicinity, and the New Hope high school
for three years. On leaving school, he came to Norristown to learn the woolen
manufacturing business with J. Morton Brown & Co. He remained with the
firm six years in that capacity, and was then promoted into the office of
the Woodstock Mills, and soon became assistant manager of the establishment,
which position he still holds. He is a Republican in politics, and like all
his family a member of the Society of Friends, taking an active interest
in everything relating to its interests. The Simpson family have long been domiciled in Pennsylvania,
their ancestor, John Simpson, having come to America from Ireland about the
year 1730. He was at that time in his eighteenth year, and settled in Abington,
Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. He afterward married Hannah de la Maine,
who was of Drench birth. The couple were married in 1736. Hannah was born
Third-month 14, 1714, and he in 1712. John Simpson died in 1746, in the thirty-fourth
year of his age. His widow, who afterward married Robert Thomson, died Sixth-month
16, 1803, in the ninetieth year of her age. Their children Mary, born Eleventh-month 7, 1737,
married James McMasters. John (great-great-grand-fattier), born Tenth-month
23, 1739, married Ruth Whitson. Hannah, born Third-month 22, 1741, married
David Canthorn. James, born Third-month 19, 1743, married Martha Shoemaker.
Sarah, born Third-month 31, 1746, died young. By the second marriage, Hannah, widow of John Simpson,
had one child, Elizabeth, born Eleventh-month 29, 1748, married William Neely.
Robert Thomson died Eleventh-month 8, 1804, aged eighty-two years. John Simpson (great-great-grandfather) and Ruth
(Whitson) Simpson had five children, as follows: David (great-grandfather),
born Fourth-month 4, 1765, married Agnes Wiggins. Hannah, born fourth-month
20, 1767, married Samuel Shinn. John, born Eighth-month 5, 1769, married
Elizabeth Blackfan. Ruth, born Twelfth-month 21, 1772, married Amos Hillhorn.
James, born Sixth-month 17, 1775, married (first wife) Susannah Satterthwaite,
and (second wife) Ann Balderson. Mary, born Seventh-month 14, 1780, died
young. John Simpson (great-great-grandfather) died Eighth-month
30, 1811, aged seventy-one years, ten months. Ruth Simpson, wife of John
Simpson, died Third-month 21, 1805. John Simpson married (second wife) Anna
Ingham, they being married in 1807. John Simpson was a minister of the Society
of Friends, and traveled extensively in the states of the northeast, and
also in some of the southern states. David Simpson (great-grandfather) married Agnes
Wiggins, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Warner) Wiggins, who was born Fourth-month
16, 1767. They were married Fifth-month 14, 1791, and had six children: Ruth,
born Fourth-month 3, 1795, married William Betts. Sarah, born Tenth-month
13, 1797, married Merrick Reeder. John (grandfather), born Fourth-month 19,
1799, married Letitia Buckman. Rachel born Seventh-month 20, 1802, died unmarried.
Hannah, born Second-month 8, 1804, died unmarried. Agnes, born Eighth-month
6, 1808, died unmarried. Ruth died Third-month 16, 1857. Sarah died Fourth-month
7, 1856. Rachel died Second-month 23, 1828, aged twenty-five years. Hannah
died Twelfth-month 30, 1868, aged sixty-four years. Agnes died Eighth-month
6, 1868, aged sixty years, David Simpson (grandfather) died Sixth-month 5,
1831, aged sixty-six years, two months. His wife, Agnes Simpson, died Third-month
23, 1831, aged sixty-three years, eleven months. (Page 418) John Simpson (grandfather) married, Eleventh-month
15, 1827, Letitia Buckman, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Linton) Buckman,
who was born Third-month 22, 1804. Their children Joseph B. Simpson (father),
born Twelfth-month 4, 1828, married Macre Ann Flowers (first wife) and Sarah
Pickering Eyre (second wife). Benjamin Wiggins, born Second-month 23, 1830,
married Rebecca Satterthwaite. David, born Seventh-month 25, 1833, married
Tacie Satterthwaite. Elizabeth, born Eleventh-month 20,1837, married Amos
Satterthwaite. Agnes, born First-month 5, 1842, harried David Palmer. John
Simpson (grandfather) died First-month 31, 1878, aged nearly seventy-nine.
His wife, Letitia Simpson, died First-month 15, 1882, aged nearly
seventy-eight. Joseph B. Simpson (father) married, Eleventh-month
14, 1861, Nacre Ann Flowers, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Pickering) Flowers,
and they had no children. She died Sixth-month 13, 1865, aged thirty-two
years. Joseph B. Simpson (father) married (second wife), Tenth-month 29,
1868, Sarah P. Eyre, daughter of Preston and Nacre (Pickering) Eyre. They
had three children: Edward, born First-month 8, 1870. Charles, born Sixth-month
17, 1872. (Subject of this sketch). Martha, born Third-month 16, 1875. Charles Simpson married, Tenth-month 24, 1901, Annie
Brooke Hughes, of King of Prussia, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, daughter
of William and S. Emma (Marshall) Hughes. To them a son, Charles Edward,
was born, Sixth-month 25, 1904. Annie B. (Hughes) Simpson, wife of Charles Simpson,
belongs to an old family of Upper Merion township. She is of Welsh descent,
her ancestors all being members of the Society of Friends for several generations.
They are descended from William Hughes (great-great-grandfather) who had
four children: Phoebe, Hannah, married Hance Supplee; Elizabeth, married
William Carver; and Abner (great-grandfather) married Katherine Lehman. Abner
Supplee [sic] [should be Hughes] had four children, as follows: Sara, married
John Owen; Phebe, married Thomas Brown; Mary, married Peter Gamble; William
(grandfather). William Hughes, born 6th mo. 10, 1816, died 4th
mo. 6, 1899, married, 12th mo. 1841, Hannah Maris. Their children: Annie
Elizabeth, born 5th mo. 4, 1843, married Cadwallader H. Brooke, 2d mo. 17,
1865, and had three children, Hannah Hughes, born 12th mo. 11, 1865, died
10th mo. 22, 1898, Elizabeth Adams, born 4th mo. 12, 1872, Athalia W., born
12th mo. 24, 1876, died 4th mo. 17, 1877; Sarah Maris, born 11th mo. 23,
1845, died 8th mo. 19, 1893, unmarried; William, Jr. (father); Rebecca Maris,
born 1st mo. 13, 1855, married, 12th mo. 29, 1881, Francis E. Corson, and
had one child, Helen Rebecca, born 10th mo. 12, 1882, died 4th mo. 5, 1901,
the parents also being both deceased, she dying 1st mo. 16, 1892, aged thirty-seven
years, and he 8th mo. 19, 1894; Frank, born 1st mo. 30, 1857, whose sketch
appears elsewhere in this work. William Hughes (father of Mrs. Charles Simpson)
was born 4th mo. 2, 1848, on the family homestead at King-of-Prussia, and
was educated in the schools of the vicinity, becoming a farmer, which occupation
he still follows. He married, 12th mo. 3, 1877, S. Emma Marshall, of Chester
county, Pennsylvania. They have only one child, Annie Brooke, who married Charles Simpson. They reside in Norristown, and have
one child. (Page 419) The home now occupied by Frank Hughes was a portion
of the land purchased by Abner Hughes, who lived there from early manhood
until his death. The property then went by inheritance to his son William,
who in turn bequeathed it to his son, Frank Hughes. The land owned by Abner
Hughes was partly located in Chester county. He bequeathed to each child
a share of his estate. Thomas Brown now owns that of his mother, Phoebe,
and also his aunt Mary's share, she having left no children. Sarah's share
has been recently sold by the Owen heirs to Dr. Downing, who now occupies
it. The old saw mill, which has been enlarged and improved, stands where
it did in Abner Hughes's time, a hundred years ago. Christian Maris was the first of the family in this
country, they being of German origin. He emigrated to America, and located
on a tract of land near the present site of Phoenixville. One of his sons,
David, married and had several children, one of whom was Hannah Maris, born
7th mo. 30, 1819, wife of William Hughes. She died 10th mo. 27, 1902, at
her home near King-of-Prussia. THE MORTON FARM is a large property of 106 acres,
situated near the south corner of Montgomery township. It fronts the township
line road midway between Steever's mill and the Horsham road. The buildings
are at a considerable distance from the latter highway, with which a lane
connects. The farm lands surrounding are only moderately undulating, and
a rivulet flows eastward to join the Neshaminy. The crossroad on the northwest
is the boundary on that side. The property is now held by an heir of the
Morton family, a non-resident owner, who is Mrs. Matilda Morton Ayars. She
has lately been a Philadelphia school teacher. A tenant has for years been
the farmer. This is an old homestead where there has been a
human habitation since colonial times. Buildings were erected as early as
1761, and probably by Jonathan West. The prior history, of this territory
may be told in a few words. It is the central part of a grant made to Thomas
Potter in 1688, and sold to Mary Channelhouse in 1692. She married John Starkey,
who died poor in 1746. Sheriff Nicholas Scull seized his property in that
year and sold to Joseph Kenderdine, this and the later Wilson farm comprising
216 acres. The boundary of this tract in 1761 was Beginning at post of land
of Rev. Joshua Jones northeast 204 perches; by John Griffith southeast 170
perches; by land in tenure of William Ston on southwest 90? perches; by Isaac
Jones and the Horsham road northwest 180 perches to beginning. Their deed was witnessed by Joseph Kenderdine, Jr.,
and Ezekiel Shoemaker, before Archihald McClean. In 1761 Joseph Kenderdine
divided the tract and sold the latter Morton place to John Hickman, a blacksmith,
for 225 pounds. The same year Hickman sold 104 acres to Jonathan West. This
deed was also signed by his wife Margaret before Samuel Esy and witnessed
by Samuel Murray. There is little known concerning West save that
the first name of his wife Was Ruth, which was a name common among Quaker
women. West held possession for thirteen years, or until 1774, the eve of
the revolution. The improvements that he made were of moderate value, for
he sold the farm that year for 350 pounds to John Harry, comprising 104 acres
with these boundaries: By land of the widow Griffith southeast 172 perches;
by land in tenure of William Stenson southwest; by same and land of John
Hickman northwest 172 perches; by land of Rev. Jones northeast 99 perches
to beginning. The latter named preacher was the pastor of the New Britain
Baptist church for many years. John Harry, who was a Welshman, lived here during
the Revolution and until his death long afterwards, a period of twenty-five
years. During his ownership he put up better buildings. In the assessment
of 1776 he was rated for l00 acres, two horses and three cows. The will of
John Harry was made in 1799, and his executors were Thomas Wilson and John
Harris. (Page 420) The name Harry is synonymous with Harris. This will
directed that the place be sold, but it was seven years before this was done.
He had a son Isaac then living in North Carolina. Mention is made of grandchildren,
Elizabeth, daughter of John Harris, and Samuel, Benjamin, John and Jacob
Harris, sons of Isaac Harris. His executor, John Harris, lived in New Britain,
and the will was written by Amos Griffith of the same township. In 1806 Jacob Maderia bought the farm, but only
held it four years, when in 1810 he sold to Michael Hartman for 478 pounds,
besides paying off a mortgage. Hartman was only a temporary owner, as in
1811 he conveyed to Michael Stoever. The latter bought to keep, and it remained
a Stoever property for a generation. In 1844 Elizabeth Stoever bought it from her husband's
estate, but the next year sold to Reuben McLaughlin, a Philadelphian, for
$4556. McLaughlin was the owner for a long while. He died in August, 1864,
leaving his wife, Mary Ann, his administrator. In 1867 she sold to Charlotte
Morton, wife of Thomas Morton, of Philadelphia, for $9000, and the property
later came into possession of her daughter, Mrs. Matilda Ayars. (Picture of John D. Stout) JOHN D. STOUT. Charles Stout (grandfather) was born
near Jarrettown, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, and was educated there
in the schools of his day. He was a farmer by occupation, and continued in
that business all his life. He was a man of importance in his day, doing
much to promote the welfare of the community in which he lived. He married
Mary Coar, of the same township, and reared a large family of children. One
of them was Seth. Seth Stout (father) was born on the homestead in
January, 1823, and died in 1898. He was educated in the common schools of
that day, and on leaving school engaged in work at the lime kilns at Fort
Washington, which he continued for forty years. He conducted his farming
in connection with this employment in burning little. He married Mary Derr,
who is also now deceased, and was a daughter of John Derr, a farmer of Lehigh
county, Pennsylvania. Mr. Stout was an active Republican in politics,
and held the position of township supervisor for many years. He was a member
of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was a member and a deacon of
the Baptist church for a great many years. The children of Seth and Mary
Stout: Charles, one who died in infancy, and John D. John D. Stout was born on the homestead in Upper
Dublin township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, September 29, 1849. He
was educated in the public schools, of the vicinity, and on leaving school
engaged in farming and trucking, which he has continued ever since, having
at the present time a farm in Hatfield township which he purchased in 1893.
He is an active and earnest Republican in politics, and has held the office
of township assessor. He is a member of the Improved Order of Red Men. He
and his family attend the Methodist church. Mr. Stout is a popular man in
his community, and has the respect and confidence of all who know him. He
married Miss Margaret Lenhart, who was born in Cheltenham township, March
22, 1855. Their marriage took place in 1873. Mrs. Stout is a daughter of
John F. Lenhart, deceased, and his wife, Mrs. Ruth (Addis) Lenhart, who is
living at the age of eighty-three years. The children of Mr. and Mrs. John
D. Stout: Mary V., married Harry, E. Curry; John F., married Leila Bessinger,
and has one child; Seth, died young: Lynford, Charles W., Joseph L., William
F., Seth R., Ralph M., Ruth M. JOSEPH S. GARBER, of the firm of Garber & Rhoads,
brick manufacturers, Pottstown, is a native of that borough, where he was
born January 24, 1853. He is the son of Francis and Sophie (Sellers) Garber.
The parents were also natives of the vicinity. They had a family of ten children,
seven sons and three daughters, three of whom are now living, as follows:
Phoebe, wife of Henry Yohn; Joseph S. Garber, and George W. Garber, of Los
Angeles, California. Francis Garber (father) was a carpenter and car
builder, and was engaged in those occupations the greater portion of his
life. He resided in Pottstown for many years, and was employed (Page 421) for nineteen years by the Philadelphia & Reading
Railway Company. He died in 1866, in Philadelphia, in his fiftieth year.
Mrs. Garber survived her husband many years, dying in 1888, at the age of
sixty-seven years. She, as well as her husband, was a member of the Reformed
church. He was called into the United States military service in the Mexican
war in 1847. He was a Whig and Republican in politics, although taking no
very active share in party contests. Joseph Garber (grandfather) was a native of that
section of Montgomery county, and resided near Mingo. He was a farmer by
occupation. He had four sons and a daughter, and died somewhat past middle
life. The family are of German descent but have been long residents in eastern
Pennsylvania. Ephraim Sellers (maternal grandfather) lived in Sunneytown.
He died young. His children were four in number. Joseph Garber was reared
in Pottstown, and attended the public schools until he was twelve years of
age. His father dying, Joseph began life on his own account, but assisted
his mother in caring for his younger brothers and sisters. His first occupation
was work as a gilder of picture frames in Philadelphia. Returning to Pottstown
he secured employment in the nail factory in 1866, and was engaged in that
occupation for a period of thirty years. In 1890 he embarked in the brick
manufacturing business, which he still continues, and makes as many as a
million bricks in a year, his firm doing a large business in that line. On February 5, 1872, he married Miss Mary A. Semling,
daughter of George and Elizabeth (Mowerer) Semling. Mr. and Mrs. Garber
have six children as follows: Ella, Ida, Annie, Jennie, Harry and Raymond.
Ella married Frank Graham, of Pottstown, and they have two children, Harold
and Marie. Ida married William Newton, of Easton, Pennsylvania. Annie harried
Lester Fisher, of Pottstown. Jennie harried Charles Fisher, and they reside
now in Harrisburg. Harry is a moulder, and Raymond died at the age of seven
years and nine months. Mr. and Mrs. Garber are members of the Trinity Reformed
church of Pottstown. Mr. Garber is a Republican in politics. He built
his present home, No. 422 Lincoln avenue, in 1875. He also owns other business
and residence properties in Pottstown, and is an influential and highly respected
member of the community. ABRAHAM KRIEBEL, son of Abraham Heydrick and Susanna
(Kriebel) Kriebel, was born November 29, 1867, on his father's farm, in Towamencin
township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. He attended the public schools
of his district in the intervals of farm labor until he reached his twenty-first
year, after which he studied for three months at the Pierce Easiness College
in the city of Philadelphia. He married, January 12, 1895, Annie, born February
26, 1870, daughter of Samuel Heydrick and his wife, Mary Kriebel Heydrick. Their children: Susanna, born September 27, 1896;
Elizabeth, born August 9, 1898; Herbert, born November 9, 1900; Miriam, born
October 17, 1903. For two years after his marriage Mr. Kriebel engaged
in farming for Elias Snyder, of Towamencin township, after which he rented
from his father in Gwynedd township the farm on which he now lives, containing
seventy-six acres of land, of which seventy acres is highly improved farm
land, the balance being heavily timbered, principally with oak, the land
mostly high and rolling, well-watered and drained, and in a high state of
cultivation. On account of the numerous springs found upon the place, the
name "Springfield", has been given to the farm by its present owners. Mr.
Kriebel also operates the farm for dairying purposes, having at present over
twenty head of cows of mixed stock, and employing four or five horses in
the cultivation of the land. The property is an ideal farm and Mr. and 'Mrs.
Kriebel, she having also been reared on a farm, are among the best farmers
in Montgomery county. In politics Mr. Kriebel is a Republican, but has
never sought or held office, although always taking care to go to the polls
on election day. His father was among the first voters in the Republican
party in Montgomery county, and cast his ballot for Colonel John C. Fremont
for president in 1856. His grandfather was an old-line Whig. In religious
faith the Kriebels are members of the Schwenkfelder church in Towamencin
township. (Page 422) Abraham H. Kriebel (father), born August 20, 1833,
is the son of Samuel Kriebel, who married a Miss Heydrick. Their children:
Nathaniel; Salome, married Reuben Kriebel, of Lansdale; Jeremiah, born February
19, 1865, married Johanna Heckler, daughter of Frank Heckler; Abraham, subject
of this sketch; Susanna, born December 27, 1870, married Milton Oberholtzer
Landis, son of Isaac Landis, of New Britain township, Bucks county,
Pennsylvania. Samuel Heydrick (Mrs. Kriebel's father) was the son
of George and Maria Heydrick. Maria was the daughter of Abraham and Annie
Bergey (Kriebel). Samuel and Maria Heydrick were married November 11, 1862.
Their children: Daniel, born November 15, 1863,
died in 1890, married Sophia, daughter of Abraham and Christiana (Kriebel)
Rittenhouse, of Gwynedd township, and had children; George, born January
28, 1865, unmarried and lives in West Virginia, where he is a minister in
the Methodist Episcopal church; Susanna, married November 17, 1888, Anthony
Heebner, son of William and Edith (Anders) Heebner, of Gwynedd township,
their children being: William H., born August 21, 1890, died July 11, 1895,
Ivan, born May 12, 1898, Norman B., born May 10, 1902; Mary, born March 23,
1868, married, August 31, 1898, Howard, son of William and Hannah (Schubert)
Schultz, and have one child, Robert, born February 22, 1890; Annie, wife
of Abraham Kriebel; Regina, born January 12, 1872, died August 21, 1897;
Sarah, born in 1874, married, in November, 1893, Howard, son of William and
Hannah (Schubert) Schultz, their children being Russell, born December 9,
1894, Annie, born September 16, 1897; Clarence, born December 31, 1898, Catharine,
born August 31, 1901. FURMAN KEPLER, son of Reuben and Catherine (Wildermuth)
Kepler, was born in Lower Pottsgrove township, December 3, 1858. Reuben Kepler
(father) was the son of John S. Kepler, the latter being a cabinet maker
in early life. He removed to Somerset county, where he died. He followed
the occupation of a farmer, and lived in Lower Pottsgrove township. Furman Kepler attended the schools of the neighborhood
until he had arrived at the age of seventeen years. He then secured a teacher's
certificate, and taught school for six years in Lower Pottsgrove township,
and in New Hanover, the adjoining township. He then engaged in farming upon
the homestead where he now resides. He married Annie J. Fegely, daughter of Solomon
and Lydia (Bickel) Fegely, also of Lower Pottsgrove, where the parents were
engaged in farming. Mr. Fegely was a Democrat in politics, and both he and
his wife were members of the Lutheran denomination. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Kepler
have one child, Walter Emerson, unmarried, and residing with his parents.
He is a graduate of the Hill school at Pottstown and at present is a student
at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Kepler purchased the farm on which he resides
in the spring of 1894. He has made many improvements upon it, making additions
to the buildings, and greatly increasing the fertility of the land by judicious
fertilizing. Mr. Kepler is an influential man in his neighborhood,
and has filled the position of school director for about eighteen years.
He is a prominent member of the Patriotic Order of Sons of America, and also
of the junior Order of United American Mechanics, of the Royal Arcanum, and
of other organizations of the kind. In religious faith he is a Lutheran. A copper mine has recently been located on the property
owned by Mr. Kepler, and great expectations are being entertained as to the
value of its products. (Page 423) ELMER E. SAYLOR, an active business man of Pottstown,
is a descendant of an old family in Montgomery county. He was born in Lower
Pottsgrove township, May 9, 1861. Educated in the public schools of the neighborhood,
he gained also a knowledge of farming. He is the son of Adam F. and Hannah
(Hetzel) Saylor, He a native of Wittenburg, Germany, and she of New Jersey.
Adam Saylor's father came to America with his family and settled in Pennsylvania.
His children: J. C., who located in Chester county;
Marsit (Mrs. J. Miller); Margaret (Mrs. Shimerrer); Adam F. (father). The
family were Lutherans, and were prominent in the community in which they
lived. Adam Saylor (father) was twelve years of age when
the family came to America. He grew to manhood in Montgomery county. When
a mere boy he commenced driving mules on the canal, and later secured a boat
of his own, naming it the "J. C. Saylor". He followed boating for many years,
being successful in that occupation, and thus obtaining a fair start in life.
He then married and engaged in farming, which calling he pursued until he
secured the appointment of steward of the Montgomery County Home, continuing
in this position seven years, after which he retired from active pursuits,
and removed to Pottstown, where he resided the remainder of his life. He
died July 3, 1898. Mr. Saylor was a Republican in politics, and used his
influence in behalf of the success of the party and its candidates for office.
During the rebellion he served as enrolling officer. He also filled the position
of road supervisor in his township for several years, and held other minor
offices. He was much respected in the community in which he lived, and his
integrity was above question. His wife died November 27, 1901. Her brothers
were John, and W. F., who was a captain in the Union army during the rebellion.
The parents were Lutherans in religious faith. The children of Adam F. are: John C., a prominent
farmer in Pottsgrove; Catharine (Mrs. Ebert); Adam F., Jr., William H., B.
F., Elmer E. (subject of this sketch); Rachel M. (Mrs. Stunner B. Frick);
Lizzie (Mrs. John W. Stauffer); Harry C. Elmer E. Saylor remained with his parents until
he was seventeen years of age, when he took a position as a clerk in the
store of J. & H. K. Boyer, at Boyertown, Berks county. Having been thus
employed for two years, he accepted a similar situation with the firm of
L. & W. C. Beecher, of Pottstown. Later he went to Royersford, and became
a clerk for Jones Rogers, remaining with him for five years, and then, in
1885, he married, and soon afterwards engaged in the grocery business for
himself, in which he has been very successful and continues to the present
time. Mr. Saylor is a Republican in politics, although
not an aspirant for public position. He served at one time in Royersford
as borough auditor. He is a Lutheran in religious faith, and has been a member
of the church council of that denomination in Royersford for three years. Mr. Saylor married in 1885 Miss Annie E. Munshower,
a native of Chester county, where she was born January 28, 1862, being the
daughter of Henry and Mary Munshower. Mrs. Saylor's father was a prominent
merchant of Royersford, but was cut off by death in the prime of life, passing
away at the age of fifty-two years. His widow has since married Jacob Elliott, a blacksmith
of Spring City, by whom she has three children; Joseph, Minnie and Hattie.
Minnie married George Davis, and, he dying, she married (second husband)
John Rich. Hattie is the wife of John Greiner. There was but one child by the first marriage, Miss Annie E.
Munshower, who became the wife of Elmer E. Saylor. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Saylor: Eula, born
March 17, 1886; Lizzie M., born 1887; Frank H., born in January, 1890. Mrs.
Saylor died April 29, 1903. She was a member of the Lutheran church. GEORGE McMAHON is a successful business than of
Bethayres, where he is engaged in the blacksmith business. He is a son of
Thomas and Mary McMahon, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work. He was born on the homestead farm in Abington township,
April 22, 1873. He acquired an education in the public schools of the township,
and on leaving school entered upon the work which he has followed through
life. He learned his trade under the instruction of John Barrett, of Bethayres,
being employed with him as a journeyman for a year after completing his apprenticeship.
Since 1895 he has been engaged in business for himself
at Bethayres, and by industry and strict attention to the needs of his patrons,
he has built up a profitable business. (Page 424) Mr. McMahon married, at Newtown, Pennsylvania, April
24, 1901, Joie F. Morris, daughter of James and Julia (Hennessy) Morris.
They have one daughter, Helen, born June 26, 1902. Mr. McMahon is a member
of the Knights of Columbus, Santa Maria Council, Germantown, and also of
the Masters' Horseshoeing Association. In politics he is a Democrat, taking
an active interest in the success of the organization to which he belongs.
He and his family are communicants of the Roman Catholic church in Jenkintown. (Picture of Frank Lester Smith) FRANK LESTER SMITH, for many years prominent in
municipal management in Norristown, is descended from an old family of Friends
who settled in colonial days in Delaware county, this state. His ancestors
were mostly farmers, although his maternal grandfather, Dr. Joseph Blackfan,
was a well-known physician of Radnor, who in his day had a very extensive
practice. Joseph C. Smith (father) was born in Easttown township,
Chester county, in i816, where he followed farming until i874, when the family
removed to Norristown. He lived retired until 1890, when he died in the seventy-fourth
year of his age. He married Mary, daughter of Dr. Joseph Blackfan, whose
wife was a member of the Evans family, also of Radnor. She died over twenty
years ago. Dr. Joseph Blackfan had seven children. John Smith (grandfather) was a native of Easttown
township and a farmer by occupation. He lived near where Devon now stands.
His family were all members of the Society of Friends. His children, Joseph
C. (father), John, Sarah, Hattie, Jane, and Charlotte, are all now deceased. Frank L. Smith was born February 13, 1856, in Easttown
township. He was educated at the Easttown schools and in Norristown, attending
the high school but not graduating therefrom. On leaving school Mr. Smith
went into the wholesale hardware house of Buehler, Bonbright Company, in
which occupation he remained for six years. He then went into the grocery
business in Norristown, locating at DeKalb and Jacoby streets, Norristown,
in which occupation he remained about four years. He then engaged in an extensive
building operation at Devon, erecting water works and other improvements
and a large number of houses. During a portion of this time he was engaged
in the real-estate business in Philadelphia. A need existing in Norristown for an abattoir, Mr.
Smith, in conjunction, with John T. Dyer, John Metzer and others, organized
the Merchant Ice Company, erecting extensive buildings for the manufacture
of ice, the plate method being in use at the establishment, for slaughter
houses and for carrying on the coal business. A charter was secured for the
company with John T. Dyer as president and Mr. Smith as treasurer. The combination,
from a business standpoint, has been very fortunate, the surplus ice, left
after the delivery of many thousand tons annually to customers at wholesale
and retail, being used for refrigerating purposes in connection with the
slaughtering of cattle, sheep, hogs, etc. A large part of the meat consumed
in Norristown and adjacent territory is the output of this establishment,
of which Mr. Smith is the leading spirit, giving close attention to the business
and making it a complete success, financially and otherwise. The plant includes, as a matter of course, ample
provision for cold storage. Mr. Smith is also treasurer of the Montgomery
Real Estate Company, formed several years ago, intended to operate in Norristown
real estate. He is also a director in the Peerless Paper Company, of Philadelphia,
an extensive establishment. Mr. Smith was appointed by Governor Stone, in 1897,
a trustee of the Norristown Hospital for the Insane, and he has been for
several years treasurer of the board of trustees of that institution, a position
which previously had always been filled by a Philadelphia trustee. It is, however, in connection with municipal (Page 425) improvements in the borough of Norristown, his home
since 1874, that Mr. Smith has especially distinguished himself. From the
time he came of age, he took an active part in politics, being an earnest
Republican, as was his father, and doing everything in his power to promote
the success of the principles and policy of that organization. He is serving
his seventh term in the town council, having been its honored president for
several years, and filled many important committee positions and other appointments
therein. His membership in the town council, of twenty-one years, far exceeds
the tenure of any other member of that body, and no one else has served so
long a time continuously since the organization of the borough of Norristown,
in 1812. Although a comparatively young man, Mr. Smith in
thus the father of the town council and he fulfills this designation in more
ways than one, having suggested or advocated every prominent measure before
that body in the past twenty years. Recognizing the necessity of getting
out of the old ruts and having municipal management in the county seat of
Montgomery become more progressive, he commenced to advocate very early in
his career as councilman the adoption of such measures as will place Norristown
in the first rank of cities of the state with reference to street, sewer
and other improvements. It required some years to impress upon the older
and more conservative element in the town council the importance of progressive
methods of proceeding. Mr. Smith was the author and earnest advocate of
the first borough loan for street and sewer improvement. After the measure
was adopted by the town council, the proposal to increase the indebtedness
of the borough by two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for these purposes,
was submitted to the voters of Norristown and adopted by a large majority
of them. The money was expended in paving and severing about eighty squares,
vitrified brick being largely used, Main street and other leading thoroughfares
being permanently paved with that material. The value of these improvements
to Norristown real-estate owners can scarcely be estimated. Having been the author of the project, Mr. Smith
took a prominent part in the expenditure of the money, always insisting that
the work should be done in the best possible manner. A few years later, in
1902, another loan of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars was suggested
by Mr. Smith and kindred spirits in the town council. This proposition, on
being submitted to the voters of Norristown, was overwhelmingly adopted like
the other. This loan was expended largely in putting down the Warren bituminous,
waterproof pavement, which has, up to the present time, given excellent satisfaction;
there being about fifty squares permanently paved in this way in Norristown. It is not only in the matter of street improvement
that Mr. Smith has taken an active part during his membership in the town
council. He has uniformly favored the grant of the streets to trolley companies
and otherwise aided in making Norristown one of the most enterprising and
progressive cities of the state, affording a very desirable location for
those from other sections of Montgomery and of Pennsylvania who are looking
for a desirable place of residence. Mr. Smith has taken an active interest
in the fire department, the police department and other branches of the city
government. He was prominently interested in the borough legislation which
led to the erection of the municipal building, the City Hall, which occupies
the site of the old borough market on DeKalb street, from Airy to Marshall.
No member of the town Council of Norristown has ever made such an impess
on the municipal legislation of the place as Mr. Smith, and no one is entitled
to greater credit for the creation of a new Norristown, in place of the overgrown
village of former times. In private life, as in public duty, Mr. Smith is
a model of what every citizen should be. He is genial and affable in his
deportment, practical and business-like in action, earnestly devoted to the
interests of his town and county. In politics he is a born leader, and probably
no one else has clone so much as he to make Norristown so strongly Republican
that, at the recent elections, every district was carried by candidates by
that party, and the party majority has frequently exceeded a thousand. He
belongs to the Masonic fraternity. While he is one of the busiest citizens
of Norristown, he finds time for recreation, and is one who thoroughly enjoys
life in all its phases. An acknowledged leader in borough, county and state
politics, Mr. Smith finds time for the proper performance of every duty as
a man, a citizen, and one who gives faithful attention to every business
interest. (Page 426) Mr. Smith married Miss Cora D., daughter of Benjamin
F. and Rachel D. Hagey. They have one son, Frank Lester, born August 13,
1899. They live in a substantial residence on Powell street, in the Sixth
ward of Norristown. HENRY Y. WISE, of No. 33 East Third street, Pottstown,
is a native of Earl, Earl township, Berks county, Pennsylvania, where he
was born May 19, 1839. He is the son of Samuel and Catharine (Yergey) Wise,
both natives of Berks county. Their family included thirteen children, six
sons and seven daughters, eleven of whom are now living: Henry Y., Urias,
John, Ephraim, William, Harris, Mary Ann, widow of Henry Eagle; Ann Amanda,
wife of Amos Rhodalmer; Leah, widow of John Houck; Catharine, wife of Jonathan
Acker; Sophia, wife of Ephraim Hatfield. Samuel Wise (father) was a teamster and farther
in early life, but later engaged in farming, which occupation he followed
all his life. He died at the age of seventy-two years. His wife survived
him several years, and died at the age of seventy-nine years. In religious
faith both of them were Lutherans, he being a deacon. In politics Mr. Wise was a Democrat, although he
never sought or held office, being content to deposit his ballot on election
day. John Wise (grandfather) was a native of Pennsylvania,
and, as the name indicates, was of German descent. He was a tailor by occupation.
He spent most of his life in Berks county. His wife was Barbara (Rhoads)
Wise. He died upwards of eighty years of age, leaving a large family. Henry
Yergey (maternal grandfather) was also a native of Berks county. He was a
carpet weaver by trade. Removing to Montgomery county, he spent the last
few years of his life in Pottstown, and died there at an advanced age. He
had several sons and daughters. Henry Y. Wise, subject of this sketch, came
to Montgomery county with his parents when he was little more than two rears
of age. He lived on the farm until the scarcity of volunteers made the first
draft necessary during the war for the suppression of the rebellion. Mr. Wise then enlisted in the One Hundred and Seventy-fifth
Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and served nine months. He was
engaged in a number of skirmishes but in no important battle. He was a private
in the ranks. On returning from the army Mr. Wise returned his old occupation
of working on the home farm, thus continuing for two years. At the expiration
of that time he entered the employ of J. Fegely & Co., remaining there
for five years. He was engaged in the lumber department. He then secured
employment in the planing mill of J. Mengel Fisher, and was thus engaged
for a period of twenty-four years. Of recent years Mr. Wise has held a position
with the Keystone Agricultural Works Company. On May 26, 1866, Mr. Wise married Mary A. Davidheiser,
daughter of Henry and Sarah (Reigner) Davidheiser, also of Pottstown. The
couple have one son, Howard D. Wise, who married Miss Jennie Cavanaugh. They
have two children, Mary and Annie. Mr. and Mrs. Wise are members of the Emanuel
Lutheran church of Pottstown. In politics he is a Democrat, although not
particularly active in party matters. PARKER JENKINS is a native of Hatfield township,
Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, where he was born at the old homestead near
Colmar, June 15, 1847. He was educated in the public schools, and then devoted
his attention to farming as an occupation. He was appointed station agent
at Colmar by the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, a position which
he has filled since 1876. He has served as postmaster at Colmar since 1876,
with the exception of four years during President Cleveland's second term.
When the Republican administration of Mr. McKinley was inducted into power,
Mr. Jenkins again received the appointment, and he still holds it. He is
an earnest and active Republican in politics, and one of the workers in the
county for party success. He is a charter member of Lansdale Tribe, Improved
Order of Red Men, and a member of the secret society known as the True Blues. (Page 427) Mr. Jenkins married, in 1875, Miss Catherine Dungan,
daughter of Martin and Caroline Dungan, farmers, of Hatfield township. She
died January 16, 1901. He is descended from members of the Society of Friends.
Charles Todd Jenkins (father) was born April 13, 1812, on the tract of land
now owned by Heebner's Agricultural Works at Lansdale, which tract of land
at that time formed part of the Jenkins homestead. He was reared in the regulation
fashion in those days, working on the farm in summer and autumn, and attending
school through the winter when there was no outdoor work to be done. He devoted
time to study at home, in which he was assisted by his father, John Jenkins.
At the age of eighteen years he commenced teaching school, and taught three
winter terms, and afterwards for three full years in succession. In the
spring of 1840 he engaged in farming, butchering, and dealing in country
produce for the Philadelphia market, which he continued for a period of forty
years. In the meantime the North Pennsylvania Railroad was built, and a station
located at Colmar. He established there a depot for coal, flour and
feed, which he operated for fourteen years, when he retired and engaged in
farming, which he followed until he died. His wife was Sarah, daughter of
George and Esther Lukens, of Towamencin township. She was the mother of the following children: George
L.; Anna, died in childhood; Ella, married Oliver M. Evans, of Lansdale;
Comly L. Parker, subject of this sketch; Naomi; J. P. Hale, a leading lawyer
of Norristown, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work; Valeria, married
George Chapin, of Philadelphia. The ancestor of the Jenkins family in this
county (Montgomery) and adjoining counties was Jenkin Jenkin, who came from
Wales, and settled in the vicinity in which so many of the name still reside.
He had a son and grandson, both named John. The last-named was the father
of Charles Todd Jenkins. Charles Todd Jenkins and Sarah Lukens were married March 26,
1840. She is also deceased. SAMUEL STETTLE BRANT, the son of Washington R. and
Sarah (Stettle) Brant, was born September 3, 1866, in Limerick township,
Montgomery county. Washington R. Brant( father) was a miller for many
years, also engaged in the produce business. He now resides on a farm in
Limerick township, his farm adjoining that oŁ his son, Samuel S. Brant, which
is in Lower Pottsgrove township. He is a Democrat, and has been a school
director for many years. Samuel Brant (grandfather) resided on the farm now
occupied by his son Washington in Limerick township, which, however, Washington
Brant has rebuilt, putting a handsome ]ionic on the place. Samuel Brant died
many years ago, and is buried in Limerick township. His wife was Salome (Rahn)
Brant and died several years later than her. husband. She is also buried
in Limerick township. Washington R. Brant (father) had eight children,
two of whom, Mary and Rebecca, died very, young. The living are: Frank, married
Helen Longacre of Pottstown, and they reside in Philadelphia, where he is
superintendent of circulation of the "Worth American" newspaper; Samuel S.;
Annie, unmarried and resides with her parents; Erwin, married Lizzie Geist,
of Pottstown, and resides in Reading, Pennsylvania, he is engaged in the
produce business, and is president of the Pasturized Milk Company of Reading;
Emma Catharine, unmarried and resides at home; Newton Cleveland, assists
his father on the farm. Samuel S. Brant attended school until he was eighteen
years of age. He worked on his father's farm until he was twenty-five years
of age, except one year spent in work on other farms. He married Miss Ella
Rahn, daughter of H. G. and Sarah Rahn, of Lower Pottsgrove. Mr. And Mrs.
Samuel Stettle Brant have two children Louis Bickel and Sarah Rahn Brant. (Page 428) Mr. Brant is a Democrat in politics. he started
to farm for himself seven years ago, and now enjoys the reputation of being
one of the most prosperous farmers in the neighborhood. He is a member of
the Royal Arcanum, and of the P. O. S. of A. of Pottstown. H. G. Rahn, father of Mrs. Brant, is a farmer in Lower
Pottsgrove township, and has been a lifelong resident of the township. (Picture of Horace B. Righter) HORACE B. RIGHTER. The Righter family is of German
origin, tracing the American ancestry to one of three brothers, who, with
two sisters, came to Philadelphia. One of them located in Lower Merion township,
settling on Mill creek, where he owned a grist mill. He was John, great-great-grandfather
of Horace B. Righter. The Righters were Friends, the two sisters being preachers
in the Society. John Righter had a family of children, including
Anthony Righter (great-grandfather). Anthony was a millwright by trade, residing
in early life in Lower Merion, but living later in Whitemarsh township, on
the property purchased by his son John. Anthony Righter married Catharine Taylor, the couple
having nine children: John, Morris T., Isaac, Joseph, Anthony, Richard, Mary
(Pontzler), Catharine and Elizabeth (Nuss). He died at the age of eighty-nine
years. John Righter (grandfather), was a native of Lower
Merion, being a farmer and later engaged, near Spring Mill, in burning lithe,
hauling much of it to Philadelphia. After the construction of the canal large
quantities were shipped in that way, three hundred thousand bushels in one
year. Later he retired from the lime business, and became a successful farmer
at Spring Mill, originally a Democrat, he became a Republican, was interested
in the Underground Railroad and was generally active in neighborhood affairs.
He died in 186o, aged eighty-three years, his remains being interred in
Barren Hill cemetery. His wife was Elizabeth Le Gaux, and their children
were: Peter L., Isaac (died young), Joseph, Anthony P., John A., Charles
C., Lindley V., George W., and Lucressa R. Mrs. Righter died in 1867, in
the seventieth year of her age. Peter Le Gaux (maternal great-grandfather), a native
of France, came from the province of Lorraine to America in 1785. He was
an attorney-at-law, having been admitted at Matz in his twentieth year, and
at the supreme tribunal, Nantes, in 1768. He was a member of the Masonic order, a member
and correspondent of several academies of science and arts in Europe and
America, a meteorologist and a lean of considerable literary ability. In
many respects Peter Le Gaux was a very remarkable character. He died at Spring
Mill, September 27, 1827. John A. Righter (father), was born at Spring Mill,
September 16, 1821. Hr attended neighborhood schools until seventeen years
of age, remaining with his father until 1847. Having married in 1845, he
engaged in mercantile business until the war of the Rebellion, becoming interested
in the meantime in soapstone quarries in Lower Merion, which he operated
for twelve years. Selling the farm and quarries to Howard Wood and
Clement Griscom, he lived a retired life from 1876 to his death in 1900.
Mr. Righter was a director in the "Tradesmen's National Bank, in Conshohocken
An ardent Republican, he was poor director for three years, and for many
years a school director in Whitemarsh. He was a member of Charity Lodge,
Free and Accepted Masons, of Norristown. Mr. Righter was married, December
11, 1845, to Rebecco Kirkner, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Kirkner, of
Barren Hill. They had four children: Daniel, Horace H., Joseph
K., and Kate, now Mrs. Michael K. Wood, of Conshohocken, whose sons are Frank
A. and John R. Wood, the last named being cashier in the Tradesmen's Bank
of Conshohocken. Horace B. Righter was born February 2, 1856, at
Spring Mill. He attended the neighborhood schools, was a student in Professor
John Loche's boarding school at Norristown and in a private school in Philadelphia.
He became a remarkably fine penman. When seventeen years (Page 429) of age he went to Altoona, Pennsylvania, to learn
the machinist's trade but remained only six months and after his return clerked
for D. O. & H. S. Hitner for fourteen years. He then entered the employ
of the railroad company, at Conshohocken, and two years were thus passed
after which he assisted his father in the recorder's office as clerk for
fifteen years. He was then elected to that office in 1899 and served for
one term. He is active and prominent in local political circles and served
as a member of the county committee for several rears and has been a delegate
to the county conventions of the Republican party. He is a Mason and belongs
to the same chapter in which his father held membership. Of kindly, genial
disposition he has made many friends in the various public positions he has
filled. On the 12th of December, 1900 Mr. Righter married Miss Lettie Lentz, of Spring Hill,
daughter of George W. and L. S. (Funk) Lentz. Her father, who was proprietor
of a hotel, was born in Whitemarsh township and died April 19, 1901. Mr.
and Mrs. Lentz had two children, Lettie and Daniel H. Mr. and Mrs. Righter
have a daughter, Florence A., born December 3, 1901, and they reside at No.
903 West Marshall street, Norristown. PETER S. RAPP, the descendant of an old Montgomery
county family, was born in East Pikeland township, Chester county, July 5,
1846. He was reared on a farm, receiving a common school education, supplemented
by one year's study in a private school. His parents were Joseph H. and Margueretta
Supplee Rapp, both of East Pikeland township, Chester county. Later in life
they removed to Phoenixville, where both died, she September 8, 1883, at
the age of seventy-two years and eight months, he March 24, 1884, at the
age of eighty-one years. Joseph H. Rapp (father) was born and reared in Chester
county on a farm. He learned the trade of wheelwright and conducted a shop
on his farm. He was a skillful and successful farmer and mechanic. He served
as a school director and took a great interest in educational matters, although
he never aspired to notoriety, political or otherwise. He was a member of
the Baptist church, in which he was a deacon for many years. His wife, Margueretta
Supplee, was born in Schuylkill township, Chester county, and was the daughter
of Peter and Hannah (Eastburn) Supplee. Their children were: Benjamin F.,
a blacksmith and farmer; Joseph E., a retired farmer; George W., who is a
farmer and also manages a rolling mill; Silas, died while fighting in the
Civil war; Elija [Eliza] J. (Mrs. Townsend) (deceased) had one child; and
Peter S. Rapp. Barnet Rapp (grandfather) emigrated from Germany
and settled in Chester county, where he became a prominent farmer. He served
as road supervisor, in which position he gave excellent satisfaction. He
was a church member, and was highly respected in the community in which he
lived. His children were: Joseph H. (father); John, Benjamin, Elizabeth (Mrs.
Trainer); Mary (Mrs. Bain); John and Benjamin, who died unmarried. Peter Supplee (maternal grandfather) was born in
Montgomery county, and was the son of Peter Supplee. His father died before
he (Peter, Jr.) was born, in 1855. Peter Supplee (great-grandfather) was
the son of Peter Supplee (great-great-grandfather), who served in the Revolutionary
army and died at Valley Forge. He is buried in Bethel cemetery, Norriton,
and the Supplee descendants will unveil a monument to his memory in November,
1904. He volunteered as a private in his company, September 12, 1777, and
died January 24, 1778. He was the son of Hance Supplee (great-great-great-grandfather)
and his wife Mary DeHaven. Hance Supplee's father was Andrew Supplis, whose
wife was Ann Stackhouse, and Andrew Supplis (great-great-great-great-grandfather)
was the son of Andrew Supplis, a native of France. He was a Huguenot and
was driven from his native country by religious wars. He remained for a time
in Germany where he married, and then came to America in 1689 [sic] [should
be 1684.]. His descendants are very numerous, but the name was changed by
Hance (great-great-great-grandfather) to Supplee, as it is now written. [Archivist note: The information on the Peter Supplees
is not correct. There were only two Peter Supplees as ancestors of Peter
S. Rapp. Grandfather, Peter Supplee, Jr. born 1778-1859; great-grandfather
Peter Supplee, 1745-1778. Peter Supplee, Sr, 1745 was son of Hance Supplee,
1714-1770.] (Page 430) Peter Supplee (maternal grandfather) was a prominent
farmer in Chester county, and held the office of justice of the peace for
many years. He was a leading member of the Baptist church. His children were: Samuel, Susan (Mrs. N. Roland);
Margueretta (Mrs. Rapp); Hannah (Mrs. John Ruse); Ann [sic, s/b Abigail]
Eliza (Mrs. W. R. Kennedy), who resides at No. 907 West Marshall street,
Norristown; Horatio, the father of Peter S. Rapp's wife; Rachel, died unmarried;
Cadwalader; Benjamin; Silas and Peter. Horatio Supplee was born in Chester county, where
he was a prominent farmer, postmaster and useful citizen. He filled several
township offices, but was never a politician. He died in Chester county in
1876, at the age of sixty-eight years. He was a member of the Presbyterian
church. His wife Elizabeth Kennedy was born in Montgomery county, the daughter
of Alexander Kennedy, a native of Ireland. Alexander Kennedy was a farmer
and made and sold lime near Fort Kennedy, which was named for him. He died
at the Kennedy homestead near Fort Kennedy. Alexander Kennedy's children were: William, John,
Robinson, Alexander, Jane (Mrs. Barker); Margaret (Mrs. William Easton);
Elizabeth (Mrs. Supplee, the mother of Mrs. Peter S. Rapp). Horatio and Elizabeth
(Kennedy) Supplee had the following children: Margaret (Mrs. John Cobert);
Peter, a farmer; Rachel (Mrs. John Supplee); William; Hannah (Mrs. L. Freshcolm);
Horatio; Francis, died young; Esther, the wife of Peter S. Rapp. Peter S. Rapp began to learn the trade of carpenter
when he was eighteen years of age, and followed it for sixteen years. In
1873 he married, and after making several changes he finally settled where
he has lived ever since. He has made many changes in the farm, which is well
improved and is near the market. He has given all of his attention to his
family, and is widely known. The office of school director was presented
to him, and he has filled it for a number of years. He is one of the most
careful and successful farmers in Montgomery county, and the land is in a
high state of cultivation. Mr. Rapp has children as follows: Leonard T., a
farmer on the homestead; Leah, who is attending school in Chicago; Frank
E., who resides with his parents; Charles Leon, who is at school. DAVID E. WOOD, of Conshohocken, is one of the oldest
surviving members of this branch of the Wood family in Montgomery county.
He was born in Philadelphia, April 22, 1804, and is the son of Israel and
Rachel (Davis) Wood. His father, Israel Wood, was born in Plymouth township,
Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, about 1780, and was reared to manhood in
that vicinity. His educational training was obtained in the schools of his
native township, among them being the old Sandy Hill school, at the old school
house in that vicinity, which had a wide reputation in those days. Mr. Wood,
upon taking up the practical duties of life, engaged in farming, and was
also extensively interested in operating lime kilns, sending large quantities
of lime to leading builders and contractors in Philadelphia. Among his patrons
were the well known philanthropist, Stephen Girard, James Ferror, and other
prominent builders of Philadelphia in those days. Mr. Wood was a remarkable man in many respects.
He was a patriotic citizen, and had a high appreciation of what belongs to
American citizenship. During the time of General Lafayette's visit to the
United States in 1824, Mr. Wood was desirous of meeting and shaking him by
the hand. He set out on foot for Philadelphia, his own horses and teams being
engaged, and, not being able to obtain a horse or means of conveyance elsewhere,
walked the entire distance. After greeting and shaking hands with the distinguished
Frenchman, he returned as he had gone, on foot, considerably fatigued by
his day's travel. Soon after Mr. Wood was taken sick, and after a brief illness
died in 1824. By his marriage with Rachel Davis, he had nine children,
as follows: James, born in May, 1808, who married Eliza Still, daughter of
Henry Still, of Whitpain township, Pennsylvania; John Davis, born in January,
1810, and died February 22, 1846, married Emeline Yetter, of Plymouth township;
Joseph D., born in August, 1812, and died in June, 1900, married Margaret
Clay, of Whitemarsh township; David E., subject of this sketch; Francis D.,
born in 1816, married Ann Sorber, of Whitemarsh; Elizabeth D., born July
2, 1818, married Henry G. Hart, of Plymouth; Hilary, born in 1820, who was
twice married, his first wife dying at an early age; Hannah, born in 1822,
married Charles Ferris, of Philadelphia; Ferran, born in 1824, married. (Page 431) Upon the death of Israel Wood, the father of the
family, his widow married Baltis Hoffman. There were three children by this
marriage: Isabella, who married; Evaline, died at the age of twenty-two years;
and one who died in childhood. The mother, Rachel Davis Hoffman, died in
Norristown, in her ninety-third year. David E. Wood obtained his elementary training in
the schools of the neighborhood in which his parents resided. He was for
some time under the tuition of Alan W. Corson and Benjamin Conrad, both celebrated
teachers in their day. He remained under the parental roof until he was sixteen
years of age, when he entered on the practical duties of life. His first
employment was in a general store at Plymouth Meeting, where he remained
until he reached the age of twenty-one years. He was then employed for two
rears in a mercantile establishment in Norristown. He then engaged in the
storekeeping business on his own account at Hickorytown, in Plymouth township.
In 1836 he disposed of his store and removed to
Morristown, where he again engaged in mercantile business, locating at the
corner of Main and DeKalb streets, where he was associated with Dr. William
Corson, who had an interest in the business. In 1839 Mr. Wood erected the building and store
rooms on the southeast corner of Main and Swede streets, now the Stapler
drug store. In 1842 he disposed of his interests in Norristown, and opened
a dry goods store at the corner of Sixth and Spring Garden streets, in Philadelphia,
in partnership with John M. Keim, of Reading, Pennsylvania. After being in
business for two years he disposed of his interests in that enterprise and
engaged in the wholesale dry goods trade, opening a store on Third street,
above Arch, where he remained for some time, when he removed to No. 228 Market
street, Philadelphia, where he conducted a successful business, being for
some time the buyer for William Warnock, at that time one of the most successful
merchants of Philadelphia. In 1861 Mr. Wood retired from commercial pursuits
and removed to Limerick township, in Montgomery county, where he purchased
a large tract of land on which he developed a copper mine. In 1867 Mr. Wood sold the property and removed with
his family to Chesterfield county, Virginia, where he engaged in agricultural
pursuits, residing there until 1890. He then removed to Gloucester county,
New Jersey. In 1893 he removed to Conshohocken, where he has since resided.
Mr. Wood is one of Conshohocken's most venerable citizens, and is held in
high esteem by all who know him. David E. Wood was married at the home of the bride's
parents, Norristown, on February 20, 1838, to Mary Freedley, born October
27, 1818, daughter of Jacob and Susan (Jacoby) Freedley, the family being
of German lineage. They had four children as follows: John Freedley, born
March 20, 1840, who obtained his preliminary educational training at the
Pottstown Academy, and at Nazareth Hall, a Moravian school at Nazareth, Pennsylvania,
whence he entered Tuft's College, in Massachusetts, and upon leaving college
entered the law office of Isaac Hazlehurst, in Philadelphia, where he read
law for some time, and in 1861 enlisted in the Fifty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania
Volunteers, serving throughout the war for the Union, participating in more
than fifty battles and skirmishes, and being several times promoted for gallant
and meritorious services, and having been commissioned as captain at the
time of his death, which occurred in November, 1865, he having been chief
ordnance officer of the Department of Virginia. David Irving, born December
6, 1841, enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-first Regiment Pennsylvania
Volunteers, and served creditably throughout the war; was honorably discharged
in 1865, and returning home, married Lillie Rogers, of New Castle, Delaware,
having one child, Lillie R. Wood, who married Stanley Eilenberger, of New
Jersey; they have one daughter, Marie Eilenberger. Mary S., born December
23, 1844, married David W. Harry, of Conshohocken, they having two children,
David W., Jr., born August 21, 1873, who was a machinist on the United States
steamship "Brooklyn" during the naval battle at Santiago de Cuba, and now
chief machinist on the United States steamship "Vicksburg," in the Asiatic
Squadron, and Benjamin Rees, born February 10, 1879, residing with his
parents. (Page 432) Mary (Freedley) Wood died June 10, 1892. She was
a faithful wife and mother, and a consistent member of St. John's Episcopal
church, Norristown. (Picture of Henry W. Kratz) HON. HENRY W. KRATZ, ex-member of the house of representatives
of Pennsylvania, son of Valentine and Mary (Weikel) Kratz, was born in
Perkiomen township, Montgomery county, July 31, 1834. His name indicates
his German origin. The family is one of the most numerous in the upper end
of Montgomery and among its members are included some of the worthiest and
most respected citizens of the county. Valentine Kratz came from Germany and settled at
an early day in what was then Philadelphia and is now Montgomery county.
Here his son Valentine was born, reared and died. Valentine the younger had
a son, Isaac Kratz (grandfather). Isaac Kratz, a farmer, removed from Perkiomen township
to Upper Providence, where he died at the age of eighty-one years. In religion
he was a Mennonite. He married Catherine Hunsicker by whom he had eight children:
Valentine, William, Isaac, Rebecca Godshall, Catherine Rittenhouse, Mary
Bean, Elizabeth Young, and Ann Cassel. Valentine Kratz (father) was born
October 10, 1810, in Perkiomen township, and died at Trappe, in 1891. He
was a shoemaker by trade, conducting a shop at Trappe for many years, but
in after life becoming a farmer. He was a Republican and a member of the
Reformed church. He married Mary Weikel, daughter of Henry Weikel, who survived
her husband a number of years, dying in 1901 in her ninety-first year. Valentine and Mary Kratz had five children: Henry
W.; Catherine, who was born March 6, 183;, and died September 7, 1841; Sarah,
who was born May 3, 1840, and died August 24, 1841; Dora, who was born September
27, and died March 16, 1845, and Elizabeth, born April 2, 1846, and died
February 8, 1859. Henry W. Kratz, at six years of age, was taken by
his parents to Trappe, in Upper Providence township, where he resided until
1889, when he removed to Norristown. He attended the common schools and then
entered the Washington Hall Collegiate Institute, receiving an English and
partly classical education. His first employment was teaching, which he followed
for eighteen years in his own and adjoining townships. Mr. Kratz took up
the study of surveying and conveyancing, about 1870, in which he has been
more or less engaged ever since, combining with it the business of real estate
and insurance since his removal to Norristown. His political career dates back to 1862, he serving
for the next twenty years as justice of the peace and in other official positions.
He was transcribing and message clerk of the senate of Pennsylvania at the
session of 1866-7. In 1882 he was elected to the office of recorder
of deeds, for which his long experience in conveyancing and kindred pursuits
peculiarly fitted him. He served three years in that position but was not
a candidate for re-election. In 1894 Mr. Kratz was elected a member of the
house of representatives at Harrisburg, which position he filled in a highly
creditable manner, rendering valuable services to his constituents, and maintaining
a dignified and honorable attitude among his associates in the work of legislation.
Thoroughly conscientious and solicitous rather that he should perform his
duty faithfully than that he should secure his own promotion, he was a model
lawmaker. He has since had strong support among (Page 433) Republicans for another term at Harrisburg, either as a member of the house of
representatives or as senator, but he has never seen his way clear to yield to such
solicitation and become an applicant for further political honors at the hands of his
party. Mr. Kratz's conservative views of business and financial undertakings have caused
his counsel to be sought in such enterprises, and he has been actively interested in
several of them. He was one of the organizers of the National Bank of Schwenksville, and
a member of its board of directors from 1874 to 1891. In the latter year he was elected
its president, a position for which he has shown peculiar fitness and which he still
holds. He has served as manager in different insurance, bridge and turnpike companies,
is treasurer of the Times Publishing Company at Norristown, and was a member of the
state board of agriculture from 1887 to 1893. Since 1868 he has been officially
connected with the board of trustees of Ursinus College of which he has served as
president since 1873. He enlisted with the emergency men in 1863. On May 26, 1857, Mr. Kratz married Myra Bean, daughter of William Bean, and their
children are: Mary T., wife of Augustus W. Bomberger, an attorney and assistant cashier
in the United States mint at Philadelphia, by whom she has had six living children-
Helen, Julia, Margaret, Mary, John and Robert, and one deceased, Walter; Kate B., wife
of Horace T. Royer and the mother of six children, J. Donald, Harry K. Jacob G., Lewis,
Isabella and Catherine; Harry E., who occupies a position in the office of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Philadelphia, and married Mary Royer, by whom he has
five children, Harold R., Lawrence T., Jerold B., Ellen and Robert F.; and Irwin B. and
Jane, both deceased. Mrs. Kratz died October 17, 1888, aged sixty years, and on February 17, 1892, Mr.
Kratz wedded Emily Todd, of Philadelphia, who was born October 20, 1835. She is the
daughter of Hon. John Todd, who was a native and resident of Montgomery county, and of
Scotch descent. He was born in Upper Providence township, May 25, 1779, and died July 2,
1862. He served as sheriff for two terms and as member of the legislature for one term.
His other children were: Dr. John, of Pottstown; Dr. Samuel, of Boyertown; Brooke, a
resident of Reading; William, a resident of Norristown; and Christiana Royer, whose
husband, the late Horace Royer, was a state senator in 1866 and 1867, Both Mr. and Mrs.
Todd are deceased. Henry W. Kratz is a member of the St. Luke's Reformed church, of which he has been
a trustee for fifteen years, and of whose choir he was the leader for many years. He is
a member of the Warren Lodge, No. 310, Free and Accepted Masons: Norristown Chapter, No.
190, Royal Arch Masons; and Hutchinson Commandery, No. 32, Knights Templar. He is also a prominent member of the Montgomery County Historical Society. He
served for two terms as chairman of the Republican county committee. THE McFARLAND FAMILY. For more than half a century the McFarland family have been
identified with the manufacturing interests of Montgomery county, and to them especially
have the people of Gulf Mills looked for employment during all these fifty and more
years. The family are of Scotch descent, and the first one of the name to settle in
America emigrated to Pennsylvania about 1730. Dr. James McFarland, the first of the family of whom anything definite is known,
was reared near Norristown, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. On arriving at the proper
age he entered the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated with the degree
of Doctor of Medicine, and for many years followed his profession at Morgantown, Berks
county, Pennsylvania. To him were born four sons, named as follows: 1. John, deceased,
who made his home in Northampton county, Pennsylvania. 2. Arthur, who resided in
Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, also deceased. 3. James B., deceased, who was a resident
of Philadelphia, and a member of the well known mercantile firm of Potts, Reynolds &
Company, afterwards McFarland, Tatman & Company. 4. George, born in Morgantown above
named, March 20, 1811. He lived with his uncle Stephen Porter (a nephew of General Andrew
Porter), who resided in Norriton township, near Norristown, and obtained such education
as could be obtained at the public schools of that day and generation. Arrived at the
age when it was deemed best for him to begin life on his own account, he entered the
woolen mills of Mr. Bethel Moore, the first woolen mill in Pennsylvania, (the mills
located where Conshohocken Woolen Company Mills are now) to learn the trade of
manufacturing woolen cloth. He next went to Easton, Pennsylvania, to serve as
superintendent in a slate quarry owned by another uncle, Hon. James M. Porter of
Northampton county, Pennsylvania. (Page 434) During his stay in Northampton county he taught school for several years, and then
returned to Gulf Mills and began the manufacture of woolen goods, and at that time laid
the foundation for his subsequent successful business career. As a result of the hard
times caused by the panic of 1837, Mr. McFarland, like thousands of the best and richest
business men of that day, met with business reverses, but overcame them in time, and
about 1847 purchased a mill which he rebuilt and operated successfully until 1859. In February of that year his mill was destroyed by fire, and the machinery, much of
which had been imported not long before, was destroyed. This calamity, although a serious
one, as the loss was treat, did not discourage Mr. McFarland, as he was not the kind of a
man to give way to misfortune, and he soon had the mill rebuilt and equipped even better
than before, and in the mill then built he gained a wide reputation as a manufacturer of
woolen goods, a reputation which enabled him to secure contracts during the Civil War
from the general government to manufacture cloth from which clothing was made for the
Union soldiers. In 1875 Mr. McFarland associated with himself as partners his son Elbridge and Mr.
Frank L. Jones, under the firm name of George McFarland & Co., and it so remained
until his death, which occurred January 7, 1879. On the 25th day of November, 1849, he was joined in marriage to Miss Mary Cornog,
of Gulf Mills, and their union was blessed with four sons, named as follows: George
Chilton, died in infancy: Elbridge, James Arthur, and John. Mr. McFarland's wealth and ability naturally made him a man of influence in the
county, and he was called upon to fill many positions of honor and trust, among them
were the following: justice of the peace, school director, director of the Matson's
Bridge Company, and director in the First National Lank of Norristown. He died after an
illness of but a few days from paralysis, and his remains are interred in the Gulf
church cemetery. After the death of Mr. McFarland in 1870, the firm became composed of his three
sons and. Mr. Frank L. Jones, still retaining the firm name of George McFarland &
Co., and remained so until 1895, when it was incorporated under the name of George
McFarland Company, and has so continued until the present time (1903). Since 1879 new additions have been made to the mills, new machinery and fixtures
taking the place of the old, making it in every way an up-to-date mill which employs
from 120 to 140 people. At the present time cassimeres are the principal goods
manufactured, although other goods can be made as the demands of trade may require. Elbridge McFarland was born May 4, 1853, on a farm his father owned near
King-of-Prussia, in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. The first rudiments of his
education were obtained at the public schools, supplemented by a course of stud- at the
Treemount Seminary for Boy's, taught by Professor John Loch. After completing his
studies at the seminary he entered the Polytechnic College in Philadelphia, from which
he graduated as civil engineer in 1872. After graduating he followed his profession in
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, for a short time, and then returning to the Gulf entered the
mill and office of his father. After the death of the latter in 1879 he, with Mr. Jones before named, assumed the
active management of the mill, and still continues in that capacity, being president of
the company by which it is now operated. In politics he is a Republican, as was his father, but of the independent class, a
position he and his brothers can well assume as they are not office seekers. As a man of
affairs Mr. McFarland stands high in his locality, and holds various positions of trust.
For years he has been a director in the First National blank of Conshohocken, and its
president since 1900. He has also been a director in the Bryn Mawr Trust Company since
its organization, and is treasurer of the Conshohocken Woolen Company. (Page 435) On the 9th day of October, 1900, he was joined in marriage to Miss Martha, daughter
of Edwin and Annie (Yerkes) Conrad, who was born September 29, 1868. After his marriage
purchased a fine residence on DeKalb street in Norristown, where he now resides. James Arthur McFarland was born on the McFarland homestead at Gulf Mills, March 10,
1857, and grew to manhood thereon. he attended the public schools in his young boyhood,
and later was sent to Mount Pleasant Academy at Boyertown, Mucks count, Pennsylvania.
After his return from the Academy he was given charge of the home farm for a time, after
which he engaged in the agricultural implement business and trade at the Gulf, and under
his control this line of business has assumed large proportions, and to its management
Mr. McFarland devotes more hours hard labor every day of the week than most men would be
willing to undertake. To such an extent is his time devoted to the line he is so well
adapted to handle, that he has no time and less inclination to seek political honor and
preferment. He has, however, devoted considerable attention in the last few years to
educational matters, and is now serving his school director of Upper Merion township. April 22, 1880, J. Arthur McFarland was united in marriage to Miss Anna H.,
daughter of Matthias and Eliza (Rambo) Walker, who was born January 11, 1860. Their children are Mary C., born May 23, 1881: Eliza W., born October 21, 1882;
Emma I. Merritt, born December 15, 1884: George Matthias, born March 18, 1889, died
December 20, 1889. John, the youngest of George McFarland's sons, was born at Gulf Mills, on the 14th
day of February, 1859, and has resided there, save the clays spent in school, until the
present time. Like his brothers, he attended the public schools until of in age to
acquire the higher branches when he also became a pupil at Treemount Seminary,
Norristown, under the tutelage of Professor John U. Loch. His attendance at the seminary
ended, he went to Boyertown, and at the Mount Pleasant Academy completed his education.
His school days ended, he returned to Gulf Mills and entered his father's mills, to
which he has since devoted his time and energy. he, too, is a Republican, and is as
independent politically as his brothers. He is treasurer of the George McFarland
Company, and also a director of the First National bank of Norristown. JACOB L. HALLOWELL, a well known farmer of Cheltenham, is the son of Abel S. and
Tacy (Livezey) Hallowell. He was born in Abington township, Montgomery county,
Pennsylvania, April 8, 1839. Abel S. Hallowell (father) was a son of George and Sarah Hallowell, both natives of
Abington township, where they spent their entire lives. Their children: Elizabeth, who
married the late William Harper; Mary, deceased; Sarah, who married the late Abraham
Chilcott, of Jenkintown: Susan, married Charles Lefferts, deceased; Jacob L., subject of
this sketch; Isabella, wife of George Evans; Tacy, married Henry Warner, who is now
deceased; Georgianna, married J. Thomson Robert;, both now deceased; Abel S., Jr. John
Thomson Roberts left five children. Jacob L. Hallowell was educated in the public schools of Abington township, and in
Abington Friends' School. He has been engaged in agricultural pursuits throughout his
life. For the past thirteen years he has been a resident of Cheltenham township. On July
29, 1861, shortly after the breaking out of the rebellion, he became infected with the
patriotic war spirit and enlisted in the Cameron Dragoons, an organization which later
became the fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry. He served throughout the year as second
Lieutenant, until December 23, 1862, when he resigned on account of disability. Mr.
Hallowell is a member of Ellis Post, No. 6, Grand Army of the Republic, of Germantown;
of Peace and Love Lode, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Jenkintown; and also of
Jenkintown Lodge, No. 476, Knights of Pythias. (Page 436) Mr. Hallowell married, at Frankford, in Philadelphia county, Pennsylvania, July 12,
1865, Rebecca R., born March 11, 1845, daughter of Richard and Catherine (Thomson)
Roberts. They have two sons: Richard R., born November 27, 1866, and William L., born
April 19, 1870, married Margaret Rollins, and has one daughter, Rebecca R. Hallowell,
born august 28, 1903. Richard Roberts, father of Mrs. Hallowell, belonged to an old
family. He was born 4th mo. 19, 1812, and died 12th mo. 27, 1891. The children of Richard and Catherine (Thomson) Roberts were: 1. Charles, who
married Hannah Chandler, and they have a daughter Eva. 2. J. Thomson, deceased, married
Georgeanna Hallowell, and their children were: George Franklin, who married Mark Jones,
and has two children; Helen and John T. Roberts; Catharine, who married Joseph
Shoemaker, and has three children: Nellie R. Leshe and Charles O. Shoemaker; Susan L.,
who married Charles Obnecht, and has three children: Franklin R., John and Alice
Catharine Obnecht; Abel H., who married Etta Cuckle, and has one son, Linford C.
Roberts; William, deceased. 3. Benjamin Franklin, who died in infancy. 4. Rebecca R.,
who married Jacob L. Hallowell, the subject of this sketch. 5. Jane T., deceased, who
married Abel Hallowell, and has one child, Theodore H., born June 2, 1883. Richard Roberts, grandfather of Mrs. Hallowell, was the youngest child of Thomas,
Jr., and Letitia Roberts, of Quakertown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. He married first,
Tacy Shoemaker, daughter of George and Martha Shoemaker, of Cheltenham, and after her
death married, second wife, 9th mo. 10, 1804, Rebecca Jones, born 6th mo. 18, 1777; died
8th mo. 19, 1825. Richard and Rebecca (Jones) Roberts had ten children, from whom have
sprung a very large family connection, mostly resident in the lower section of
Montgomery county, especially numerous in the townships of Abington and Cheltenham. By the first marriage, Richard Roberts had three children. Thomas Roberts, Jr., was
the son of Thomas and Alice Roberts, early settlers at Richland (now, Quakertown), Bucks
county, Pennsylvania. (For further particulars of the Roberts and allied families, the
reader is referred to Ellwood Roberts' "Old Richland Families," a work which exhausts
the subject). The Roberts families as well as the Hallowells were all members of the
Society of Friends, and have become connected by intermarriage with many of the
prominent families of Eastern Pennsylvania.
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