(page 127 cont.) S. POWELL CHILDS. There are few older or more prominent families in Montgomery
county, Pennsylvania, than that bearing the name of Childs, and S. Powell Childs, now
deceased, was one of its most worthy representatives. He was a descendant in the sixth
generation of Henry Child, who resided in Colds Hill, in the parish of Rinderham,
Hertford county, England. The family were members of the Society of Friends, and Henry
Child was eminent as a writer and speaker among them. He was on close terms of
acquaintance with William Penn, from whom he purchased five hundred acres of land for
which he paid ten pounds sterling; the purchase was made on January 20, 1687, and the
land was then located in Plumstead, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. Henry Child was the
father of several children and, in 1693, he accompanied his young son Cephas to America.
Cephas Child was placed with a family in Philadelphia, where he learned the carpenter
trade, and his father returned to England, but subsequently crossed the ocean again and
finally settled in Anne Arundel county, Maryland, and in 1715 he gave the above
mentioned land to his son Cephas. Cephas Child was married to Mary Atkinson, of Philadelphia, in 1716, and at once
settled on the land bequeathed to him by his father, which was located in Bucks county,
Pennsylvania. They were the parents of nine children, the sixth of whom was named Henry.
He was born on the homestead in Bucks county, January 1, 1725. He married Mary Shoemaker,
of Gwynedd Monthly Meeting, August 3, 1750, and their children were Sarah, John Isaac,
George and Thomas. John Isaac Child, grandfather of S. Powell Childs, was born April 3, 1755, in
Plumstead, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, from which place his father removed with his
family to Cheltenham, Montgomery county, same state, in 1776. On June 5, 1777, John I.
Child was married to Mary Phipps, daughter of Peter Phipps, of Abington, and twelve
children were the issue of this union, eight of whom attained years of manhood and
womanhood, their names being as follows: Mary, Peter, Sarah, Tames, Tacy, Elizabeth,
John and Margaret. Peter Child, father of S. Powell Childs, was born in Cheltenham township,
Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, in 1780. He married Sarah Rogers, by whom he had
several children, all deceased. Sarah was the widow of Charles Shoemaker, late of
Whitpain township, whom she married in the year 1840. (page 128) The second wife of Peter Childs was Rosanna Lee, nee Kerckbaurn, of Lower Merion,
Pennsylvania. One child was born of this union, S. Powell Childs. S. Powell Childs was born June 7, 1832, in Plymouth township, Montgomery county,
Pennsylvania, on the farm upon which he resided until his death. It was then the
property of Samuel Powell, his maternal granduncle. The farm was then rented and
occupied by Peter Child and his family, who afterwards purchased it. Samuel Powell
(granduncle) was a widower and childless, and he made his home with the Childs family,
being cared for by Mrs. Childs, his niece, until his death in April, 1844. S. Powell Childs was named in honor of his uncle, who bequeathed to him a handsome
legacy, and when he became old enough he was the almost constant companion of Mr.
Powell. S. Powell Childs attended school regularly from the age of six to eleven years,
after which he worked until his fifteenth year on the farm during the summer months, and
attended school during the winter months, and the knowledge thus gained was supplemented
by one term in the private academy of Samuel Aaron, at Norristown, Pennsylvania. At this
time he was an earnest and thoughtful reader, and the books from which he derived a vast
amount of knowledge were obtained from the Whitpain library and other sources. After the
death of his father, in 1844, his time and effort were needed in assisting his mother in
the management of the farm, and in marketing the products in the city of Philadelphia.
Upon attaining his majority, in 1853, he purchased his father's estate of sixty acres
and the old homestead, to which he added twenty-five acres a few years later, and he
greatly improved this property by the erection of new and commodious buildings, and by a
skillful system of husbandry. In politics Mr. Childs was a Republican, having been one of the local founders and
an active member of that party, but he never desired or sought office, although he
served in various capacities. He held for a term the office of assistant internal
revenue assessor, and in 1876 he was tendered and accepted the nomination for state
senator, and although he received all the votes of his party, which was then in the
minority, he was defeated. He always manifested a great interest in educational matters,
was instrumental in the inane improvements in the public schools, was one of the early
advocates for a township high school, and later had the satisfaction of assisting in the
organization of one. In 1856 he was elected a school director, and was the incumbent of the office for a
number of years, during which time he served as secretary of the board. His nomination
for office has always been on the minority ticket, yet he has always been elected by a
large majority. He contributed liberally of his time and money to the establishment of
the corporation known as the Plymouth Valley Creamery Company, and for a number of years
was a member of the Montgomery County Agricultural Society, a portion of which time he
served as manager and vice-president. For a long period of time he was a reporter of statistics for the state board of
agriculture of Pennsylvania, chief reporter for Montgomery county, and at the same time
filled a similar position for the United States board of agriculture. In matters of
local interest and improvement Mr. Childs evinced a deep concern, and he materially
aided every worthy enterprise. He was a member of the board of managers of the
Montgomery County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and he aided largely in having the
company extend the principles of insurance to damage done by storm as well as by fire.
He was an advocate of good roads, and prior to his death enjoyed the privilege of seeing
the principal roads of Plymouth township macadamized, and also the running of trolley
cars on the principal roads of the township. In every position in which he was placed he
was a progressive, liberal and public-spirited citizen, who could be depended upon to
support every worthy object. He was active in the organization of Cold Point Grange, No. 606, Patrons of
Husbandry, in October, 1875, and was elected its first master, to which position he was
re-elected several times, and during this time it became the banner Grange of the state.
He was also treasurer of this Grange. For several terms he held the position of master of
the Montgomery County Pomona Grange, being treasurer of the same, and he also held
membership in the Pennsylvania Grange, serving as a member of the executive committee.
His father and all his paternal ancestors, both male and female, for five generations,
were members of the Society of Friends. His mother was not a Friend by birthright, but
was reared in that faith. She resided with her son and his family until her death,
February 20, 1888, at the advanced age of ninety-two years. (page 129) On February 9, 1854, Mr. Childs married Mary A. Schlater, a daughter of William and
Sarah Schlater, of Plymouth township, who died January 21, 1855. On February 24, 1859,
Mr. Childs married Malinda Freas, born September 17, 1837, a daughter of George and
Margaret Freas, of Plymouth township, and a descendant of the Rev. Thomas Dungan or
Dungannon, an Irish refugee, who fled from religious persecution in his own country to
America, settling in Providence, Rhode Island, where he became a disciple of Roger
Williams; in 1684 he came from Providence to the colony of Penn, locating in Bucks
county, where he was the first Baptist minister, and his death occurred there in the
year 1688. The children of S. Powell and Malinda (Freas) Childs are: 1. Horace G., born June
7, 1860, who was killed by lightning on June 6, 1883. 2. Mary B., born June 13, 1862. 3.
Sherman, born August 1, 1864, died August 7, 1866. 4. Sarah S., born September 20, 1868,
a teacher in the public schools of Norristown. 5. George Freas, born August 6, 1870,
mentioned hereinafter. 6. Ella F., born June 17, 1872, died November 19, 1880. 7.
Elizabeth H., born January 27, 1875. S. Powell Childs, father of these children, died
May 7, 1890, in the home where he was born, and where he resided during his entire
lifetime. His widow and children reside in Norristown, Pennsylvania. George Freas Childs, only surviving son of the late S. Powell Childs and his wife
Malinda H. (Freas) Childs, was born on the homestead in Plymouth township, Montgomery
county, Pennsylvania, August 6, 1870. He attended the public schools of the township,
Treemount Seminary, Norristown, which was under the competent preceptorship of Dr. John
W. Loch, and the Norristown high school. During his vacations he assisted with the
manifold duties of the farm, and upon the completion of his studies he was engaged in
farm duties for a year. He then pursued a course at the Pierce Business College,
Philadelphia, after which he secured a position with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
at Philadelphia, and later was transferred to the auditing department of the same
corporation, at Pittsburg. In 1898 he was transferred from Pittsburg to the Philadelphia
office of the same company, where he has since been located. Since his return from
Pittsburg, Mr. Childs has resided in Norristown. He is a Republican in his political
views, but takes no active part in politics outside of casting his vote for the
candidates of his party. Mr. Childs married, August 11, 1897, Sarah Yeakle, daughter of
Samuel Hudson and Rebecca Pollis (Burke) Yeakle, of Bucks county, Pennsylvania. They
have one child, Charles Raymond, born May 19, 1900. (Picture of David Newport) DAVID NEWPORT, for many years a minister in the Society of Friends, is the son of
Jesse W. and Elizabeth (Ellison) Newport. He was born December 18, 1822, in the city of
Philadelphia. He is a retired farmer, living at Willow Grove, in Abington township,
Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. David Newport is a descendant of Thomas Newport, who settled in New Jersey about
1698, coming from London, England. The manner of his becoming a Friend is something
remarkable. The people of his neighborhood were in the habit of meeting at his house for
social worship, and as he had an excellent voice he occasionally sang to them. On one
occasion, instead of singing, he felt it his duty to speak to them, and thus he became
their minister. Becoming acquainted with Friends and their principles, and finding them
similar to their own, he and his people connected themselves with the Society. (Page 130) Thomas Newport married Elizabeth Lockwood, and became the father of two
children-Jesse and Mary. The family removed and lived near Duck Creek, Delaware, Mary
going to Philadelphia, where she conducted a profitable business, and left to
Philadelphia Meeting the fund now in its possession. Jesse was the father of ten children- Thomas, Aaron, David, Jesse, Benjamin,
Richard, Elizabeth, Lydia, Mary and Sarah. In 1786 Jesse removed to Oxford township, and
thus they became members of Abington Monthly Meeting. In 1794 Jesse, with seven of his
children, removed to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where the seven children were
said to have become the parents of seventy children, an average of ten each, all of whom
lived to manhood and womanhood. The Newports were noted for conscientiousness and fidelity to known duty. Jesse,
son of Thomas, during the Revolutionary War, purchased nothing but iron and salt aside
from the productions of the farm, he being opposed to war, and unwilling to pay taxes
for the support of the army, just as some of his descendants a century later were
unwilling to buy any of the products of slave labor and thus lend support to an unjust
system. In reference to his ancestors David Newport says, in his "Eudemon," page 512: "It
is said to be difficult to name the eight different great-grandparents of an individual.
The following are mine: Jesse Newport and Mary Long; Thomas Wood and Sarah Yerkes; John
Barker and Elizabeth Rodman; John Ellison (3d) and Elizabeth Doughty. The
great-grandparents of my wife, Susan S. Newport, were: William Satterthwaite and
Pleasant Mead; William Claypoole and Elizabeth Hall; Samuel Griscom and Rebecca James;
Giles Knight and Elizabeth James. "Jesse Newport was the son of Thomas Newport, of London, the immigrant. Thomas
Wood, who was a soldier under Washington, was a grandson of Thomas Wood. He died in
1795, in his ninety-fourth year. He was a minister of Abington Meeting for forty-five
years. He married Martha Lloyd, 10th-mo. 24, 1713. Elizabeth Rodman was the fifth in
descent from John Rodman, the immigrant. Her father, Thomas, married Elizabeth Pearson,
who as is supposed was son of the Thomas Pearson who came over in the "Welcome," with
William Penn. John Ellison married Hannah Boyd, a granddaughter of Griffith ap Griffith,
who was the lineal descendant of Llewellyn ap Griffith, who was the last Prince of Wales,
so the family record says. The Satterthwaites, my wife's family, have a record from
Clement Satterthwaite, the father of William, who married Agnes Brathwaite. They were
the parents of William, who settled in Bucks county. He was born in 1709. His son
William married May, the granddaughter of Giles Knight, who came over in the ship
"Welcome" with William Penn. William Claypoole was the grandson of the immigrant, James
Claypoole, the friend of William Penn, William Claypoole's son John married Elizabeth,
daughter of Samuel Griscom. She was the distinguished Betsy Ross, who died in 1836, in
her eighty-fifth year. My wife remembers her well. James Claypoole's brother John
married Elizabeth, daughter of Oliver Cromwell. Among my ancestors who have been largely members of the Society of Friends since
George Fox's time, several of them were called to the ministry of the word, among the
most notable of whom was John Rodman (2d) of New York, of whom mention is made in the
discipline of New York Yearly Meeting, on page 4. The records of the Society of Friends
at Flushing, Long Island, contain the following note of his death John Rodman, an
eminent doctor, did abundance of good in that practice, and was also a worthy minister
of the gospel in this town about forty years, a man beloved by all sorts of people,
lived to a good old age, about seventy-eight years, died the 10th of 7th month, 1731.
His wife Mary survived him and died in 1748, aged eighty-five years. The account adds:
They had twelve children. David Newport's mother Elizabeth was a greatly favored minister in the Society of
Friends for forty-three years, passing away from this state in her seventy-sixth year.
His brother Ellison, and his sister, Martha Travilla, were (Page 131) both acknowledged ministers amongst Friends. David Newport was not seventeen years old when he went to the country to learn the
practical duties of a farmer. He attended a Friends' school in Philadelphia, and later
was sent to the Friends' school at Alexandria, Virginia. Early in life he became deeply
interested in moral questions and in politics, especially in the slavery question, then
assuming great prominence owing to the attitude of southern slaveholders in forcing it
upon the country. Being born a Friend he inherited hatred of oppression in every form,
and was an enthusiastic advocate of freedom. He was one of seven voters of Moreland
township who in 1848 cast their ballots for Martin VanBuren, the Free-Soil nominee for
president. He acquired also a literary taste, and contributed articles to the Norristown
papers, the "Herald," "Free Press" and "Republican." After the war began and the new system of internal revenue was framed by Congress,
President Lincoln appointed him collector for the congressional district composed of the
counties of Montgomery and Lehigh, with his office in the court house at Norristown. He
chose Samuel Homer and Howard M. Jenkins as his deputies, and during the four years he
held the position, from 1862 to 1866, about two and a half millions of dollars passed
through his hands in the shape of direct tax. He fulfilled all his duties with fidelity
and strict integrity, attending carefully to business, and rendering a complete account
of the transactions which was never questioned by the authorities at Washington. David Newport has also achieved considerable fame as an author. He published a
volume of poems, and a volume entitled "Indices, Historical and Rational." Within a few
years he has published another volume, "Eudemon, Spiritual and Rational: the Apology of
a Preacher for Preaching." His book of poems is called "The Pleasures of Home." The
volume contains a poem which attracted wide attention at the time it was published,
during the great national crisis of 1864, and which for this reason is here
reproduced (page 132) It is as a preacher, however, that David Newport is best known, the solemnity and
impressiveness of his communications causing them to attract attention from members of
all denominations. Although somewhat mystical at times, he clearly understands the
fundamental principles of the Society for which he speaks, and his thoughts and
impressions are uttered in no uncertain tone. He does not lack that most important
characteristic of a preacher, inspiration, and he has a wealth of illustration that
makes his sermons interesting to his auditors. He has a valuable gift in the ministry,
his general intelligence aiding greatly in making his remarks acceptable to his hearers.
In addition to this, his consistent life still further strengthens his public utterances.
Few men have obtained more rational enjoyment from life than he, squaring his conduct as
he does by the golden rule, and endeavoring to live in his daily life the truths taught
by the principles of the Society of Friends. His earnestness in all that he does and
says gives to his words and his actions an influence that is permanent in its character.
He has been a preacher since 1871. David Newport was for a number of years connected with the firm of William C.
Newport & Co. as a manufacturer of phosphates for agricultural purposes at Willow
Grove. The last few years he has, however, lived retired, the firm having been dissolved
by the death of his son a number of years ago. The son left a widow and several children.
David Newport married, April 8, 1847, Susan Satterthwaite. Their only living child is
Emma N., wife of Canby Tyson. Mrs. Newport's grandmother, Betsy Ross, as already
explained, had the honor of making the first American flag. JOHN G. GILBERT, deceased, former hotel proprietor of
Pottstown, was a native of that borough. He was born January 8, 1864, and is the son of
Jesse B. and Levina (Guldin) Gilbert. Jesse B. Gilbert (father) was engaged in the express business for many years. Mrs.
Gilbert died in 1884, aged fifty-six years. He survived her several years, dying in
1896, aged sixty-six years. Both were buried at the old Pottstown cemetery. In politics,
Mr. Gilbert was a Democrat and served as a member of the town council. He was an
influential man in Pottstown and was respected by the whole community. Mr. Gilbert was a
candidate on one occasion for prothonotary. He was a member of the Emmanuel Lutheran
church, as were his family. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert had the following children: Andora,
Ambrose and Henrietta Esto are deceased; Jeremiah, married Ida Fillman and they reside
at 120 North Washington street, Pottstown, where he is engaged in the undertaking
business; Jacob, unmarried, living at the American House, Pottstown, where he is engaged
in business; Clare married John Sassaman, and is living in Reading, where he is engaged
as a driver, and they have one child; Harry, residing in Pottstown, where he is engaged
in business at the Montgomery House, married Rae Dignon and they have three children;
Edward is married and lives on Walnut street, Pottstown, where he is engaged in business
at the Montgomery House, having two children. John Gilbert (grandfather) resided in or near Gilbertsville, where he was a
blacksmith by occupation. John G. Gilbert attended school until he was about fourteen
years of age. He then worked for his father for some time, and later in the iron
industries of Pottstown, until he was about twenty-one years of age. He then followed
professional ball playing and roller-skating for about twelve years. He next bought the
Central House, at Boyertown, Berks county, where be conducted the hotel business for one
year and two months, and then purchased his last hotel, then known as Sellingers, but it
became known as the Gilbert Hotel and Cafe, where he conducted business very
prosperously for a dozen years. He recently renovated his place of business, and it is
one of the finest hotels in Montgomery county. Mr. Gilbert married Ida S., daughter of William and Elizabeth (Reppert) Dellicker,
of near hill Church, where they were engaged in farming, but later removed to Pottstown
where Mr. Dellicker conducted a grocery business. He died about six years ago, and was
buried in Mt. Zion cemetery. Mrs. Dellicker lives on Beech street. They had several
children. (Page 133) Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gilbert were married March 17, 1888. They have had four
children, of whom three survive, as follows: Clara, born July 21, 1889; Jennie, born
March 26, 1891; Jesse, born May 27, 1893; Charles, born January 2, 1892, died February
15, 1897. Mr. Gilbert was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, belonging to
Manatawny Lodge No. 214, of Pottstown, and Encampment No. 85; to Knights of Pythias
Lodge, No. 421, also of the Fraternal order of Eagles, of Reading Lodge, No. 66. In
religious faith Mr. Gilbert was a member of the Emmanuel Lutheran church. He died
November 12, 1903. THEODORE SCHREIBER, son of Theodore and Anna (Shaffer)
Schreiber, is a native of Whitpain township. He was born in Broad Axe Hotel, December 29,
1871, his father being at that time the proprietor of the hotel. The son attended the
public schools of the township at Shady Grove and Sandy Hill, until he was about twelve
years of age. In 1883, his parents removed to Philadelphia, where the family resided for
three years. City life was distasteful to the son who longed for the free air and
enjoyment to be had in the rural districts. The family returned to Broad Axe in 1886,
the father having erected a house on the farm adjoining the hotel, where the son was
given the opportunity to acquire a knowledge of farming operations, for a few years. In 1895 he bought the Jeffersonville Hotel, two miles above Norristown. He married,
in 1895, Sarah, daughter of Michael and Catharine Hayes, of Norristown. Their children
are: Theodore, born May 16, 1896, and died in August, 1896; Catharine, born December 24,
1897; Francis, born January 17, 1899; Mary, born December 4, 1899, and died March 4,
1900; Theodore, born December 4, 1900, and died April 29, 1902; and William, born
December 28, 1903. Having conducted the Jeffersonville Hotel very successfully for a period of six
years, Mr. Schreiber removed to Norristown, on February 1, 1901, where he continued in
the same line of business until April 4, 1902, when he took charge of the Broad Axe
Hotel where he has since resided. The Schreibers are of German origin and are an old family in the middle section of
Montgomery county. The Schreibers have long affiliated with the Democratic party. In
religious faith Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber are attached to the Catholic church.
(See history of the family in the John Schreiber sketch.) LEWIS B. STONG. Among the esteemed citizens and
influential business men of the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, no more worthy
representative of honest and industrious manhood can be found than Lewis B. Stong, whose
ability and enterprise have added materially to the commercial activities of that great
center of trade. He has been the architect of his own fortune. Beginning in life without
means or influential friends, beset with obstacles on every side, he nevertheless worked
his way up from a humble position to the prominent one he now occupies in commercial
circles, and won an enviable reputation for the strictest integrity and the utmost
probity in all his transactions. He was born at the old Stong homestead in Worcester
township, near Centre Point, May 16, 1865. The earlier generations of the family spelled
the name Stang. The earliest ancestor of the family of whom there is any authentic information was
Philip Stang, born in 1760, at Stong's Mill, in Worcester township. He married Barbara
Wentz, of Worcester, the daughter of the founder of Wentz's church, in that township.
Their son, Henry Wentz Stong, also born at Stong's Mill, was the grandfather of Lewis B.
Stong, and his son, Henry Cassel Stong, father of Lewis B. Stong, was born August 21,
1835, at the old Stong homestead. Henry Cassel Stong (father) attended the public schools of the district and also a
pay school until he attained the age of fourteen years. In the meantime he assisted his
father in the grist and saw mill and on the home farm, continuing these pursuits until
the year 1876, when he established a flour and feed business in Philadelphia, in the
management of which he achieved a large degree of success. (Page 134) He was also prominently associated with the Corn Exchange, now the Commercial
Exchange of that city. He retired from active business pursuits in 1882, when he removed
to Norristown where he resided until 1890, in which year he took up his residence with
his son, Lewis B. Stong. On November 8, 1856, he was united in marriage to Emeline
Brunner, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Comfort) Brunner, of Hatfield township. Henry
Brunner was a farmer and brick manufacturer, widely known in his day in that section of
the county. Their children are: Lewis B., mentioned hereinafter. Jennie, wife of Philip Yost,
formerly of Pottstown, but now a resident of Philadelphia: they are the parents of three
children- Walter L., Clarence M., and Alma B. Yost. Mary C., wife of John Leister, of
Bucks county, Pennsylvania, but now a resident of Philadelphia; four children were the
issue of this marriage, two of whom are living at the present time, namely: Lizzie and
Emma May Leister. The family are members of the Reformed church. Mr. Stong is a Democrat
in his political affiliations, but takes no active part in local affairs. Lewis B. Stong obtained his education in the public schools of leis native township
and in those at Norristown, whither his parents removed when he was a boy. When he was
thirteen years of age his parents located in the city of Philadelphia, where he has
since resided. In 1884 Mr. Stong began the business of buying and selling poultry, in
which occupation he has since been successfully engaged, and he is now one of the most
extensive wholesale dealers in that line in the city of Philadelphia. Since 1898 he has
been located at No. 335 North Front street, where he occupies the greater part of two
four-story brick buildings, giving employment to a large force of men in killing,
dressing and packing poultry for shipment to different parts of the country. He purchases the greater part of his poultry alive, and if they are not of a
suitable size for the market he fattens them by his own process. They are then killed,
dressed, and placed on the market or held in cold storage for future shipment. He makes
a specialty of broilers and squabs, which he freezes and holds so that he has always a
large stock on hand and is ready for any demand. He was the first man to make a success
of preserving broilers, squabs and sweet breads by the freezing process and for six
years he controlled the markets of Philadelphia in the line of squabs, thereby obtaining
large profits in return for the labor and care bestowed on these articles of merchandise.
In 1891 Mr. Stong bought a farm near Centre Square, in Whitpain township, on the
State road, which was formerly known as the Jacob Reif farm. It contains thirty acres of
finely located and highly cultivated land, adjoins the properties of William Meigs and
Miss Ellen Duddy, and is operated by Mr. Stong as a general farm, being very productive.
To this place Mr. Stong and his family are very much attached, spending their summers
there, devoting their time to such outdoor work as the farm affords, and enjoying the
healthful change from the confinement of city life. Mr. Stong is a horseman, and life on
the farm permits him to enjoy his hobby. In politics he is an Independent, but is not an
active participant in political affairs. In October, 1888, Mr. Stong married Elizabeth Smeltz, born in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, in November, 1868, a daughter of Louis and Pauline (Eberhardt) Smeltz, of
Philadelphia Louis Smeltz was born in Germany in the year 1835, came to America with his
parents when a child, was engaged in the poultry business in Philadelphia, and died
February 6, 1896. His wife, Pauline (Eberhardt) Smeltz, whom he married in June, 1859,
was also a native of Germany, and she bore him seven children, as follows: John E.;
Pauline C., who became the wife of Merritt Hutton, and they reside in Philadelphia;
Louis C.; Elizabeth mentioned above as the wife of Lewis B. Stong; Anna, deceased; Alma
M. who became the wife of Joseph Neely; and Millie C., who became the wife of Dr. S. B.
Segrest, of Philadelphia. Mrs. Smeltz, mother of these children, resides in the city of
Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Stong are the parents of two daughters: Edna Alberta, born in
1889, attends school in Philadelphia; and Florence May, born in 1890, also attends (Page 135) tends school. The domestic life of Mr. Stong and his family is very
pleasant and peaceful, every member contributing his or her share to the general
happiness. They are attendants at the Reformed church. OWEN RAUDENUSH, son of Enos and Catharine (Fulmer)
Raudenbush, was born on the Raudenbush homestead in Rockhill township, Bucks county,
Pennsylvania, on February 24, 1839. He attended the public and private schools of his
county until he was twenty years of age, in the meantime assisting his father in the
duties of the farm. The homestead of the family in Mucks county had been in the
Raudenbush name for two generations at that time. He remained at the home of his parents
until his twenty-third year, when he entered the employ of Charles Yeakle, a farmer near
Flourtown, in Springfield township, Montgomery county. There he remained for twelve
years. He removed Blue Bell, in Whitpain township, where he is at present a prominent
and prosperous farmer. Owen Raudenbush married December 28, 1885, Emma Catharine, widow of Jacob Van
Winkle, and daughter of Francis Swayne Sheetz and Louisa Ann (Daub) Sheetz, of Sandy
Run, "Camp Hill," Springfield township, Montgomery county. The Sheetz homestead at Camp
Hill, where Mrs. Raudenbush was born, had been in the possession of the family prior to
1781. Francis Swayne and Louisa Ann Sheetz had three children: James Albanus, born in
1832, married Amanda, daughter of Harmon Winder and Anna (Hoagland) Winder, of Camp
Hill, and had children: John Hoagland; Francis Swayne; Emma Louisa; James Henry; Edmond
Albanus, who was born January 14, 1865, and married, October 17, 1886. Mary Mansely, of
Philadelphia, and had one child, Marion A., born August 13, 1890; Amanda; Kate Agnes;
and Anna Lillian, born June 7, 1870, and married, June 5, 1900, John Anthony, son of
Alexander and Rose Ross of Philadelphia. The second child of Mr. and Mrs. Sheetz was
Emma Catharine, born November 14, 1842. She married, in 1867, Jacob Van Winkle, and
afterwards Mr. Raudenbush, they removing to Blue Bell in 1887, where they still live.
Edmond VanRoom, who died, in 1852, was the third child of Mr. and Mrs. Sheetz. The Sheetz family, of Camp Hill, were prominently connected with the movement for
the settlement of the community and were always strict adherents of the Democratic
party. In religion they were attendants of the Lutheran and Reformed churches. Mr. and
Mrs. Raudenbush both attend St. Paul's church, at Whitemarsh. ADAM W. WERKISER. The Werkiser family are of German
origin, bring among the oldest of that nationality in Montgomery county. Adam Walter Werkiser is the son of Henry and Emeline (Meeker) Werkiser. He was born
August 23, 1866, and resides at No. 1014 Cherry street, Norristown. He is unmarried and
is engaged in the milk business, being one of the most extensive and successful dealers
at the county seat. Henry Werkiser (father) is the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Fetter) Werkiser, of
Whitpain township. He was born near Belfry, December 21, 1831. He attended the pay
school at Bethel, in Worcester township, until he had reached his sixteenth year, also
engaging in farming in the intervals of school study, as is usual in country districts.
On reaching that age he decided to learn the trade of a stone mason, in accordance with
the rule formerly prevalent of having every farmer's boy acquire knowledge of another
calling in life. He served the usual time as an apprentice at the trade, and continued to work at it
for many years, both as a journeyman and contractor, building many houses and barns in
that section of the county. he married, March 28, 1858, Emeline Meeker, daughter of
Benjamin and Eliza (Meeker) Weber, of Philadelphia. He then settled at Center Square in Whitpain township. He died December 18, 1890,
but his wife is still living. Their children are as follows Samuel and Elizabeth, twins,
were born December 3, 1859 and the latter, unmarried, is living in Norristown. Samuel
never learned a trade and has followed farming most of his life, but now lives in
Norristown and is employed by Mr. March, of Bridgeport. He is a Democrat. He was married
March 26, 189o, to Emma Shaffer, of Oreland, and their children are: one that died in
infancy; Harry Walter, deceased, who was born in 1896; Samuel Warren, born December 8,
1901; and Carl, deceased. Cornelia Hecklin Werkiser, born September 24, 1861, is
unmarried and resides in Norristown. Harry Fetter, born June 29, 1864, learned the
mason's trade with his father and followed it for a number of years, after which he
became a dealer in milk at Belfry, and after 1897 he followed the same business in
Norristown. In politics he is a Democrat and was candidate for councilman in the sixth
ward of Norristown but was defeated. In April 1903, he removed to Center Square, where
he now resides. He married Annie, daughter of Ellwood Hart, who is living near Center
Square. Adam Walter Werkiser is the youngest of the brothers. Adam W. Werkiser was educated at Bethel, a public school, from which he was
graduated at the age of eighteen years, after which he learned the mason's trade with
his father and worked at it until he was twenty-three years of age. Subsequently he was
employed in a creamery for five years and in 1897 he settled in Norristown, where he is
engaged in handling milk, cream, eggs and ice, in connection with his brother Harry,
under the firm name of H. Werkiser & Brother. They do an extensive business,
employing four men and four teams. (Page 136) Adam W. Werkiser is a Democrat in his political affiliations, but does not seek
office. He is connected with the Tribe of Red Men of Norristown and the Mystic Chain,
and has filled all the chairs. (Picture of Joseph W. Hallowell) JOSEPH W. HALLOWELL, a prominent citizen of Jenkintown, Montgomery county,
Pennsylvania, was an honored representative of one of the most prominent families of the
county a family most of whose members were Friends, and distinguished for integrity,
devotion to principle, and longevity. He was born at Meadowbrook, February 18, 1823, son of John R. and Ann (Jarrett)
Hallowell. He was a descendant of John Hallowell, who came from Nottinghamshire,
England, in 1682, with William Penn and a company of English Friends. John Hallowell
settled near Darby, and was one of the original members of the Friends' Meeting there.
In 1696 he purchased from Silas Crispin, executor of the estate of Thomas Holine, a
tract of 630 acres of land in Abington township, adjoining Upper Dublin township, and
extending along the line of the manor of Moreland for more than a mile. His first
dwelling on this tract was a rude cabin constructed partly in the ground and on the side
of a hill, resembling the cave dwellings built by some of the first settlers of
Philadelphia. He twice married, his first wife being Sarah - who bore him one child. His
second wife, who was Mary Sharpe, was the mother of nine children, three of whom were
born in England, and the others in America, viz.: Sarah, born 1677; Thomas, 1679; Mary,
1681; John, 1685; Elizabeth, 1687; Hannah, 1689; Samuel, 1692; Benjamin, 1694; and Jane,
1696. Thomas Hallowell, second child of John and Mary (Sharpe) Hallowell, married in
1702, at Darby, Rosamond Till, and because the progenitor of a numerous and useful
family. Their children were: John, born in 1703; Mary, 1705; William; Rosamond, 1709;
Elizabeth, 1711; Sarah, 1714; Thomas, 1715; Samuel, 1717; and Joseph, 1719. William, the
third son, was twice married. His first wife was Margaret Tyson, born 1708, died 1753, a
daughter of Matthias (or Mathew) and Mary Tyson, and she bore her husband twelve
children: Tholuas, born in 1730; Rosamond, 1731; Mathew,, 1733; William, 1734; John,
1736; Tynear, 1739; David, 1740; Mary, 1742; Isaac, 1744; John, 1746; John (3d), 1749;
and Joshua, 1751. John Hallowell (3d), named above, resided until his death on. the old homestead,
which has been in possession of the family since 1783, when he purchased it from Robert
and Rachel Paul, the deed being dated April 19 of that year. Prior to the Revolutionary
war he owned and operated a mill on the Pennypack creek. In 1793 he was a victim to
yellow fever, contracted while he was on a business trip to Philadelphia, where the
disease was epidemic. (Page 137) He married, November 3, 1774, Martha Roberts, born March 9, 1753, daughter of
Thomas, Jr., and Letitia Roberts, of Milford township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. The
children of this marriage were: Isaac, born in 1776, who married Mary Fletcher; Israel,
born 1777, who married Mary Jarrett; Ann, born 1781, who became the wife of Joseph
Williams; and John R., further referred to below. John R. Hallowell, youngest child of John and Martha (Roberts) Hallowell, was born
in 1785 On the family homestead, which he subsequently purchased, and which was
afterward the residence of his son, Joseph W. Hallowell. In his early life he worked in
his father's mill. He married Ann, daughter of William Jarrett, of Horsham township,
Montgomery county, and to them were born children as follows: William J.; Lydia, who
became the wife of Morris Paul Martha, who became the wife of Edwin Satterthwaite, who
was a grandson of Betsy Ross, the woman who designed and made the first (stars and
stripes) American flag; Joseph W., further written of below; and Penrose. Joseph W. Hallowell, son of John R. and Ann (Jarrett) Hallowell, received his early
education in the schools of the neighborhood, and also attended the select school of the
renowned teacher, Benjamin Hallowell, a relative, at Alexandria, Virginia. Soon after
completing his studies he came into possession of about one hundred and fifty acres of
land at Meadowbrook, on which he resided for a number of years, and until his son Edwin
S. married and took charge of the conduct of the farm, and who successfully managed it
until Mr. Hallowell sold it to Thomas Wanamaker. Mr. Hallowell also owned a fine farm of 212 acres on the Doylestown turnpike, and
in 1884 he built a handsome country seat at Jenkintown, where he passed the later years
of his life, and where his family still reside. Mr. Hallowell was one of the incorporators and for many years a director of the
Jenkintown National Bank, and also a director of the York Road Turnpike Company, of the
Jenkintown Water Company, and of several building and loan associations. He was a
prominent member of Abington Monthly Meeting of Friends, in which he was an elder and a
trustee. He never sought official station, nor ever held an office except that of school
director. In politics he was a stanch and active Republican. He was a roan possessed with a
marked individuality, and was an important factor in promoting the numerous local
enterprises with which he was identified, and in other ways advancing the material,
moral and spiritual interests of the community. He was particularly interested in
educational affairs, and rendered valuable service in maintaining and improving the
public school system. To this add his personal beauties of character as a model
citizen, an affectionate husband and an indulgent parent, and he stands forth as a
splendid type of American manhood. His death occurred April 3, 1904. Mr. Hallowell married, May 20, 1851, Miss Hannah S. Lloyd, born March 9, 1831, a
daughter of John and Sidney (Paul) Lloyd, both old residents of Moreland township, and
descendants of old and highly respected families. Of this marriage were born the following named children: 1. Edwin S., born June 6,
1852; he married, March 2, 1881, Miss Mary Linton, born June 1, 1853, a daughter of
Charles and Hannah (Waterman) Linton. Of this marriage were born nine children: 1.
Florence, born March 2, 1882; died May 1884; 2. Lydia, born December 29, 1884, died May,
1891; 3. Hannah L., born September 6, 1886; 4. Mary L., born September 12, 1888; (Page 138) WILLIAM BUTCHER, a prominent farmer in Norriton
township, was born in Worcester township, Montgomery county, November 13, 1838. He is
the son of John and Rachel (Wagner) Butcher. John Butcher (father) was a native of Philadelphia, where he learned his trade of
blacksmith. He was born July 4, 1800, and lived until 1892. He started to follow his
trade in Fairview village, afterwards removing to Centre Point. In 1839 he settled on
the Williams farm in Norriton township, the same farm which is now owned by his son
William. He was a skilled mechanic, and men came from a great distance to get their
horses shod in his shop. In making axes and all kinds of farm implements he had no
superior and very few equals in Montgomery county. In early life John Butcher was a Whig, and on the organization of the Republican
party became one of its members and remained so until his death. He married Rachel
Wagner, a member of an old Pennsylvania family. She was a Presbyterian and a member in
Norristown for a time, but afterwards transferred her membership to the Wentz church, in
Worcester township. They and their children who are deceased are buried there. Their children were Peter, died young; Catharine, died young; Mary Ann, married
John Stiver, and after his death married Michael Rodenbaugh; they had a large family of
children (she is now deceased); Louisa, married Albanus Lair, and they also had a large
family; William; John W., married Eliza Jane Caldwell; John was a soldier in the Civil
war. William Butcher removed with his parents to his present home when he was one year
old, and was reared on this farm. He worked on his father's farm until he was
twenty-four years of age, also devoting some attention to learning the trade of
blacksmith. His education was obtained at the public schools of the neighborhood, which
he attended three or four months in winter. As soon as he was old enough to work in the
shop or on the farm he was employed in one of those occupations the entire year. The
acquisition of the knowledge which has sufficed for a successful career as an
agriculturist was gained principally in the great school of life. Arriving at the age of twenty-four years, Mr. Butcher married and started out in
life on his own account, his first venture being as a tenant on the farm of Charles
Johnson, in Plymouth township. He was a tenant on different farms in the neighborhood
for a period of sixteen years. In 1880, his mother having died in the meantime, his
father offered him the farm as a tenant, asking him to make a home for himself, which
Mr. Butcher did. On the death of his father in 1892, he purchased the farm at the administrator's
appraisement, and is still its owner. It contains seventeen acres, in which he raises
garden truck and farm products generally, attaining better result than many farmers on
tracts several times its size. In politics Mr. Butcher is a Republican, and has been all his life, believing that
the principles of his party stand for the greatest good to the greatest number of the
people of the United Mates. He has been a delegate to county conventions, but not an
office-seeker or an office-holder, as his time was too much taken up with his farm to
accept township office. Mr. Butcher's father built the blacksmith shop and all the buildings now standing
on the farm except the principal residence. William Butcher married Elizabeth Rodenbaugh, daughter of Michael and Alice
(Johnson) Rodenbaugh. She was born in Plymouth township, March 22, 1840. They have no
children. JOHN SHAFFER SCHREIBER is the son (of Theodore and Anna
(Shaffer) Schreiber. He was born July 29, 1857, at Broad Axe, in Whitpain township where
his father was proprietor of a hotel. He attended the public schools at Shady Grove and
Sandy Hill, and later entered the school in charge of Miss Ellen Sheaff, at St. Thomas's
church, Whitemarsh, at which he remained until he had reached his sixteenth year. In the
meantime, during school vacations and at other times, he assisted his father on the farm
attached to the hotel, containing forty-six acres of highly improved land. He continued
farming on (Page 139) this tract until his marriage, February 22, 1882, to Helen, daughter of John and Mary
Ann (Butcher) Stiver, of Norriton township. After Mr. Schreiber's marriage he removed to the homestead farm in Whitemarsh
township, and cultivated it for four years. At the end of that time he engaged as farmer
with Thomas Shepard, of Upper Providence, until 1888. He then removed to the estate of
Jesse Strepper, where he remained until the spring of 1893, when he rented the hotel at
Broad Axe, which he ran till November, 1897. In the meantime Mr. Schreiber gained a
practical knowledge of farming and also interested himself in matters of local
importance generally. In 1897 he removed to the farm of Albert Beck, in Upper Dublin
township, remaining there until the spring of 1899, when he rented the farm attached to
the Broad Axe hotel, on which he had spent his boyhood days. During his occupancy of
this farm, Mr. Schreiber has put in practice the lessons of experience previously gained
in following farming, and he has been very successful in raising good crops, and
maintaining his reputation as one of the best farmers of the vicinity. In politics Mr. Schreiber is a Democrat, and manifests much interest in its
success, although he has never been a candidate for public office. He was, however,
taken up by his friends in February 1904, and elected school director of Whitpain
township, by a large majority. In religious faith the family are members of the German
Baptist or Brethren church, worshipping at the church in Upper Dublin township, near
Ambler. Theodore Schreiber (father), was born March 21, 1825, and died May 5, 1898. His
father was also Theodore Schreiber. He married, December 25, 1849, Anna Shaffer, born in
1830. She died August 21, 1901. Their children were: Ellen (deceased) and Kate (twins),
born October 30, 1850; Kate married, July 4, 1872, Seth James, Amanda, born June 14,
1854, was married February 9, 1875. John S., subject of this sketch. Mary, born May 1,
1859, married June 24, 1884, J. Howard Marlin, they residing in Philadelphia. Harry,
born April 7, 1866, died May 4, 1866. George, born June 5, 1868, died July 12, 1868.
Theodore, born December 29, 1871, married Harah Hays, of Norristown, they having
children. John Stiver, Mrs. Schreiber's father, was born October 22, 1820. He was the son of
Michael Stiver. JOHN ROBERTS MORRIS, son of Charles Ellis and
Elizabeth Holstein (Amies) Morris, was born August 14, 1856, at Dry Valley, now
Winfield, Union county, Pennsylvania, where his father was the manager of an iron
furnace. Soon after the birth of John R. Morris, his parents removed to Conshohocken
where his father managed the iron works of J. B. Moorhead & Company, and in 1859 the
father became superintendent at the works known as Swedes' Furnace, at Swedeland, midway
between Bridgeport and West Conshohocken, in Upper Merion township, where the son
attended the private school kept by Mrs. Allen, and later the school taught by Isabel
Hitner, at Swedeland. He next attended the school of Mrs. Craig, at Norristown, and afterward was a pupil
of Professor George Barker, at Germantown. He then went to the Oak street public school,
Norristown, after which he entered a Norristown bookstore, acting as clerk for a time.
His father, having abandoned the iron business, operated the Holstein limekilns, near
King-of-Prussia, in Upper Merion township, and John became bookkeeper for his father. He
was thus engaged until arriving at the age of twenty-one years, when he entered into a
partnership tinder the title of Charles E. Morris & Sons, manufacturers and dealers
in lime, in which he continued until the late seventies, when the elder Morris bought
the farm of Lewis Schronk, of Spring House, in Gwynedd township. The family removed to
this farm in the same year and John Morris was actively engaged as managing farmer for
his father until the death of his parents, December 28, 1883. On July 28, 1881, Mr. Morris married Ella Mary, born July 28, 1856, daughter of
Alfred Dupont and Mary (Henderson) Woolaston, of Henderson Station, in Upper Merion.
Their children are: Emily Walker, who was born March 27, 1882, and resides with her
parents at their home, Norwood; Courtland Southworth, who was born December 19, 1884,
and resides at home, managing the family estate; Russell Dupont, who was born August 29,
1887, and died September, 6, 1896; and Charles Ellis, who was born October 17, 1889, and
is a student at Blue Bell. (Page 140) Mr. Morris continued to reside on the farm near Spring House until 1888, when he
removed with his family to a farm near Lafayette Station, where he remained for two
years, after which he returned to Gwynedd township and spent the following three years
at farming. Later he was engaged with the Prudential Insurance Company, at Ambler. In 1895 he purchased the old Wentz homestead, at one time known as the Rising Sun
Tavern or Wentz's Tavern, on Skippack road, a half mile south of Center Square. The farm
contains forty acres of highly improved land, to which, on account of the many trees to
the north of the house, the name "Norwood" has been given. John R. Morris is a
Republican in politics and he and his wife are members of the Episcopal church. Charles Ellis Morris (father), born March 7, 1825, was the son of Samuel Wells
Morris. Samuel W. Morris was the son of Benjamin Wistar Morris, who married Mary Wells,
at Muncy Meeting of Friends, Pennsylvania, December 5, 1710. Mrs. John R. Morris is a native of Chicago, Illinois. She is the daughter of Alfred
Dupont and Mary (Henderson) Woolaston. Mrs. Morris' father, Alford Dupont Woolaston, was
a native of Wilmington, Delaware. In the early '50s he moved to Chicago. He owned large
tracts of timber in Illinois and Michigan and he died in Michigan about 1870. His wife, the mother of Mrs. Morris, died when Mrs. Morris was nineteen months old
and she was reared by her aunt. Mrs. Woolaston belonged to a well-known family of Upper
Merion, after whom Henderson Station was named. Her parents removed from Chicago when
Mrs. Ella Mary Morris was quite young, making their home at the Henderson homestead. She
attended the private schools taught by the Misses Allen, and later the school of Misses
Boyne and Dillaye, at Sixteenth and Chestnut street Philadelphia. At the age of fifteen
she remove with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Southworth, to Springfield,
Massachusetts, whet she attended the schools taught by the Miss Howard. Later she
returned to Upper Merion and made her home with her uncle, Wallace Herderson, of
Henderson Station, Upper Merion where she remained until her marriage to Mr. Morris. Mrs. Elizabeth Holstein (Amies) Morris mother of John R. Morris, was the daughter
of William and Mary Atlee (Holstein) Amies. Mrs. William Amies was the daughter of
Colonel George W. Holstein, a very prominent resident of Upper Merion township. Her
maternal great grandmother was Elizabeth Wayne, a sister of Major General Anthony Wayne,
of Revolutionary fame. The Holsteins are the descendants of Matts Holstein, who was born in Philadelphia
(or where that city now stands), in 1644, of Swedish parents, two years after the second
immigration of Swedes to the banks of the Delaware and Schuylkill. The family were thus
located in Pennsylvania forty years prior to the coming of William Penn. Matts
Holstein's son, Matthias, came to Upper Merion in 1705, and bought one thousand acres of
land, running west from the Schuylkill, near Swedes' Ford, and extending to Red Hill, in
the same township. In 1714 he built a stone house near the center of the tract, where
four generations were born and lived. THOMAS W. PHILLIPS belonged to an old Montgomery county
family, long resident in Whitpain township. He is the son of Aaron and Emeline
(Fitzwater) Phillips. He was born May 10, 1845, on the old Phillips homestead, now owned
and occupied by Benjamin F. Murphy. He attended neighboring schools until he was eighteen
years of age, principally the Ellis school, on the State road, near Washington Square.
From that time he assisted his father in working on the home farm and superintending its
operation. (Page141) On March 4, 1871, he married Elizabeth, daughter of Barnabas and Rebecca (Neiman)
Davis of Hickorytown, in Plymouth township, after which he settled on the homestead.
Later he worked in Plymouth township as a carpenter, an in 1880 bought the place now
owned by James B Murphy on Skippack pike, known as Spring Book Farm. Soon afterward Mr.
Phillips' death occurred, February 3, 1887. Mr. Phillips was a Republican and a Quaker.
Mrs. Phillips at once retired from farming to devote herself to the education of her
children. Susan, the elder, born December 18, 1876, married Harry Mumbower, on May 4,
1899, and they have one child, Viola Elizabeth, born January 1, 1900; Norman Mary, born
May 3, 1879, is deceased. After living in retirement for several years, Mrs. Phillips bought the farm of
George Chapelle on the State road, above Centre Square. She managed the farm until her
son, Aaron Phillips came of age, when she relinquished its management to him, and later
sold it to him. Aaron Phillips makes his home with his mother. Since Mrs. Phillips'
first purchase, the adjoining farm of thirty-one acres has been added to the property,
as well as the tract of Eugene Johnson. GEORGE DEAN MURPHY. Among the highly cultivated and
therefore productive farms of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, located in Whitpain
township, is the one owned and operated by George D. Murphy, fourth son and fourth child
of John and Mary Ann (Gillen) Murphy nee Dean, who was born in Gwynedd township,
Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, September 28, 1860. He attended the public schools of the district, and later was a student at
Sunnyside Academy which was located at Ambler and conducted by the Misses Knight. He
continued his studies in this institution until his nineteenth year, after which he
assisted his father on the home farm at Pennlyn, until the death of the latter on August
20, 1887. He then purchased the homestead and operated it for seven years, and at the
expiration of this period of time he sold the same to Charles Edward Ingersoll, of
Philadelphia, for whom he farmed for three years. In April, 1897, Mr. Murphy purchased the farm owned by Mrs. Phillips, widow of
Thomas Phillips, situated on Skippack pike in the vicinity of Center Square. It contains
twenty-five acres of highly improved and fertile land which is well watered and drained,
being supplied by several streams flowing from never failing springs, and from this
circumstance the property has taken the very appropriate name of Springbrook Farm. He
cultivates the farm for general purposes, operates an extensive dairy in which are all
the modern improvements, and in addition is engaged in the operation of filling silos
and harvesting grain and grass, for which purpose he furnishes the machinery and power
that is necessary. He has always exhibited a keen interest in local politics, and has
served his township in the capacity of tax collector and constable. His affiliations are
with the Democratic party. September 8, 1892, Mr. Murphy married Emma Jacobine Sophia Halberstadt, born June
21, 1869, a daughter of Jacob and Frederica Emma (Ebalt) Halberstadt, of Philadelphia.
Mrs. Murphy, in girlhood, attended the public schools of that city and also the Knapp
school located at Ninth and Race streets until her sixteenth year, then remained at home
and assisted her mother in various domestic duties until her twenty-third year. In 1891
her parents removed to Gwynedd township where they purchased the Bodine farm of
twenty-five acres. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy are the parents of two children: Anna Dean, born
June 11, 1893; and Charles Fitzwater, born September 10, 1897. The family are members of
St. Thomas' Episcopal church at Whitemarsh. ELWOOD LYLE HART, son of Solomon and Hannah Lyle Hart,
of Blue Bell, was born July 20, 1830, in Whitpain township, Montgomery county,
Pennsylvania. He attended the public schools in the vicinity until he reached his
fifteenth year, when he found employment among the farmers of the neighborhood for three
years. At the end of that time he became an apprentice of Isaiah B. Houpt, of Norristown,
to learn the mason trade and served for three years. At the age of twenty-one he
commenced work as a journeyman, continuing thus for six years, when he began contracting
on his own account in masonry, building the foundations of many of the mills in
Conshohocken, including the Wood rolling mill, several cotton factories and other
establishments. (page 142) He continued in business for over thirty years as a contracting mason. When he was
twenty-six years of age he married Kate, daughter of John and Elizabeth Smith, of
Plymouth township. She was born May 12, 1841. The couple had nine children: Jacob, Azor,
William and Perry, deceased; Norman, born at Conshohocken; Elmer Ellsworth, born
September 18, 1862, married Hannah, daughter of Nathan and Sarah Rambo, born March 10,
1864, and married Elmer Ellsworth in 1886. They have seven children, Kate, Emma, Elmer, Anna and Sarah, and William and
Elwood, deceased. Anna Coulston, born May 17, 1864, married Harry, son of Harry
Werkeiser, who was born June 29, 1864, and lives at Center Square, having no children.
Elwood, whose wife is Phoebe Stackhouse, lives at Conshohocken and has three children:
Albert Matick, Kate and Eugene. Israel, born in May, 1872, married Margaret Cameron, of
Norristown, they having one child, Dorothy, born in 1903, and they living at
Conshohocken. The children of Elmer E. and Hannah Hart are: Kate, born September 13,
1887, William Aspinwall, born August 13, 1889, and died December 29, 1889; Emma Moyer,
born October 8, 1890; Elwood, born October 5, 1892, and died October 5, 1894; Annie
Coulston, born June 13, 1894; and Sarah McInnes, born September 7, 1900. They live at
Wharton, Morris county, New Jersey, where Mr. Hart is yardmaster at the Wharton
Furnaces. The children of Elwood and Phoebe Hart are: Kate, born October 18, 1889; and
Eugene, born March 17, 1892. Elwood L. Hart continued to live at Conshohocken during his entire career as a
contractor. In 1887 he removed to Centre Square where he kept the hotel until the spring
of 1893, when he retired from the hotel business and purchased the old parsonage property
of St. John's Lutheran church, above Centre Square, on which he made many improvements
and removed to it. Mr. Hart is a Democrat in politics, having always voted for the
candidates of that party and been a consistent worker therein, although he has never
sought or held office. The family are attendant at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran
church, above Centre Square. Mr. Hart has retired from active business and devotes his
time to the care of the home farm which consists of twenty-six acres of finely situated
land, kept in a high state of cultivation by the present owner. Mr. Hart's parents, Solomon and Hannah Lyle Hart, were both natives of Whitpain
township and are farming people. The father died when thirty-five years of age. The
mother died about 1884. They were buried at Barren Hill, in Whitemarsh township. Andrew,
his brother, married Jane McCool and lives at Penllyn Station, having five children:
David, Allen, Annie, Emily and Harry. John, another brother, born in 1828, married
Elizabeth Jones, of Norristown, and has several children. His sister Kate, born in 1825,
married John Stillwell and lives at Hatboro. HENRY GEIGER SLINGLUFF was born February 20, 1859, on a
farm at North Wales, Montgomery county being a son of William Hallman and Margaret Ann
(Shepherd) Slingluff. His parents, soon after his birth, removed to Rose Valley, near
Ambler, where his father had rented a farm. They remained there for nine years, Henry
attending for some time the public school of the district. The family then removed to
Fort Washington where they lived until 1870. About this time William H. Slingluff
(father) bought the property known as the Tones' farm, on Blue Bell road, about a half
mile south of that village, which contained twenty-three acres of highly cultivated
land. Mr. Slingluff operated it as a truck and fruit farm for the Philadelphia market,
which he attended in all for nearly fifty years, earlier in life from North Wales and
Rose Valley and more recently from the farm now managed by Henry G. Slingluff, who came
into possession of it in the spring of 1903 and has greatly improved the buildings and
their surroundings. Henry G. Slingluff married, April 20, 1880, Flora Margaret, daughter of Andrew
Jackson and Christiana (Dugan) Krewson, of Cheltenham township, she living in a
neighborhood to which he went soon after leaving school in his seventeenth (page 143) year, to learn the trade of miller. He was compelled to abandon the pursuit of
milling on account of ill health and entered the employ of Thomas Rowland & Sons,
manufacturers of shovels and other implements, with whom he remained until 1893, when in
conjunction with his brother Casper, he rented his father's farm, on which he now lives.
His children: Della Bertha, born March 8, 1881, married, April 10, 1901, Eugene Nice,
son of Henry Fasset and Sarah Large (Nice) Conard, and having one child, Verol LeRoy,
born June 20, 1903. Eugene Conard lives on his father's farm and assists him in its
management. Ethel Alfreda, born July 3, 1882, resides with her father. Lyle Krewson,
born March 16, 1885, resides with his father, assisting him in the management of the
farm and attending Girard Avenue Market, Philadelphia. Mr. Slingluff is a Republican in politics but has not given much attention to party
affairs since he has resided in Whitpain township. When a resident of Cheltenham he was a
member of the vigilance committee and was known as a party worker. In other matters which
concern the community, however, including education and general public improvement, Mr.
Slingluff is much interested. In religious faith the family are German Baptists or
Dunkards, and attend the meeting at Rose Valley, in Upper Dublin township. William Hallman Slingluff (father), born December 20, 1825, was the son of Henry
and Elizabeth (Schlater) Slingluff. He married January 1, 1852, Margaret Ann, daughter
of Levi and Hetty (Wilkinson) Shepherd, residing near Springhouse in Gwynedd township.
The children of William H. and Margaret Ann Slingluff are Emma Jane, born May 28, 1853,
died unmarried in 1881; William Hallman, born September 18, 1854, married Ella Long, and
is now deceased; Levi Shepherd, born May 22, 1856, married Idella, daughter of Andrew and
Hannah (Woods) Berkhimer: George Berkhimer, born September 9, 1857, married Ella Long,
widow of his brother, William Hallman Slingluff, and resides at Centre Square; Henry
Geiger, subject of this sketch; Casper Schlater, born August 4, 1863, married Alice
Shugard and resides at Blue Bell. The Shepherds are an old family in Montgomery and Gwynedd townships. Levi and Hetty
Shepherd had several children besides Mrs. Slingluff, among them, William Shepherd, a
resident of Montgomery Square, who served as poor director for several years; Linford L.
Shepherd, a well-known dealer in cattle, who resides at Franklinville in Whitpain
township for many years, and married Emily, daughter of Amos Jones, a well-known
resident of Upper Gwynedd, who had a large family of children, while Linford L. and
Emily Shepherd had ten children in all, of whom Kate, married Jonathan Cleaver and
resides near Conshohocken. Linford L. Shepherd died March 15, 1894, at the age of
seventy-three years. His widow resides with one of her children in Conshohocken. Levi
Shepherd, Jr., another son of Levi and Hetty Shepherd was a farmer of Gwynedd
township. Elizabeth Slingluff (grandmother), was the daughter of Casper Schlater, born July
13, 1759, in Upper Dublin township. He married Mary, daughter of Nicholas Seltzer. His
father and mother, Casper and Barbara Schlater, arrived at Philadelphia from Rotterdam,
in the ship Thomas Coatman, on September 22, 1752. Casper Schlater (great-grandfather) was a man of education and business capacity
and a leader of the Democratic party, filling the offices of county treasurer and
commissioner in 1817 and 1818. Because of his sound judgment he was also frequently
called upon to act in the settlement of estates and the adjustment of disputes between
neighbors. He was a member of Boehm's Reformed church and filled the offices of elder,
deacon and trustee. WILLIAM EBER WALTON, son of Amos and Henrietta
(Vonderau) Walton, was born at Walton Farm, in Whitpain township, near Blue Bell,
January 12, 1861. Amos Walton (father) married, January 28, 1858. Henrietta, daughter of Francis and
Annie (Lebold) Vonderau. He is the son of Eber and Anna (Shaw) Walton, and was born in
the house in which he now lives, near Blue Bell, November 16, 1832. (page 144) He belongs to an old family of Friends, whose ancestor settled in Pennsylvania at a
very early date. He is a successful farmer. His children are: William E., Francis V., who
married Emma Wilkey; Emma V., unmarried; and Annie V., who married Warren Brooke. Eber Walton (grandfather) was born near Quakertown, Pennsylvania. At sixteen years
of age he removed with his father's family to Beaver county, Pennsylvania, but returned
to Quakertown, and in 1823 married Anna, daughter of Joseph Shaw, of that place. He
removed to Southampton, Bucks county, and in 1830 purchased the farm where his son Amos
now resides. Their children were: Joseph, who married Elizabeth Conard; Mary, who died
young; Israel, who married Tacy Conard; Amos; and Mahlon, deceased. Abraham Walton (great-grandfather) removed to Beaver county, Pennsylvania, and
later to Mount Etna, Indiana, where many of his descendants are now living. William E. Walton attended the public schools at Sandy Hill and Shady Grove, in
Whitpain, until his seventeenth year, in the meantime assisting his father on the home
farm and attending the markets, of Norristown. He engaged in the business of killing and
marketing sheep, making a specialty of lamb and mutton, and has a high reputation among
his customers for the quality of his meat and his upright dealing. William E. Walton married, February 15, 1887, Naomi, daughter of Henry and Susan
(Smith) Moser, or Norritonville. Their children are: Herbert Moser, born December 3,
1889; Henrietta Von Derau, born August 4, 1890; Henry Moser, born January 27, 1892:
Ellwood, born December 24, 1894; Flora Moser, born April 8, 1896; Grace Algemine, born
October 22, 1898; Mabel Anna, born March 10, 1900; William, born May 24, 1901; and Ruth
B., born October 23, 1902. In politics Mr. Walton is a Republican. His father's family were old-line Whigs and
Republicans, and, prior to the Rebellion, took an active interest in the anti-slavery
movement. The Mosers are of German descent, and are a prominent family in the history of
Montgomery county, having been long settled in the middle and upper townships. (Picture of Joseph A. Shoemaker) HON. JOSEPH AMBLER SHOEMAKER, a resident of Jenkintown for more than half a
century, and one of the most influential and popular men in the lower end of Montgomery
county, Pennsylvania, is a member of an honorable family of German descent, long
resident in that county. The progenitor of the American branch of the family came to
Philadelphia with William Penn in 1682, settled at Germantown, and in every generation
since that time his descendants have been among the most substantial and public-spirited
citizens of that section of the state. Joseph Shoemaker, grandfather of Hon. Joseph A. Shoemaker, resided in Gwynedd
township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, and by exercising the characteristics which
he inherited from his forefathers- industry, enterprise and perseverance- he was
successful in his business undertakings and was enabled to provide a comfortable home
for his family. He married Tacy Ambler, of Welsh descent, who bore him the following
named children: Ezekial, John, Joseph, Jesse, Ann, Ellen, and Hannah Shoemaker. John Shoemaker, father of Hon. Joseph A. Shoemaker, was born in Gwynedd township,
Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, in 1790. After completing a common school education he
learned the trade of harness maker, which line of business he pursued during his entire
active career. He was a resident of Jenkintown for many years, during which time he took
an active interest in its welfare and improvement, and in his old age, after retiring
from business pursuits, he removed to Horsham township, where his death occurred in
1863, aged seventy-two years. His wife, Elizabeth (Logan) Shoemaker, daughter of Joseph and Mary Logan, of
Abington township, bore him eight children, as follows Hannah, who became the wife of
John Jones; Maria, who became the wife of William Steel; Tacy who became the wife of
George Logan, after the death of her sister, Jane, who was his first wife: Martha;
Joseph A., mentioned hereinafter; Elizabeth; and John, deceased. Of this family all are
deceased but Martha and Joseph. (Page 145) Joseph A. Shoemaker was born in Gwynedd township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania,
May 13, 1826. He was educated in the Friends' school at Gwynedd, then a flourishing
institution, and he remained in that vicinity until he attained his thirteenth year. He then went to Philadelphia county, and at the age of sixteen years became an
apprentice to the blacksmith trade at Bridesburg, continuing in the same line afterwards
in Upper Dublin township, Montgomery county. After completing his term of apprenticeship
he went to Broad Axe, Whitpain township, remaining there two years. He then took up his
residence in the state of Illinois, where he followed his trade of blacksmith for a
short time, and upon his return east engaged in dealing in cattle and horses, and
subsequently for one year was the tenant of a farm in Horsham township. His next
occupation was the management of a sawmill in the same locality, which he operated with
a fair degree of success for three years. In 1853 he located in Jenkintown, and engaged in the butchering business in
partnership with his brother-in-law, George Logan. He prospered in this occupation,
accumulating a sufficient competency to allow hint to retire from active pursuits in
1885. He then erected a handsome residence on a small farm, where he has resided up to
the present time, surrounded by every comfort and convenience, and where he is enjoying
to the utmost a life of ease and luxury, which is a fitting climax to his many years of
toil. Among the positions of trust and responsibility to which he was appointed are the
following: director in the Jenkintown National Bank, treasurer of the Philadelphia
Droveyard, director of the Masonic Hall Association, and president of the North Cedar
Hill Cemetery Company at Frankford, Pennsylvania. Mr. Shoemaker is a thoroughgoing Republican, having supported the candidates and
principles of that party from its organization to the present time, a period of more
than fifty years, and having always been active in its behalf. He filled the position of
councilman in Jenkintown for several years, and was president of the body for a time,
devoting himself to the interests of the community in which he lives, as he has done in
every office which he has held. He was the incumbent of the offices of assessor and
assistant assessor, his good judgment and knowledge of real estate values standing him
in good stead in these positions, and he also served repeatedly as an election officer.
Owing to his prominence as a party worker he has frequently been a delegate to county
and state conventions, and assisted in framing the party ticket which has been presented
to the voters of the county and the commonwealth on different occasions. In 1887 he was elected a member of the house of representatives at Harrisburg, and
was re-elected by a handsome majority in 1889, serving two terms with great credit to
himself and satisfaction to his constituents, in whose behalf he labored with industry,
energy and fidelity. He was a member of the committee of the house at the session of 1887, through whose
instrumentality the splendid work, "The Birds of Pennsylvania," was printed and
distributed to the members of the General Assembly, and through them to their
constituents throughout the state. In the session of 1889 he was chairman of the
committee on geological survey, a member of the committee on printing, and also of those
on corporations, congressional apportionment, banks and banking, and the committee to
compare bills. In his legislative career Mr. Shoemaker was ever the friend of the
people, leaving nothing undone that was possible to promote prosperity and the general
welfare. There is no kinder neighbor or friend than he and no one who is more ready to
do a favor for those who are deserving. He is actively and prominently identified with
various fraternal organizations, holding membership in the Masonic order, the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, and the Order of American
Mechanics. Mr. Shoemaker married, January 1, 1857, Esther Ann Harper, born June 1, 1837,
daughter of William Harper, of Abington. Five children were born of this union, as
follows: 1. Clara S., born October 30, 1857, became the wife of Dr. Henry W. Wass,
January 1, 1880, and their children are: Mabel, born October 4, 1880, and Esther A.
Shoemaker, born May 1, 1886. 2. William H., born June 29, 1859, died March 16, 1902; he
married, April 19, 1899, Katherine Saam, and they were the parents of one child, Amalia
I. Shoemaker. 3. Henry, born October 26, 1863, died January 21, 1865. 4. Lizzie L., born
February 10, 1865, became the wife of William H. Fretz, February 10, 1887, and their
children are: Joseph Lewis, born January 3, 1889; Frank F., born March 19, 1895;
Elizabeth L. S., born June 2, 1899; and Emily H., born December 14, 1900. 5. Jennie L.,
born September 21, 1874, became the wife of Dr. Harry C. Millar, September 26, 1895, and
their children are, Katherine S., born September 27, 1897, and Joseph Ambler Shoemaker
Millar, born June 25, 1901. Mrs. Shoemaker, mother of these children, born June 1, 1837,
died August 3, 1902. She was a most estimable lady of the old school type, and was much
esteemed for her many deeds of kindness and charitable acts to the deserving poor of the
neighborhood. (Page 146) (Picture of William H. Shoemaker) WILLIAM HARPER SHOEMAKER, deceased, who was born in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, June
29, 1859, a son of Hon. Joseph A. and Esther (Harper) Shoemaker, was a representative of
a class of men whose value to a community is not marked merely by the success that
attends their efforts in business undertakings, but also by their character in public
and private life. He was the descendant of two of the most prominent and most highly
respected families of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, sketches of whom with particulars
as to their ancestry appear in another part of this work. William H. Shoemaker was educated in the Friends' School in Abington, and afterward
attended the Friends' Central High School located at Fifteenth and Race streets,
Philadelphia. He then took a course in Pierce's Business College, graduating in 1880,
after which he engaged in the butchering business with his father. At the expiration of
two years he went to Colorado, remaining in the west a year. Upon his return to
Jenkintown he again engaged in the meat business and continued the same for six years.
In 1889 he purchased the ice business of James Satterthwaite at Ogontz, conducting
it for a few years along the same lines as his predecessor, but, as Mr. Shoemaker was of
a very progressive and enterprising disposition, he put in a machine for the
manufacturing of ice, and in order to give the people of this vicinity a luxury drove
artesian wells three hundred feet into rock to get the purest water that nature can
produce. He was the first manufacturer of ice in this territory of Montgomery county,
for which innovation he deserved and received great credit and praise. In addition to
this extensive enterprise, he was also engaged in quarrying stone and selling coal, and
to these lines of work he devoted his personal attention up to the time of his decease.
In 1893 he was elected a member of the town council, and during his several years
incumbency of this office discharged his duties and obligations faithfully and
efficiently. Mr. Shoemaker was a model citizen, and a successful business man in every sense of
the word. In public and private life he was ever faithful to the duties that devolved
upon him, meeting promptly and fully every obligation that he incurred. His name was
synonymous with honorable dealing in all business transactions in which he was
concerned. His short but active life demonstrated the possibilities that are open to
young men, whose purpose is high and resolute, to become leaders in the affairs of
business. It may be said of him that his death, which occurred March 16, 1902, was a
shock to the whole community, of which he was an honored and useful member, all classes
recognizing his sterling worth. It is another instance in which death cut short
prematurely an exceedingly promising career. Mr. Shoemaker married, in Philadelphia, April 19, 1899, Katherine Saam, who was
born in that city, July 6, 1867, daughter of Conrad and Amalia (Immel) Saam. They are
the parents of one child- Amalia Immel Shoemaker- (page 147) born June 12, 1900. Conrad Saam was born in Marburg, Germany, in 1831, and died
November 3, 1898. His wife, who survives him, was also a native of Marburg, Germany. CHARLES DE PREFONTAINE, of Blue Bell, Whitpain township, Montgomery county, who has
long been usefully identified with the interests of the community, is of French descent,
and his American ancestors date back to the colonial period. His great-grandfather, John
De Prefontaine, born in Philadelphia county, was a surveyor and conveyancer. He married
Anna H. Buck and their son Benjamin was born in the county named, in 1790, and died
there, fifth day, tenth month, 1828. He was a teacher by occupation. He married Phoebe
Walters, and they were the parents of three children-Ann Eliza, who married Samuel
Jones; Rebecca, who married Charles Paradee; and John. John De Prefontaine, youngest child in the family named, was born September 30,
1819, and died October 5, 1894. He married Mary Megargee, who was born October 16, 1819,
and survived her husband nearly two years, dying September 20, 1896. About 1848 this
couple removed to a neighborhood above Germantown, near the Montgomery county line,
where they lived and cultivated a farm for about six years. For three years thereafter
they lived upon a farm near Doylestown, in Bucks county, and then settled at Jarrettown,
in Upper Dublin township, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Their children were as follows: Charles, who is further referred to hereinafter;
Walter, born October 28, 1845, and died unmarried in 1866; Anna, born in March, 1848,
and married Francis Houpt, of Dreshertown; Joseph, born June 6, 1850, and died January
28, 1854; Albert, who was born in 1852, and married Emily Irvin, and resides in
Philadelphia; and William, of Jarrettown, who was born April 12, 1855, and married Ida
Tyson, of Horsham. Charles De Prefontaine, eldest child of John and Mary (Megargee) De Prefontaine,
was born in Milestown, Philadelphia county, Pennsylvania, January 7, 1844. As was usual,
Charles began to aid in the farm work as soon as he was of suitable age, and his school
attendance was limited to such times in the winter as his labor was not necessary, and
did not exceed more than four or five years altogether, closing with a brief attendance
at the Germantown Academy, when he was in his seventeenth near. He made the best of his
opportunities, however, and supplemented the instruction he had received with diligent
private reading, thus equipping himself for a creditable discharge of every duty that
came to him in after life. On leaving school he clerked in a store for an uncle, Albert Megargee, and then
took employment with another uncle, William Megargee, a dairyman and farmer, for whom he
sold milk for two years at Milestown, just over the Montgomery line, in Philadelphia
county. On February 22, 1867, he married Emma Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Mary
(Donivan) Shields, of Philadelphia. On April 1st, of the same year, Mr. De Prefontaine removed to Blue Bell, in
Whitpain township, which has since been his place of residence. He at once rented a
building and opened a general store, which he conducted with such great success that in
1875 he was enabled to purchase the property, and he removed his now greatly increased
business to the adjoining building, which he now occupies. In 1867 he was appointed postmaster and he has conducted his office with such
ability and integrity that he has been continued therein to the present time, covering
the remarkable period of thirty-seven years. Mr. De Prefontaine is a man of marked public spirit, and has always afforded his
unstinted aid to all that would conduce to the welfare of the community, but has never
sought a political office. He has always given an earnest and intelligent support to the
principles and policies of the Republican party. In religious faith, he and his family
are Methodists, members of the congregation that meets at the Union Meeting House near
Blue Bell, and where are buried Mrs. De Prefontaine, who died April 21, 1899, and a
daughter, Anna Rebecca. Mr. De Prefontaine is a trustee and steward of his church, and
for twenty-five years has been superintendent of its Sunday-school. (page 148) The children of Mr. and Mrs. Charles De Prefontaine are as follows: 1.
Mary, born January 20, 1868, married November 24, 1892, Nathan, son of William and
Elizabeth (Myers) Megargee, of Ogontz. They reside in Denver, Colorado, where Mr.
Megargee is a member of the firm of Megargee & Malen, preservers of fruits, etc.
Their children are: Glenn Earle, born in 1897; and Nathan Leslie, born in 1901. 2. Kate, born August 19, 1870, married, March 27, 1894, Albert Tyson, of Horsham
township, and their children are Emma, Harold, and Russell. 3. Anna Rebecca, born August 21, 1871, died April 15, 1895. 4. Walter, born February 23, 1874; resides in Norristown, and is a music professor
and director of music in the First Presbyterian church. He married, September 26, 1895,
Rachel Mitchell, daughter of Charles and Mary Shaw (Conard) Shoemaker, and they are the
parents of one child, Charles LeRoy, born October 25, 1896. 5. Clara, born November 14, 1875, married, July 30, 1895, Albert, a son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Fry, of Penllyn, and their children are Alice, Florence, Rachel and Albert. 6. Emma, born April 18, 1877, married, March 24, 1897, Oliver Edward, son of Edward
Judson and Mary Jane (Child) Stannard. (See Stannard sketch elsewhere in this work.)
Their children are: Clara Elizabeth, born January 3, 1898 Ethelyn Minerva, who was born
December 29, 1898, and died January 10, 1899; and Mary Jane Child, born July 26,
1901. 7. Alice B., born March 17, 1880, is unmarried, and resides with her father. 8. Charles, born August 8, 1882, assists his father in the conduct of the store. He
married, March 23, 1904, Clara Shook, daughter of Albert and Cora Shook. MRS. MARY SHAW (CONARD) SHOEMAKER, residing at No. 1930
Judson Place, Philadelphia, is the daughter of Joseph Phipps and Rebecca Adamson (Shaw)
Conard. She was born December 9, 1840, in the family homestead, near blue Bell, now
occupied by her brother, Henry Fassett Conard. She attended the public school at Blue
Bell until she reached her fifteenth year, and then remained with her parents until her
marriage, on December 24, 1863, to Charles Shoemaker, son of Enoch and Rachel (Mitchell)
Shoemaker, of Springfield township, Montgomery county. Charles Shoemaker was born in Springfield township, July 8, 1836, and there lived
until 1878, when he removed to Whitpain. He was reared to the occupation of farming and
followed it all his life. He was interested in whatever seemed likely to benefit his
community. In politics he was a Republican, believing its principles best calculated to
promote the progress and prosperity of the state and country. After his marriage, he
rented the farm of his father, who had bought it of the Mitchell estate, until the
spring of 1878. He was identified with the Ambler Building and Loan Association from
1883, being a director for several years and holding the office of vice president at the
time of his death, which occurred January 6, 1898. He was one of the organizers and first directors of the Ridge Avenue farmers'
Market. Mr. Shoemaker was not a public man, caring little for politics, finding his
pleasures after the toil of the day, in the refuge of his home and with home companions.
Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker had nine children. Joseph Conard, the eldest, born July 10, 1865,
attended the public school at Blue Bell, and married, February 17, 1887, Tacy C.,
daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Conard) Walton. He is managing the farm formerly
occupied by his parents near Blue Bell, and has three children. Enoch, second son of
Charles and Mary Shoemaker, born November 22. 1866, is deceased. Ella, born July 9,
1868, married John Bothwell, son of David and Mary (Bothwell) Park, of Horsham township,
and they have two children, Benjamin P. W., born December 11, 1896, and John Bothwell.
Rebecca Jane, born January 23, 1871, is unmarried and resides in Philadelphia; Rachel,
born September 10, 1873, married, September 26, 1895, Walter, son of Charles and Emma
Elizabeth (Shields) De Prefontaine, of Blue Bell, and they have one child, Charles
Leroy, born October 25, 1896, and now residing in Norristown where Mr. De Prefontaine is
organist at the First Presbyterian church. (page 149) Annie Cora, born August 26, 1876, attended Abington Friends' School and the West
Chester State Normal School, and is unmarried and resides in Philadelphia. Mary Klauder,
born March 29, 1879, attended the public school at Blue Bell and also the Schissler
College of Business at Norristown, is unmarried and resides in Philadelphia. Charles,
born September 30, 1881, attended the Blue Bell school and the Pierce College of
Business, in Philadelphia, and is engaged in the insurance business in that city. Frank,
born August 3, 1884, attended school at Blue Bell and the Schissler College of Business,
and resides in Philadelphia where he is engaged in commercial pursuits. The Conard family to which Mrs. Shoemaker belongs is one of the oldest as well as
largest in Montgomery county, and is widely distributed elsewhere. Thones (or Dennis)
Kunders, who was the founder of the family in this country, emigrated from Germany in
October, 1683, and was one of the early settlers of Germantown. In religious belief he
was a member of the Society of Friends, as are most of his descendants in this section
of Pennsylvania. The first Friends' meeting in Germantown was held at his house or cave,
as their temporary homes hastily constructed in a new country, often were, soon after the
arrival of the little band of immigrants. He had been a blue dyer in the fatherland, and
he continued that humble occupation after settling in Germantown. The German immigrants
believed in education, and as early as 1701 they made provision for it, by starting a
school. In 1688 Thanes Kunders was one of the little band of Germantown Friends who
raised their voices against negro slavery, theirs being the first formal protest ever
made in America in opposition to a system that ultimately led to such dreadful
consequences in bringing about the war of the Rebellion. In 1691, on a charter of
incorporation being granted to the village of Germantown, Thones Kunders was chosen as
one of the burgesses. He resided at Germantown a period of forty-six years until his
death. The name Kunders gradually became Anglicized into its present form. In 1722 Thones
Kunders wrote his will and signed his name "Cunreds." In 1747, in the will of one of his
sons, the name is spelled "Conrads," showing the evolution to the established orthography
of the present day, although another son spelled it "Conders," in accordance with the
diversity of spelling that then often prevailed in the same family name. Henry Cunreds, the youngest son of the immigrant, on May 16, 1711, bought of
Charles Mullen, a tract of two hundred and twenty acres and one hundred and eleven
perches of land in Whitpain township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. This tract was
located near Blue Bell, and the small stone house which he built and in which he lived
during the remaining forty-seven years of his life, was standing until within a few
years. Joseph Conard, fifth son of Henry Cunreds, and grandson of the founder of the
family in this country, died in Whitpain in 1786. His second son, John Conard, married
Sarah Childs. They had a family of eleven children, of whom the fourth was Joseph Phipps
Conard, who married Rebecca Shaw in 1835. The couple had nine children, of whom the
subject of this sketch was one. AMOS WALTON, a well-known farmer of Whitpain township,
is the son of Eber and Anna (Shaw) Walton. He was born in the house in which he now
lives, November 16, 1832, near Blue Bell. He attended the public school at Sandy Hill
until his eighteenth year, after which he engaged in farming with his father and later
became manager of the farm, and finally its owner. He married, January 28, 1858, Henrietta, daughter of Francis and Annie (Lebold)
Vonderau. Their children are as follows: William Eber, born January 17, 1861, married
Naomi, daughter of Henry and Susan (Smith) Moser, March 8, 1889; Francis Vonderau, born
November 7, 1863, married Emma L., daughter of Edward and Mary Ann (Betzold) Wilkey, of
Spring House, Pennsylvania, April 3, 1888; Emma Vonderau, born January 12, 1867,
unmarried and resides with parents; Annie Vonderau, born November 16, 1874, married
Warren, son of Evan and Laura (Beck) Brooke, of Cold Point, September 21, 1899. (Page 150) The children of William E. and Naomi Walton are: Herbert Moser, born December 3,
1889; Henrietta Vonderau, born August 4, 1890; Henry Moser, born January 27, 1892;
Ellwood, born December 24, 1894; Flora Moser, born April 8, 1896; Grace Altamine, born
October 22, 1898; Mabel Annie, born March 10, 1900; William, born May 24, 1901; and
Ruth, born October 23, 1902. The children of Francis V. and Emma L. Walton are: Amos B., born January 8, 1889;
Edward B., born April 23, 1891, and Emma May. The children of Warren and Annie V. Brooke are: Emma Walton, born April 5, 1901 ;
and Marguerite, born October 1, 1902. Eber Walton (father) was born near Quakertown, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, May 4,
1800. He was the son of Abraham Walton, also born in that locality a descendant of one
of the early settlers. Abraham Walton (grandfather) removed with his family to Beaver
county, Pennsylvania, in 1816, at the time when a tide of emigration was setting toward
that part of the state. After he grew to manhood Eber Walton returned to Quakertown, and
married, in 1823, Anna, daughter of Joseph Shaw, of that place, who was a member of a
well-known family of Friends and a farmer. Soon after his marriage Eber Walton removed
to Southampton township, Bucks county, where he established himself as a farmer. His next removal was to Plymouth township, Montgomery county, where he continued
farming, and in 1830 he purchased the farm where his son now resides, which is known as
"Walmere." About 1835 Abraham Walton removed his family from Beaver county, Pennsylvania, to
Mount Etna, Indiana, where some of his descendants are now living. The children of Eber
and Anna (Shaw) Walton are: Joseph, born December 19, 1825, married in 1847, Elizabeth,
daughter of John and Sarah (Childs) Conard, of Whitpain township; Mary, born in 1827,
died in infancy; Israel, born in November, 1829, married Tacy, daughter of James and
Sarah Conard; Amos, subject of this sketch; Mahlon, born in 1834, died in 1857. Joseph Walton, after his marriage, with Elizabeth Conard, settled on a farm
adjoining that of his father. Their children are: John and Sarah (twins), born in 1848,
John marrying Margaret, daughter of Jonathan Ambler, of Maryland, and living at
Quakertown. Israel and Tacy (Conard) Walton have one son, Henry Conard, who was born in 1857,
married Winifred, daughter of Ethan Weidner, of Whitpain township, they living in
Philadelphia. Since coming into possession of the homestead Amos Walton has managed it
as a dairy and general farm, and has been very successful in his vocation. The Waltons
for many generations have been members of the Society of Friends, attending Plymouth
Preparative and Gwynedd Monthly Meetings. In politics Amos Walton is a Republican, as
are all the family.
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Lines on hearing that California had voted for Lincoln in 1864.
From where the placid Delaware winds onward in its course,
To where Niagara's waters flow with their resistless force:
From where New England's stalwart sons amidst the woods of Maine,
The axe rings forth the anthem, rings forth glad refrain!
The miner in the land of Penn, the boatman at the oar,
The farmer in the teeming West, among his garnered store,
The sailor on the ocean, amidst the surging sea,
All have caught the glad acclaim,--LINCOLN and Liberty!
And where Columbia's patriot sons encamp at Richmond's gate
Their every shot and every shell proclaim the voice of fate!
The slave's dull ear has caught the note,--the anthem of the free,
As Dahlgren's voice pronounces clear,--LINCOLN and Liberty!
'Twas thus along our country's shore, from heart to heart it flew;
The lightning's wing conveyed the news that gladdened not a few--
All oe'r the land, from lake to gulf, responsive thrilled each breast,--
From North to South, from sea to sea, and in the fair young West--
And o'er Pacific's gentle wave, far toward the setting sun,--
From where the sands with gold are mixed, and silvery waters run;
From where Nevada rears his head, and Winter's chaplet crowns;
Where Nature, both in mount and tree, in giant growth abounds,--
There, in that land where Broderick lived, there where he fought and fell,
In Freedom's ranks his friends have ranged, and Freedom's cohorts swell!
The tide from out the Golden Gate is ebbing toward the sea;
Amidst the shrouds the sailor sings,--LINCOLN and Liberty.
5. Emma L., born December 18, 1890; 6. Francis S., born December 15, 1891; 7. Rebecca,
born August, 1893, died December 23, 1901; 8. Josephine, born December, 1894, died
August, 1895; 9. Edwin Joseph, born September 16, 1900.
2. Emma L., born December
21, 1854 - 3. Fannie, born August 12, 1856, died March 2, 1900. 4. Anna, born September
28, 1865, married William Penrose, born July 31, 1847, a son of Jarrett and Tacy Ann
Penrose. Of this marriage was born one son, Joseph Hallowell Penrose, born July 31,
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