(page 19 cont.) SAMUEL K. ANDERS, President of the People's National Bank of Norristown, is a
descendant of Balthasar Anders and his wife, Anna Hoffrichter, who came in 1734 to
Pennsylvania with one child, George, born in 1733, in Germany. The couple had two more
children born in this country; Anna, born April 8, 1736; Abraham, born April 1739.
Balthasar Anders (great-great-grandfather) was by trade a shoemaker, and lived in
Towamencin township, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, upon the property now owned by
George Anders, and there followed his trade until his death, which occurred May 25,
1754, aged fifty-six years. His wife died March 29, 1784, aged eighty-three years and
nine months. His mother, who came with him to this country, was buried September 30,
1734, in Philadelphia, eight days after their arrival. Abraham Anders
(great-grandfather), son of Balthasar Anders, married Susanna, daughter of Melchior
Kriebel, November 25, 1765. Their children were: Benjamin, born November 30, 1766;
Rosanna, born July 1, 1769, died December 24, 1853; Abraham, born June 2, 1774; Anna,
born April 13, 1780. Susanna, wife of Abraham Anders, died March 28, 1813, aged
seventy-three years, five months. Abraham Anders died April 19, 1819, aged eighty years,
six days. Abraham Anders (grandfather), son of Abraham Anders, married Susanna,
daughter of Abraham Dresher, November 25, 1802. Their children were: George, born
November 19, 1803; Lydia, born July 6, 1805; Abraham, born September 2, 1807; Anna, born
October 24, 1809; Samuel, born March 28, 1812; Susanna, born October 2, 1815; and Sarah,
born August 8, 1820. Susanna, wife of Abraham Anders, died October 26, 1831, aged fifty
years, three months. Abraham Anders died August 2, 1852, aged seventy-eight
years, two months. He lived in Worcester township on a farm which he owned. George
Anders (father), son of Abraham Anders, married Susanna, daughter of Samuel Kriebel,
October 27, 1825. Their children were: Sarah, born June 3, 1828, died September 3, 1828;
Elizabeth, born May 15, 1830; Abraham K., born October 1833; Rosanna, born October 16,
1836, died same day; Samuel K., born October 10, 1838; William K., born June 12, 1841;
Daniel K., born September 19, 1846. Susanna, wife of George Anders, died May 21, 1857.
George Anders died January 23, 1876. Balthasar Anders and his wife and the successive generations of the family which
have been mentioned were members of the religious body known as Schwenkfelders, who were
so called from Caspar Schwenkfelder, a Silesian nobleman, born in 1490, who, having
become imbued with the principles and doctrines proclaimed by John Huss, renounced the
Catholic church to become an evangelist, and for thirty-six years, with voice and pen,
exhorted men to repentance and godliness. He denied that the external word that is, the
scriptures, is endowed with the power of healing, renewing and illuminating the mind,
but ascribed this power to the internal or eternal word, that is Christ himself. He
differed with Luther and, cut off from fellowship with the Lutherans, he and his
followers were persecuted by the Catholics. He died at Ulm, December 10, 1562. The
Schwenkfelders after his death increased and maintained their faith and worship in the
Fatherland for nearly two hundred years. (page 20) About 1725 persecution which had almost ceased for a time, was renewed with great
fury, and this unhappy people were given the choice of apostasy, continued endurance or
flight from the country. The exodus commenced in February, 1726. One hundred and seventy
families fled to Saxony, where they were hospitably received and treated with much
consideration by Count Zinzendorf and others. They remained eight years, but in 1733
they were informed that they would be tolerated no longer in Lusatia, where they had
settled, an application having been made for their return to Silesia. Two families
emigrated to Pennsylvania, arriving at Philadelphia September 18, 1733, and sent such a
good report of the country that the whole band determined to follow them. They set out
for Altona in Denmark in April, 1734, where they arrived May 17, and on the 28th
embarked on three small vessels for Harlem, arriving there June 6, thence proceeded June
19 to Rotterdam, embarking for Pennsylvania on an English ship, the "St. Andrew,"
touching at Plymouth, England, and arriving at Philadelphia on September 22, 1734. The'
spent the 24th in thanksgiving to God for delivering them out of the hands of their
persecutors, for raising up friends in the time of greatest need, and for leading them
into a land of freedom where they might worship without being molested by civil or
ecclesiastical power. That day, September 24, has been so observed ever since. They
settled in the neighborhood of Chestnut Hill, and in Burks, Lehigh and Montgomery
counties, the greater number in what is now Montgomery. Samuel K. Anders was
educated in the public schools of Norriton, and on reaching manhood engaged in
agricultural pursuits on his own account, following that occupation for twenty years. In
1888 he was elected a member of the board of county commissioners on the Republican
ticket, having previously served as school director and in other minor positions. As a
county commissioner, he was faithful, vigilant, and earnestly devoted to the public
interests; many improvements in the court house, rebuilding the county prison and other
public institutions having been brought about largely through his instrumentality. He is
the only person who ever served in that position in Montgomery county for so long a
period. In the discharge of his official duties he displayed the same integrity, ability
and good judgment that that have characterized him in all business, public and private.
On the death of Abraham A. Yeakle, president of the People's National Bank of
Norristown, in 1888, he became his successor, and has held the position by successive
re-election ever since, the success of the institution having been largely due to his
careful and conservative management. In 1866 Mr. Anders married Mary A. Heebner,
the daughter of the late David S. Heebner, of Lansdale. They had four children, two of
whom died in infancy; another, A. Laura, died at the age of sixteen years; the only one
now living being George H. Anders, who served for a number of years as deputy in the
county treasurer's office. Mrs. Mary A. Anders died September 16, 1881. Samuel K. Anders
is a man of pleasing personality, his manners being affable, his natural kindness of
heart being tempered by a practical good sense and keen insight of human nature. As a
politician, a financier, a business man and a citizen, he has been eminently successful
and is universally esteemed. George H. Anders, son of Samuel K. Anders, attended
the neighboring school in Norriton township, and, for a time, the Norristown high school.
He was engaged in farming in Norriton until his removal to Norristown. In politics he is,
like his father, an active Republican, and served for some years in Norriton township as
a school director, besides occasionally filling minor township offices. He was
frequently a delegate to county conventions. He married Eveline, daughter of Nathan and
Martha J. Schultz, of Norristown. The father, for many years proprietor of a hotel at
Marshall and DeKalb streets, Norristown, has been deceased some years. Mrs. Eveline
Anders was born July 19, 1862. She was married January 16, 1883. Their children, all
born in Norriton township: Laura S., born October 23, 1884; Stanley S., born October 12,
1886; Rebecca, born February 8, 1889, died April 25, 1890; Samuel K., Jr., born September
25, 1891. (page 21) George H. Anders served six years as deputy County treasurer during the terms of
Abraham C. Godshall, of Lansdale, and Henry W. Hallowell, of Bethayres. On the death of
ex-Judge Charles H. Stinson, Samuel K. Anders became a member of the board of trustees
of the Norristown Hospital for the Insane, a position which he still holds. On the death
of David Schall, he was appointed a member of the board of directors of the Montgomery
county prison, which also he still holds. (Picture of A. H. Baker) ANDREW H. BAKER, son of Benjamin and Mary A. Baker, was born March 21,
1836, at Eagleville, Lower Providence township, Montgomery county. His father lived most
of his later years on the Germantown Pike, near its intersection with the present Stony
Creek Railroad, where he died in 1885 at the age of seventy-seven years. His wife
survived him some years. The children of Benjamin and Mary A. Baker were: Arnold,
married Lucy Von Nieda, and lives in Norristown; Andrew H. Baker; Martha H., married
William S. Finney, and removed to Kansas, where they have children; Elizabeth, married
Samuel Rittenhouse, of Norriton, who also has several children; Cornelia G., wife of
John C., son of Andrew Morgan, of Worcester, who died two weeks after her father; Hannah
M., married Mark R., son of Alexander Supplee, first lieutenant of Captain Pechin's
company during the war of the rebellion. Andrew H. Baker, was educated in the district
schools and at Treemont and Freeland seminaries, and in his eighteenth year took charge
of the public school at Washington Square, where he taught for some time. He afterwards
taught the school at Centre Square until 1861, for a period of six years, when he
removed to Norristown, and was appointed clerk to the county commissioners. He held the
clerkship for twelve years, evincing not only ability in clerical duties, but also
public spirit, and in the absence of the county treasurer he frequently filled the
latter's place as assistant deputy treasurer. He was also clerk of the military relief
board during the war, and clerk of the board of jury commissioners during the first five
years of the establishment of said board. He studied surveying for a time with Elijah W.
Beans, and practised some. Mr. Baker was a member of the Norristown school board for
about ten years and was secretary thereof until he left Norristown. On the organization
of the First National Bank of Conshohocken, in 1873, Mr. Baker was elected teller, which
place he filled two years, until the founding of Jenkintown National Bank, 1875, when he
was chosen cashier, which position he has now filled twenty-seven years. He was
president of the Jenkintown school board for three terms. He has also been treasurer of
the Jenkintown Building Association since its organization, member of the board of
trustees for the state in behalf of Montgomery county of the State Normal School at West
Chester; a member of the board of directors of the Cheltenham and Willow Grove turnpike
company, and of the Abington Library for several years; is one of the managers of the
Jenkintown Reading Room, and was for many years a choir leader and superintendent at St.
John's church and Burr's Meeting house, and president of the board of health since its
organization in 1893. In December 1857, Mr. Baker married Matilda L., daughter
of William Barton, of Norriton. They had one son, Frank H. Baker, born September 10,
1858, who studied law in the office of B. E. Chain, and was admitted to the bar. He has
filled many clerical and other positions, including executorships and other offices of
trust and responsibility. He was for some time United States mail agent between New York
City and Pittsburg. Mrs. Matilda Baker died in 1860 of typhoid fever. October 6, 1864
Andrew H. Baker married Emily J. McGonigle, principal of one of the Philadelphia public
schools. They had two children, Walter C. and May A., both of whom died in childhood. An
adopted daughter, Alice G., died several years ago at the age of twenty-three years.
Emily J. (McGonigle) Baker died January 13, 1904. (page 22) Frank H. Baker is now employed at Broad Street station of the Pennsylvania Railroad.
He has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Sarah T. Yost, of Norrisonville, who
died about 1895, leaving one child, Andrew A. Baker. He married (second wife) Mrs. Anna
L. Leipheimer, widow of Richard Leipheimer, who died October 27, 1901. They are living
on Noble street, Norristown. Arnold Baker (grandfather) kept the Barley Sheaf hotel on
Germantown Pike, where is now Hartranft Station. In a barn which once stood on this
property, the first court in Montgomery county was held in 1784. It has not been
occupied for thirty years or more as a hotel. In early life while teaching at
Centre Square, Andrew H. Baker became a member of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran
church, near Belfry. On removing to Norristown he transferred his membership to the
Lutheran Church of the Trinity on DeKalb street. After removing to Jenkintown he became
a member of Abington Presbyterian church, the oldest organization of that denomination
in that section of Pennsylvania. When Grace Memorial Presbyterian church at Jenkintown
was founded, he became a member there, and has long been an elder and trustee. Mr. Baker
is a man who stands very high in the community in which he lives, his long and honorable
career inspiring the highest confidence in all with whom he comes in contact. In every
relation of life he is an example to those around him, his sound judgment and keen sense
of justice causing his opinions to have much weight with those who know him. J. ELLWOOD LEE. One of the most important industrial
enterprises of Montgomery county and at the same time one of the youngest is the plant
of the J. Ellwood Lee Company at Conshohocken. This business was established by J.
Ellwood Lee, who was born in Conshohocken in 1860. He is the oldest son of Bradford
Adams Lee, who has been a resident of Conshohocken for more than a half century, and
Sarah A. (Raysor) Lee, also a resident of the same town. Through his paternal
grandmother, Mr. Lee is connected with the family of Presidents John Adams and John
Quiney Adams, and through his paternal grandfather with the New Jersey and Virginia
branches of the Lee family. E. Bradford Adams Lee, father of J. Ellwood Lee, was born in
New Castle county, in the state of Delaware, October 29, 1838. He is a son of Thomas and
Ann N. (Adams) Lee. Ann Nottingham (Adams) Lee, grandmother, was a daughter of Edmund
and Jane Adams. Her father, Edmund Adams, was born May 20, 1769. His wife Jane, whom he
married June 14, 1792, was born September 2, 1772. Their children were: James, born
December I, 1793; Elizabeth, born October 21, 1794; Mary, born March 24, 1797; Rebecca,
born December 23, 1800; Jonathan, born July 26, 1803; Elisha, born November 26, 1805;
Ann Nottingham Adams, who was the mother of Elisha Bradford Adams Lee, born February 16,
1808. Jane Adams died February 16, 1845. Her husband died January 28, 1817. Elisha
Bradford Adams Lee, father of Mr. Lee, came to Pennsylvania at the age of four years,
his parents removing from Delaware in 1842 and establishing a home in Conshohocken.
There he had but limited educational advantages, being employed from the age of eleven
years in earning his own livelihood. For more than thirty-five years he was engaged in
the rolling mills of J. Wood and Brother. For a time he entered into mercantile
business. Later he became interested in business with his son, and he has been employed
with the J. Ellwood Lee Company in various responsible positions. Mr. Lee married July
3, 1859, at Conshohocken, Miss Sarah A. Raysor. She was the daughter of William and
Elizabeth (Culp) Raysor, and was born March 8, 1841. Their children: John Ellwood,
subject of this sketch; Conard Berk, born April 23, 1862, who married, October 12, 1887,
Anna May Hendren, and died May 8, 1897, leaving no children; Mary Elizabeth, born January
20, 1865, married June 14, 1899, William Cleaver; Maria B., born August 1, 1870; Harry
Adams, born November 3, 1879. Mrs. Bradford Lee died July 8, 1886. She was a member of
the Presbyterian Church, and a woman whose consistent life and many Christian qualities
endeared her to her family and friends. (page 23) Thomas Lee, grandfather, was born in Delaware county, Pennsylvania, in 1799. He
married, June 11, 1829, Ann Nottingham Adams. Their children were as follows: Edmund
Adams, born April 23, 1830; William, born October 21, 1831; Daniel W. Coxe, born
February 12, 1834; Mary Jane, born July 5, 1836; Elisha B. Adams, father of J. Ellwood
Lee. Mrs. Thomas Lee died October 24, 1844. Thomas Lee married a second wife, who was
Rebecca N. Adams, a sister of his first wife. There were no children by the second
marriage. Mrs. Rebecca Lee died July 18, 1848, and Mr. Lee married a third time,
September 8, 1849, Sarah Logue. By this marriage there was one daughter, Elizabeth Lee.
The mother died July 29, 1854, her husband having died eight days previously, both being
victims of cholera, which was then raging at Conshohocken. J. Ellwood Lee was born
November 15, 1860. He received his education at the Conshohocken High School, being a
graduate of the class of 1879. Immediately after his graduation he entered the surgical
instrument business in Philadelphia, with William Snowden, remaining with him for nearly
five years. On April 12, 1882, he married Miss Jennie W. Cleaver, youngest daughter of
Mrs. A. J. Cleaver. In November, 1883, Mr. Lee broke off his connections with Mr.
Snowden in the Philadelphia business, and branched out for himself, starting in the
attic of his home in Conshohocken, to make bandages, ligatures, and a few like surgical
necessities. From this small beginning sprang the present great industrial enterprise of
which Mr. Lee is now general manager and treasurer. The goods which are manufactured by
this company are known throughout the entire civilized world. The capital originally
invested by Mr. Lee in starting the enterprise was $29.85 (the company still owns the
book in which this original entry was made), and the capital now employed to carry on
the business is nearly a million of dollars. The annual sales now amount to more than
the sum named, showing what can be done from a small beginning. The superior quality of
the products of the J. Ellwood Lee Company has created a wide demand for them. Soon
after beginning the work in which it is now so extensively engaged, Mr. Lee erected a
two-story shop, and fitted it with the appliances needed for the business. In
1887 a three-story mill of stone was erected, much larger than the older structure. In
1888 the rapidly expanding business requiring still more complete arrangements for its
operations, Mr. Lee formed the J. Ellwood Lee Company, with a capital of $75,000, which
has been increased from time to time as necessity required, until it has reached the
figures already mentioned. The company owns many valuable patents, a large number of
them the product of Mr. Lee's inventive genius, he being one who can very readily adapt
the means at hand to the end required. He has been uniformly successful in meeting the
needs of surgeons in any particular direction required, constructing the article desired
in such a manner that it is the best possible for the purpose for which it is to be
employed. The perforated metallic splint is an illustration of this adaptation of means
to ends. It has superseded almost emirely the old, ill-contrived wooden splint, being
light, flexible and easily kept in place. One secret of the remarkable success which Mr.
Lee has achieved is his ability to meet any and all emergencies that are likely to arise
in connection with the science of modern surgery. Besides surgical instruments, the
establishment manufactures also antiseptic preparations of all kinds and many appliances
coming more properly under the head of surgical supplies for the use of hospitals,
surgeons and the medical profession generally. The establishment has agencies in all the
large cities of this country, in fact in all large cities throughout the world. Mr. Lee
owes his success in life to his inventive genius, his persistency in his undertakings,
and his capacity for business. The management of an establishment like the J. Ellwood
Lee Company is a task that demands executive ability of a high order. He directs the
operations that are in progress with consummate skill, and is thoroughly at home in all
the details of a business which he has built up from the small beginning already
mentioned, until now it is one of the largest and most flourishing of its kind in the
world. (page 24) Mrs. J. Ellwood Lee is the daughter of Jonathan and Anna J. (Wood) Cleaver. She was
born October 8, 1860. Their children: Mary Cleaver, born July 29, 1884, died February 7,
1893; Elsie, born January 19, 1888; J. Ellwood, Jr., born August 13, 1891; Herbert B.,
born June 11, 1900, and died February II, 1902. Mr. and Mrs. Lee, with their two
surviving children, reside in Conshohocken. Mr. Lee has been a member of the town
council since 1898. He was chosen by acclamation a delegate to the national Republican
convention for the renomination of President Roosevelt. Mr. Lee is a member of Calvary
Protestant Episcopal church, Conshohocken, having been a vestryman since 1888. He is
also a member of the Penn Club, and of the Pencoyd Club, of Wissahickon. He is of a very
social temperament and fond of athletic sports. As a Republican Mr. Lee has a deep
interest in the success of the candidates and principles of the party. He has not sought
or held office, aside from what has been mentioned, his business absorbing his attention
to the exclusion of such matters. He is always alert to the interests of Conshohocken,
and ever ready to do what he can to promote the welfare of the community of which he is
an honored member. (Picture of H. M. Brownback) HENRY MARCH BROWNBACK, postmaster of Norristown and ex-district
attorney of Montgomery county, is one of the best known of the younger members of the
Norristown bar. He is the youngest son of James and Ellen (March) Brownback, and was
born in West Vincent township, Chester county, Pennsylvania, December 17, 1860. The
Brownback family, German in origin, has many branches in eastern Pennsylvania, and its
members are influential in their different communities. The immigrant was
Gerhard Brumback (anglicized into Garrett Brownback), who sailed from Amsterdam in the
ship Concord in 1683, landing at Philadelphia. Garrett Brownback settled first at
Germantown, and removed later to Chester county, where he became a large landholder and
the first hotel-keeper in his section. He was the founder of the Brownback Reformed
church, still in existence. He lived to the age of ninety-six years, dying about 1757.
He married Mary Pepen, youngest daughter of Howard Pepen, whose wife was Mary
Rittenhouse. The couple had two sons: Benjamin and Henry, and four daughters. Benjamin
Brownback married Mary Paul and had three sons: Henry, John and Edward. Henry married
Magdalena Paul, and had five children: John, Peter, Benjamin, Annie and Susan. Many of
the descendants of Garrett Brownback are useful citizens, filling positions of honor and
trust in different sections of the state. One of the great-grandsons of Garrett
Brownback was William Brownback (grandfather), a native of Chester county, who became a
successful farmer. His wife was Eliza Wilson. She died in 1840 aged thirty-two years,
leaving a family of four children; her husband survived her for half a century, dying
July 29, 1890, at the age of eighty-four years. He was an exemplary citizen, and a
life-long member of the Reformed church, participating actively in its affairs. One of
his sons was James Brownback (father), who was born March 4, 1833, in Chester county.
After obtaining his education, he began life as a farmer, pursuing that occupation
successfully. He sold out his other interests in 1865, and engaged in business as an
iron founder, at Linfield, this county, where he still resides, although his firm, the
March-Brownback Company, removed to Pottstown in 1891, he being its president and its
business being prosperous. Mr. Brownback is also interested in other enterprises in that
vicinity. In 1857 he married Ellen March, at Lawrenceville, Chester county. The couple
had three children, Ada F., died November 13, 1899, wife of Henry G. Kulp, Pottstown;
William M., married Annie Yocum, of Bryn Mawr, where the family reside; and Henry M.
Brownback, of Norristown. Henry M. Brownback became a resident of Montgomery county when
his parents removed from Chester county to Linfield. (Page 25) He was then but seven years of age. He attended private schools, and Ursinus College.
Subsequently, he studied law in the office of his uncle, Franklin March, then in active
practice at Norristown as a member of the Montgomery county bar. Having passed a most
creditable examination, he was admitted to the bar December 4, 1882, beginning
immediately the practice of his profession, in partnership with Mr. March, the firm
being March and Brownback. This arrangement continued in force successfully until
January 1, 1903, when it was dissolved, Mr. Brownback continuing, however, to devote
himself to the practice of law. He became the nominee of the Republican party for the
position of district attorney in 1889, and was elected to the position in November of
that year, serving the term of three years with credit to himself, and with fidelity to
the interests of the public. He has filled the position of solictor for several county
officials, from time to time, and has achieved exceptional success as a lawyer. July 2,
1890, Mr. Brownback married Miss Augustine Marguerite Lowe, a daughter of Prof. T.S. C.
Lowe, then a resident of Norristown but more recently of Pasadena, California, who has
been largely interested in railway construction and other important business
enterprises, and is the owner of many valuable inventions. Mr. and Mrs.
Brownback have two sons, Henry Lowe and Russell James. Early in July 1899, Mr. Brownback
was appointed postmaster at Norristown by President McKinley. In January 1903, his term
of four years having expired, he was re-appointed by President Roosevelt to the
position. As postmaster Mr. Brownback has been faithful, energetic and progressive,
always desiring to promote in every possible way the convenience and accommodation of
the public. Under his supervision free rural delivery has been instituted, the routes
which branch out from Norristown extending to various sections of the county. During his
administration, also, the movement for a public building in Norristown was carried to a
successful conclusion. Courteous, obliging and faithful in the discharge of his duties,
Mr. Brownback is a model official. GENERAL WILLIAM M. MINTZER, the son of Henry and Rebecca (Bechtel)
Mintzer, was born in Chester county, June 7, 1837. He was one of nine children, five of
whom are now living, as follows: General William M.; Elizabeth, wife of John F. Reeser,
of New Ringgold, Pennsylvania; Rebecca, wife of Chaney Townsend, of Philadelphia;
Warren, of Pottstown, and Sallie, wife of Clayton Gulp, of Philadelphia; Joseph died in
Philadelphia. Henry Mintzer (father) lived all of his life on a farm which was a
part of the present site of the borough of Pottstown. He was postmaster in Pottstown
during Lincoln's administration and was a school director. His wife was Rebecca Bechtel,
who died in 1896, aged eighty-six years. He died in 1883, aged seventy years. His wife
was a member of the Lutheran church. William Mintzer (grandfather) was of German
descent, hut was born in Pennsylvania. He operated a line of stages between Pottstown and
Philadelphia and also conducted a general store in Pottstown. He was a member of the
school board and borough council and took an active interest in the affairs of the
borough. His wife was Sarah Missimer, and they had a family of nine children. He died at
the age of fifty-six years. Peter Bechtel (maternal grandfather) was a native of
Pennsylvania of German descent. He owned a large farm and was the proprietor of a
prominent hotel in Pottstown for a number of years. His wife was Catharine. He died at
an advanced age. General William M. Mintzer has lived in Pottstown nearly all his life.
He attended the district schools and was a student for one term in the Hill school. He
began learning the machinist trade at the age of nineteen and spent four years in this
way. During the last six months of that time he was a member of the Madison Guards, a
militia company of Pottstown, and when Fort Sumter was fired on by the Confederate
forces, he dropped the hammer and chisel and immediately left the machine shop. (page 26) Upon receipt of telegraphic orders sent by Colonel John Frederic Hartranft to
Captain Strough, the commander of the company, to prepare for going to the front, Mr.
Mintzer immediately went to the armory and arranged to recruit a company. He headed that
enlistment roll, being the first man to enlist in the borough of Pottstown after the
firing upon Fort Sumter. Captain Strough, by the advice of his family physician,
tendered his resignation on Wednesday night and D. Webster Davis was elected captain,
but owing to the severe illness of his wife, was obliged to resign. On Thursday morning,
immediately after the resignation of Captain Davis, Mr. Mintzer suggested the name .f
John R. Brooke, formerly major-general in the regular army and now retired, as the
proper person to command the company, and he was elected captain that same evening. At
that same meeting, owing to the activity and interest of Mr. Mintzer n recruiting the
company, he was elected by the company to the office of third lieutenant, an office not
recognized in military affairs at that time, and was presented with a sword and sash by
the citizens of Pottstown, as were also the other officers of the company. After the
sword presentation that morning the company took the train and went to Harrisburg.
Arriving at Harrisburg, the office of third lieutenant was not recognized and Mr.
Mintzer shouldered a musket and vent into the ranks as a private soldier. Soon
afterwards he was appointed quartermaster sergeant on Colonel Hartranft's
noncommissioned staff and served in that capacity until the expiration of the three
month's service. The company was then reorganized under President Lincoln's call for
three hundred thousand men, of which Quartermaster Mintzer was made first lieutenant. He
served as first lieutenant from September 18, 1861, until June 2, 1862, when he was
promoted to Captain of Company A, and promoted to lieutenant-colonel September 29, 1864:
to colonel, October 30, 1864; and to brevet brigadier-general, March 13, 1865.
After the battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, General Mintzer was detailed as
provost marshal of the First Division, Second Army Corps, then commanded by General
Winfield Scott Hancock, and had three companies of the regiment, A. B. and K., with him
on duty and at headquarters. When General Hancock took the command of the corps, Captain
Mintzer vent with him and served with him until April 1864, when he returned to his
regiment and was in all the movements of Grant's first campaign through the Wilderness,
and was in every other engagement from that time to the close of the war. He was in
command of the picket line of his regiment when Lee surrendered at Appomattox, on the
morning of April 9, 1865. General Mintzer was a brave soldier and few men among the
thousands who enlisted from Pennsylvania saw as much active service as he. On
February 5, 1863, General Mintzer married Amelia Weand, daughter of David and Matilda
(Shuler) Weand. The couple had four children: George, Helen, John and Charles. Helen
died at the age of twenty-five years; John married Bessie Smith. They now live at
Homestead, where he is connected with the Carnegie Steel Company. Charles married Ida
Weiler. They live in Pottstown. General Mintzer is a Lutheran in religious faith
and his wife belongs to the Trinity Reformed church. He is a member of Richards Post, No.
95, Grand Army of the Republic. He is also a member of the Union Veteran Legion and is
present Commander of Camp 22, of Pottstown, and is a member of the Loyal Legion of the
United States. General Mintzer has been in the coal business for the past twenty-five
years, representing the Berwind White Coal Mining Company. He has lived at his present
home about twenty years. He was postmaster two terms under General Grant and was
appointed the third time, but declined to hold the position longer. He was also a member
of the school board some years. Politically he is a Republican. Mrs. Mintzer's parents,
David and Matilda (Shuler) Weand, were natives of New Hanover township, Montgomery
county. They were the parents of seven children, three sons and four daughters, of whom
five are now living: Amelia, wife of General Mintzer; Milton, of Pottstown; John, of San
Antonio, Texas; Mary, widow of Levi Prizer, of Norristown; and Emma, wife of William
Shuler, of the Shuler House, Pottstown. David Weand was raised on a farm and in young
manhood was a cigar manufacturer. Later he went into the grocery business in Pottstown
for about twenty-five years. His death occurred May 12, 1885, at the age of seventy-two
years. His wife died February 3, 1874, aged fifty-five years. She was a Lutheran in her
young days, but after her marriage went with her husband to the German Reformed church.
He was a member of the borough council a number of years when a young man. His father
was Wendel Weand, a native of Pennsylvania, who owned a farm in New Hanover township,
Montgomery county, where he resided all his life. He died before reaching an advanced
age. His wife was Catharine Dotterer, who lived to be eighty years of age. They had
seven sons and two daughters. He belonged to the branch of the Weand family from which
Judge Weand of Norristown has descended. The maternal grandfather of Mrs.
Mintzer was Samuel Shuler, a native of Pennsylvania and of German descent. He was a
farmer near Sunneytown, Montgomery county, where he died in middle life. His wife was
Elizabeth Zepp, who lived to be ninety-three years of age. She and her husband had five
children. HENRY A. GROFF, elected register of wills of Montgomery
county in 1902, was born in Lower Salford township, December 16, 1860. He is the son of
Jacob S. and Anna (Alderfer) Groff, of Lower Salford. Jacob S. Groff (father)
was born November 5, 1836. He was reared on a farm until he was sixteen years of age.
His father was Abraham Groff. Jacob attended the schools of the vicinity and learned the
trade of a miller with William Godshalk, of New Britain, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, who
afterwards represented the district in Congress for two terms. Having completed his
apprenticeship, he accepted a position in the mill of Benjamin S. Alderfer, in Lower
Salford, and married his oldest daughter, purchasing the mill in 1878. He married Anna
Alderfer, daughter of Benjamin S. and Lena (Nyce) Alderfer, October 4, 1856. She was
born October 6, 1834. The children of Jacob S. and Anna Groff: Abraham A., born March 4,
1858; Henry A., subject of this sketch; Benjamin A., born April 30, 1866; Ellwood A.,
born October 30, 1870, Abraham A. Goff, the eldest child of Jacob Groff, married Kate
K., daughter of Abraham Moyer, of Franconia. Benjamin A. Groff married Annie M.,
daughter of Rev. Jacob B.Booz, of Upper Salford township; Ellwood A. Groff married
Minerva R., daughter of Jacob Ruckstool, also of Upper Salford. The children of Abraham
A. and Kate K. Groff, who were married December 8, 1883: Anna M., born June 6, 1885;
Alice, born September 2, 1887; Lizzie, born June 27, 1891; Jacob, born September 15,
1893; Clayton, born June 26, 1899. Abraham A. resides in Lower Salford, near
Lederachsville. The children of Benjamin A. and Annie M. Groff, who were married
October 2, 1886: Vincent; Eva, born June 27, 1891; Ellwood, born November 28, 1892;
Martha, born May 17, 1894; Lydia, born October 2, 1896; William Irvin, born April 29,
1902. Benjamin A. Groff is the engineer at the Montgomery County Home. He resides in a
tenement house belonging to the Home. The children of Ellwood A. and Minerva R.
Groff, who were married July 29, 1893: Jacob R., born November 27, 1894; Reinhart R.,
born September 16, 1897; Benjamin, born December 17, 1901. Ellwood A. Groff resides on
the homestead in Lower Salford. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Groff are both living. They are
Mennonites in religious faith. Mr. Groff takes an active interest in politics, being an
earnest Republican. He never missed an election since his maturity. Abraham
Groff (grandfather) had six children, as follows: David, married Maria Fluck and resides
in Sellersville, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. They have the following children: Henry F.,
married Kate Wagner; Abraham F., married Emma Deatz; Anna, married Harry Schlosser;
Hetty (deceased); Hannah, married Irvin F. Baringer, Hetty, married Levi Bleam, of
Milford Square, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, who is deceased. He left a son Henry, who
married Tilly, daughter of Daniel Reiff. (page 28) Kate Wagner; Abraham F., married Emma Deatz; Anna, married Harry Schlosser; Hetty
(deceased); Hannah, married Irvin F. Baringer. Hetty, married Levi Bleam, of Milford
Square, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, who is deceased. He left a son Henry, who married
Tilly, daughter of Daniel Reiff. Mary, married Jacob Rosenberger, of Bridgetown,
Bucks county, Pennsylvania, who is now deceased, leaving two daughters; Amanda, married
Ephraim Leister; and Mary. Betsy, married Ezra Moore, of Bridgetown, now South Perkasie,
Bucks county, Pennsylvania. She is deceased, leaving two daughters, Harriet, married John
A. Freed, of Perkasie, and Hetty, married Milton Shelley, of Quakertown. Jacob S.
(father). Isaac S., married Sarah Eisenberg, who died several years ago leaving
one son, Harvey, who resides in Philadelphia. The Groffs are descended from
Jacob Groff, who emigrated from Holland about 1758 and came to Pennsylvania, settling in
Bucks county, near where is now Sellersville. He brought with him four children: John,
Peter, Mary, Henry, born on the ship coming to this country. Henry Groff, last
mentioned, is the ancestor of Register of Wills Henry A. Groff. His children: Jacob,
Abraham (grandfather), Elizabeth, Polly, Susan, Hester. All of these lived in Bucks
county. Henry A. Groff, subject of this sketch, attended the public schools of
the vicinity of his home in Lower Salford, being occupied at intervals on the farm and
in the mill of his father. Later he became the proprietor of the coal, lumber and feed
business of Salford Station, in which he is still engaged. He was postmaster for a
number of years, beginning with Cleveland's first term, in 1885. In politics he is an
active Republican, always laboring actively for the success of the, principles and
candidates of the party. His popularity was attested by the large vote he received on
the Republican ticket in 1902. He has performed the duties of the office very
successfully. He married, in 1881, Emma K., daughter of Henry B. and Hannah (Kooker)
Allebach, of an old family in Hilltown, Bucks county. Their children: Jacob A., born
December 29, 1881; Ella A., born July 10, 1883; Allen A., born January 21, 1885; Hannah
A., born January 6, 1887; Harvey A., born June 17, 1891; Anna A., born April 8, 1899;
Lillie A., born November 12, 1901. Mr. Groff is a typical representative of the Pennsylvania German race who form so
large an element in the population of Montgomery county. In religious faith he is a
Mennonite, as are all his family, attending the Lower Salford Mennonite meeting house.
He is courteous and affable, giving strict attention to business and performing every
duty with fidelity and care. (Family of I. P. Wanger, 1903) HON. IRVING PRICE WANGER has been a prominent figure in Montgomery
county politics from the time he attained his majority, and has the distinction of being
it first Republican district attorney, the first person to be elected to that office
more than once and of serving much longer in congress than any other representative of
any district of which either of the counties forming the present district has been a
part, except that lately represented by Hon. A. C. Harmer. He is descended from early
settlers of Montgomery county, of the religious sect known as Mennonites and Brethren
(Dunkards). He was born March 1852, in North Coventry township, Chester county, and is
the oldest son of George and Rebecca (Price) Wanger. His father, the late George Wanger,
was a prominent citizen of northern Chester county, well known as a man of force of
character, a strong advocate of the public-school system and the abolition of slavery,
and active in the formation of the Republican party in Pennsylvania, in 1850 he married
Rebecca, a daughter of Rev. John Price, and reared a family of four sons, all of whom
survive. A daughter died when three years of age. His death occurred December 30, 1876,
in the fifty-seventh year of his age. Irving P. Wanger was reared on the old
homestead in Chester county, and educated in the public schools of the district and at
the Pottstown High and Hill schools. He taught school one year, and in 1870, became a
clerk in the prothonotary's office at West Chester. (page 29) In 1871 he was appointed deputy prothonotary and resigned the position at the end of
the year to engage in the study of law at Norristown. In January 1872, he began his legal
studies with Franklin March, Esq., and on December 1, of that year was appointed deputy
under William F. Reed, the first Republican prothonotary elected in Montgomery county.
He continued the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in December 1875. Beginning
the practice of law early in 1876 Mr. Wanger soon won the reputation of being an
eloquent and forcible advocate and acquired a practice from all sections of Montgomery
county. In 1889 he formed a partnership with Irvin P. Knipe, (who concluded his legal
studies with Mr. Wanger as his preceptor), under the firm name of Wanger & Knipe,
which became one of the most prosperous legal firms in the country. Mr. Wanger's
talent for public speaking caused his services to be in demand at meetings in behalf of
candidates of the Republican party, to which he was attached by inheritance as well as
conviction, being an earnest advocate of its principles. In 1878 he was elected burgess
of Norristown. He was also solicitor for the school board of Norristown for a number of
years. He was elected district attorney of Montgomery county, in 1880. In this position
he instituted several reforms, among them the practice of dividing the list for criminal
court among several days, so that all the witnesses and others interested need not
undergo the inconvenience of attending court the first day of the term and possibly the
entire week, and thereby effecting a considerable saving to the county treasury. This
practice has been uniformly followed since. In 1880 Mr. Wanger was a delegate to
the national convention and voted continuously therein against the unit rule, and for the
nomination of Mr. Blame until the final ballot when requested by friends of the latter to
vote for General Garfield. In 1886 Mr. Wanger was again nominated for district attorney
and was elected by a majority of one thousand one hundred and eighty-seven votes,
running several hundred ahead of his ticket, notwithstanding the fact that his opponent
was one of the most capable candidates the Democracy ever nominated. In 1889 Mr.
Wanger was chairman of the Republican county committee, and in 1890 he was unanimously
nominated for congress by the Republicans of the seventh district and made a vigorous
canvass, being defeated by only one hundred and eighty-seven votes. This was the year of
the Delamater campaign, when the Republican ticket in Montgomery county was defeated as a
rule by much larger majorities. Two years later Mr. Wanger was again the nominee of his
party for congress, and he won by a majority nearly the same as that against him in
1890, although there was a majority in the district for Cleveland. He was re-nominated
in 1894 and re-elected by a majority of four thousand eight hundred and twenty-six. In
1896, 1898, 1900 and 1902, he was elected by large majorities, showing that his course
at Washington has been such as to commend him very strongly to the people of his
district. His support has not been confined to Republicans alone, many Democrats and
persons of other party affiliation at each election testifying their appreciation of his
worth as representative by voting for him. As a congressman Mr. Wanger has taken an
active part in debates on the tariff, the silver bill, Philippine legislation and other
questions of national interest. He is very attentative to all matters affecting his
constituents, doing everything possible to promote the prosperity and welfare of the
people of his district and of the country at large. He has always voted with
his party upon questions involving its principles in every division that has taken place
in the House of Representatives, ably and earnestly seconding the administration of
McKinley and Roosevelt, and upholding their policy whenever it has been a matter for
action in congress or elsewhere. It was upon the motion that the special committee was
appointed which investigated the hazing of cadets at the United States Military Academy
and suggested important legislation upon the subject, which was adopted. His principal
committee service has been as a member of the committee on interstate and foreign
commerce and as chairman of the committee on expenditures in the post-office department.
In every respect he has been a faithful and devoted exponent of the public wishes at
Washington as his repeated re-elections show. (page 30) On June 25, 1884, Mr. Wanger married Emma C. Titlow, daughter of the late John
Titlow, of North Coventry. She had been a playmate and schoolmate of his youth. They
have had five children, three of whom survive: George, Ruth and Marion. The other two,
Lincoln and Rebecca, died in infancy. Mr. Wanger lives at the old Chain homestead, No.
827 West Main street, Norristown, which he has modernized, making it a very pleasing
type of architecture. His mother, from whom he inherits many of his characteristics,
also makes her home with him. She is the sister of the late Rev. Isaac Price, a noted
and eloquent preacher of the Brethren, and the descendant of a long line of preachers of
that church. Mr. Wanger himself is a member of St. John's Episcopal church of Norristown.
He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Improved Order of Red Men,
and of nearly all of the Masonic bodies of this state, having been grand commander of
Knights Templar in Pennsylvania in 1894-5. As a public speaker, Mr. Wanger is
argumentative, logical, clear and deliberate- appealing to the reason and judgment of
his hearers, rather than to their prejudices or personal feelings. He is a ready debater
and parlimentarian- quick to perceive, the weak point in his opponents argument and
always ready to take advantage of such weakness. During his service in congress he has
made many friends among the representation from other states, frequently securing their
services when occasion requires it in his own district. HON. HIRAM CONRAD HOOVER, ex-member of the Pennsylvania
legislature, the last associate judge of the courts of Montgomery county, and for many
years president of the Montgomery County Historical Society, is a son of Hon. Philip and
May Mary (Conrad) Hoover, and was born in Gwynedd township, Montgomery county, October
23, 1822. Between 1727 and 1776, several immigrants by the name of Huber came
from the Palatinate, and landed at Philadelphia. Of this number were four brothers,
Christian, John, Martin and Jacob, who came in the ship Pink Plesance, commanded by
Captain John Paret. These brothers landed on September 21, 1732, at which time Jacob was
under sixteen years of age. Of all the immigrant Hubers, these four brothers were among
those that changed their name from Huber, the German form, to Hoover, the English
spelling. One brother went to western Pennsylvania, another to Lancaster county, the
third to Georgia, and Jacob, the youngest, seems to have been the Jacob Hoover who
bought a farm in Plumstead township, Bucks county, in 1748. It has been established that
Jacob Hoover was the father of Henry Hoover, who was born in 1751, in Bucks county. He
married Margaret Kern, and in 1797 moved from Hilltown township, Bucks county, to
Gwynedd township, Montgomery county, where he purchased a farm of two hundred acres. In
politics he was a Democrat, and in religion a member of the Reformed church, in which he
served as elder. When troops were ordered out to suppress the Fries Rebellion in eastern
Pennsylvania, one regiment of infantry sought to take his buildings as temporary
quarters, but he refused with such determination that they went to an adjoining farm of
William Foulk. Henry Hoover died April 9, 1809, aged fifty-seven years, and his widow
survived him until November 27, 1813, dying at the age of sixty-two years. They had five
children: Christian; Jacob; Philip; Elizabeth, who married John Rile; and Mary, wife of
William Kneedler. Hon. Philip Hoover, the father of Judge Hiram C. Hoover, was educated
in his youth in the German language, but after his marriage he was taught to read and
write English by his wife, who had received a good education in both languages. He
became a member of a volunteer organization when but eighteen years of age and rose from
the ranks to the captaincy. He filled many offices in the township, such as assessor and
collector of taxes, and in 1831-32-33 was elected a member of the state legislature,
where he served with credit and satisfaction to his constituents- all positions having
sought him, as he did not aspire to them. He was the executor, administrator and
guardian of many estates, in all of which he rendered satisfactory accounts. (page 31) Philip Hoover was regularly catechised and received as a member of Boehm's Reformed
church, at Blue Bell, by Rev. George Wack, its pastor. In 1810 he was elected a deacon,
and served as such until 1823, when he was elected an elder, holding that position, with
the exception of three years, until his death- a period of more than forty years. He held
the office of president and treasurer of the consistory for some time. He was also
frequently a delegate to classis and synod. In the War of 1812 he served as
lieutenant of another company (the organization to which he previously belonged having
been disbanded), for three months, being practically its captain, as that officer had
returned home soon after being mustered into service. He also provided a team to convey
military stores from Philadelphia to Marcus Hook. Afterwards he was elected colonel of a
regiment of militia. Philip Hoover was born July 20, 1782, and was married to
Mary Conrad, November 13, 1804. They were the parents of thirteen children but only six
reached the age of maturity. Mary Conrad Hoover, daughter of Hon. Frederick Conrad (who
was a member of congress for four years) was born August 23, 1785, and died October 17,
1868, aged eighty-three years, one month and twenty-four days. Their children were:
Frederick W., Julian, Susanna, Maria, Henry C., Ann Catharine, Judge Hiram C., Albert
C., Ann Elizabeth, Andrew J., and two Sons and one daughter that died in infancy. Judge Hiram C. Hoover received his literary education in common and select schools
and studied surveying. Possessing fine musical talent, he began to teach music and to
organize church choirs at an early age. While teaching music he engaged in farming,
which he followed until 1872. In 1849 he bought a part of the St. Clair estate
in Norriton township, and when, in 1872, the Stony Creek Railroad was built through part
of his land, his neighbors suggested his building grain and mercantile stores where the
railroad crossed Germantown turnpike. He thus founded Hooverton, which has absorbed Penn
Square and gives promise of future importance. He soon retired from business, and the
feed, coal and lumber business is now in the hands of his son William A., while the
general mercantile establishment is conducted by his son-in-law, Albertus Hallman. Judge
Hoover lives a retired life except what time he gives to his interests as a stockholder
in several industrial enterprises. He has served as guardian for the heirs of eighteen
estates and not a single exception has ever been filed to any of his estate accounts. He
has served many years as treasurer of Philadelphia classis, whose financial matters
include seven different accounts, which have been found correct by the finance committee
each year. In early life Judge Hoover took much interest in military affairs. He
was a member of the First Troop of Montgomery Cavalry sixteen years, and in 1862 sought
to reorganize the troop for active service in the war, but circumstances prevented. He
has been active and useful in civil, educational and religious affairs, and has done
much toward the development of his section. He is a Democrat in politics and has filled
some of the most important political offices of his county. He was a member of the
Pennsylvania house of representatives in 1862, 1863 and 1864, and during his three
consecutive terms served on many leading committees, having been chairman of the
committee on agriculture in 1863. In 1865 he was elected associate judge of Montgomery
county, and in 1870 was elected for a second term which would have ended in 1875, but
the office was abolished by the state constitution of 1874. He served as justice of the
peace for four terms, nearly twenty years, and as school director for seventeen years,
while in his party he was made chairman of the county committee for three successive
years. Judge Hoover has served as trustee of Ursinus College for twenty-five years, and
of Franklin and Marshall College five years. He was president of the Norristown and
Centre Square Turnpike Company from its organization in 1868 until its dissolution a few
years ago. In 1844, when the Philadelphia riots occurred, he served as an officer in the
First Troop of Montgomery county, one of the companies that suppressed the riots. He is
an old and prominent Mason, being a member of Charity Lodge, No. 190, Free and Accepted
Masons; a life member of Chapter No. 10, Royal Arch Masons; also a charter member of
Commandery No. 32, Knights Templar. Judge Hoover has been an elder in Boehm's Reformed
church since 1856, has been president of the consistory during all the time except two
years, and has frequently served as a delegate to various church bodies. Among his most
important labors has been the instruction of different Bible classes and the efficient
supervision of Sunday-schools, in which work he has spent many happy hours, during a
period of over fifty years of continuous service. (page 32) On March 4, 1847, Judge Hoover married Margaret Dull, youngest daughter of Frederick
and Sarah Dull, of Whitemarsh township. Judge and Mrs. Hoover had four children: William
A.; Irvin W., now dead; Sarah D., who married James W. Hercus, of Washington city, and
died March 18, 1894; and Mary M., who married Albertus Hallman, a business man of
Hooverton. Judge Hoover was very active in the old Montgomery County
Agricultural Society. At its organization at Springtown he was made a member of the
executive committee and later its chairman. Subsequently the society divided and Judge
Hoover became president of the Norristown branch, and served as such for three years. At
the one hundredth anniversary of Washington's evacuation of Valley Forge in 1778, the
Judge presided and again in 1903 he attended the meeting, it being the one hundred and
twenty-fifth anniversary. He is a member of the Patriotic Order of Sons of America and
was a charter member of Camp No. 322, at Penn Square, and also a charter member of an
auxiliary camp, No. 38, of Patriotic Order of True Americans, which later was united
with the Patriotic Daughters of America, and he was elected the first national assistant
president of the united organization. He has for more than twenty years of its existence
taken an active interest in the work of the Montgomery County Historical Society,
presiding at its meetings, reading an occasional paper, and participating in its
reunions and annual outings. In every relation of life he has performed his duty and won
the esteem and respect of his fellow citizens because he has fairly earned such
distinction. Courteous in his manners, unostentatious in his bearing, he is in every
situation the same dignified, pleasant and earnest man. It is largely through his
instrumentality that the Hoover Family Association has been organized, its annual
reunions being a delightful feature in its history. T. ELLWOOD LIVEZEY. The Livezeys are an old family in
Plymouth township, although their first ancestor in this country settled at Abington, in
which neighborhood many of the name are still found. The name is often pronounced Leusley
at the present day, and there would seem to be some reason for such pronunciation as
William Penn conveyed to Thomas Leuisley or Leusley of Norton, in the county of Chester,
England, March 2-3, 1681, two hundred and fifty acres of land in Pennsylvania. At Chester
Monthly Meeting in Pennsylvania, Eleventh mo. 3, 1686, Jonathan Livesey and Rachel Taylor
proposed marriage with each other, he residing in Dublin township, Philadelphia county. A
month later they were given the liberty to proceed and accomplish their intentions of
marriage. The will of Thomas Livezey, of Dublin township, dated Sixth-mo. 12, 1691, was
proved Fourth-mo. 22, 1692, showing that he died between these dates. In the will are
mentioned his son. Jonathan; daughter, Ann Littlemore and her three children;
daughter-in-law, Rachel Livezey; daughter, Margaret Lorenson and her three children;
grandson, Thomas Livezey; and granddaughter, Mary Livezey. The records of Abington
Monthly Meeting show that he died Eighth-mo. 19, 1691, and was buried in Oxford
township, near Tacony bridge. Jonathan Livezey died Ninth-mo. 23, 1698 in Dublin
township. (page 33) He was the son of Thomas, and left a widow, Rachel (Taylor) Livezey, who later
married Joseph Gilbert of Byberry. Jonathan Livezey was the ancestor of the Livezeys of
Montgomery and adjoining counties. His wife, according to a tradition in the Gilbert
family, had been brought by her father to America to prevent her from marrying a person
of whom he disapproved. The children of Jonathan and Rachel (Taylor) Livezey: Mary, born
Twelfth mo. 9, 1687; Thomas, born Tenth mo. 17, 1689, died Third mo. 5, 1759, married, in
1710, Elizabeth Heath; Jonathan, born Third mo. 1, 1692, died Third mo. 24, 1764,
married, in 1717, Esther Eastburn; Martha, born Third mo. 1, 1694, married, Seventh mo.
25, 1721, Robert Thomas; Rachel, born Second mo. 15, 1696, married, in 1717, Evan
Thomas; David, born Twelfth mo. 20, 1697, died Seventh mo. 1750, married, in 1721,
Rebecca Hinkson. It may be added that Mary Livezey married John Patil, and that Rachel,
the mother of the children named above, had five children by the second marriage with
Joseph Gilbert, one of whom, Benjamin, was the Indian captive whose story of many years
spent with the savages is so interesting. He was twice married, his first wife being
Sarah Mason and his second, Elizabeth Peart. Thomas Livezey
(great-great-grandfather) who married Elizabeth Heath, was a member of Abington Monthly
Meeting. His son, Thomas (great-grandfather) was born First mo. 25, 1723, and died of
palsy, Ninth mo. 11, 1790. He married, at Abington, Fourth mo. 2, 1748, Martha Knowles,
who was born Fourth mo. 24, 1723, and died Eleventh mo. 2, 1797. Martha, the wife of Thomas, was the daughter of Francis Knowles, whose parents were
John and Elizabeth. Francis was born Twelfth mo. 2, 1685 at West Chester, in Berkshire,
Great Britain. Samuel Livezey, (grandfather) son of Thomas and Martha, was born
First mo. 26, 1760. He was considered unfit for manual labor in his youth on account of
a delicate constitution, and therefore engaged in mercantile business. When he was about
fifty years of age he became a minister of the Society of Friends, and so continued until
his death. He established the store at Plymouth Meeting, on the property which has
continued in the family ever since. His wife was Mary Wood. He located at Livezey's
store near Plymouth Meeting in 1788. His children were: Thomas; Martha, who married
Jacob Albertson; Rachel, who married Jonathan Maulsby; Samuel; Mary, who married Lewis
Jones; Joseph; and Ann, who married William Ely. Samuel Livezey died Ninth mo. 3, 1840,
in his eighty-first year. Thomas Livezey (father), born Fourth mo. 27, 1803,
died Tenth mo. 2, 1879. His brothers selecting other business, he became a farmer and
storekeeper. He was an influential man in Friends' meeting and in the community,
although not a minister, as was his father. His wife was Rachel, daughter of Joseph and
Mary Richardson, of Attleboro (now Langhorne), Bucks county, Pennsylvania. She was born
Eighth mo. 27, 1808 and married Tenth mo. 18, 1832. She died Sixth mo. 1890, in her
eighty-second year. The Richards came from England in early colonial times, and
have become connected with many Friends' families in eastern Pennsylvania and elsewhere.
Thomas and Rachel R. Livezey had seven sons, as follows: Dr. Edward Livezey, born Eighth
mo. 28, 1833, and died Fourth mo. 15. 1876; Samuel, born Third mo. 9, 1835; Joseph R.,
born Ninth mo. 20, 1838; John R., born Sixth mo. 21, 1842, and died Second mo. 13, 1867
Henry, born Twelfth mo. 24, 1843, and died Ninth mo. 24, 1846; Henry 2d., born Sixth mo.
25, 1847, died Twelfth mo. 4, 1873; and Thomas Ellwood, born Eighth mo. 11, 1849.
Dr. Edward Livezey studied medicine with Dr. Hiram Corson, graduated at the University of
Pennsylvania in 1859, served a year and a half in the Wills' Eye Hospital and a year in
the Pennsylvania Hospital, also subsequently in the Government Hospital at Broad and
Cherry streets during the Rebellion, and located at No. 507 North Sixth street,
Philadelphia, where he had a large practice at the time of his death, which occurred
suddenly. His wife was Mary Balderston. He left several children. (page 34) Samuel, second son of Thomas and Rachel Livezey, was engaged for many years in the
meat packing business in Chicago, but of late years has resided in Norristown. He
married, Eleventh mo. 20, 1877, Mary Roberts, daughter of Hugh and Alice A. Roberts. A
sketch of his wife appears elsewhere in this work. Samuel and Mary R. Livezey have one
son, Thomas H., born Tenth mo. 18, 1879. He married, Tenth mo. 1, 1902, Joanna M.,
daughter of William (deceased) and Caroline R. Miller. They reside on Marshall street,
Norristown. Joseph R. Livezey, third son of Thomas and Rachel, has long been engaged in
the real-estate business in Philadelphia. He married Deborah, daughter of Joseph Morgan.
They have two children, Sarah and Morgan. John R., fourth son, studied conveyancing and
was engaged in that business at the time of his death. He died unmarried. Henry,
1st, died in infancy. Henry, 2d, read law with Judge F. C. Brewster, of Philadelphia, and
Daniel H. Mulvany, of Norristown. He was admitted to the Norristown bar, November 10,
1869, and when his promising career was cut short by death he was associated with the
late Judge Boyer. Thomas Ellwood Livezey, the subject of this sketch, was a
farmer on the homestead, which has been for three generations in the family. The house
in which he resided was built prior to the Revolutionary war. The farm is one of the
finest in Plymouth valley, being underlaid with limestone and having extensive quarries
which are no longer worked. It has been brought to a high state of cultivation and is
very productive. T. Ellwood Livezey married, Eleventh mo. 16, 1871, Mary E., daughter of
James and Mary (Holt) Childs. Their children: Rachel R., married Samuel Ifill of
Germantown, born Eighth mo. 19, 1872; Anna C., born Tenth mo. 23, 1874, married Dr.
William G. Miller, of Norristown; Mary J., born Twelfth mo. 21, 1877, died Eighth mo.
17, 1878; Emma, born Ninth mo. 30, 1879, died Fifth mo. 13, 1891; Thomas J., born Sixth
mo. 24, 1881; Walter C, born Ninth mo. 14, 1884; Tacy B., born Fourth mo. 30, 1887, died
Fifth mo., 13, 1891; Emily R., born Seventh mo. 16, 1894. The Childs family have
long been domiciled in Montgomery county and are of English descent. Henry Childs of
Colds Hill, Hertfordshire, England, was eminent as a writer and speaker among Friends
and was an intimate terms with William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. He bought from
Penn five hundred acres of land on January 20, 1687. Accompanied by his son Cephas, he
came to America in 1693 and located in Plumstead, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. Henry
settled finally in Ann Arundel county, Maryland, and in 1715 gave the Bucks county land
to his son Cephas, who settled on it, having married in 1716, Mary Atkinson, of
Philadelphia. They had nine children, of whom Henry, born January 1, 1725, married Mary
Shoemaker of Gwynedd, August 3, 1750. Their children were: Sarah, John, Isaac, George
and Thomas. Of these John (great-grandfather of Mary Childs Livezey) was born April 3,
1755, in Plumstead, from which place his father removed with his family in 1776 to
Cheltenham, Montgomery county. John married, June 5, 1777, Mary, daughter of Peter
Phipps of Abington. They had twelve children, eight of whom grew to maturity, namely:
Mary, Peter, Sarah, James, Tacy, Elizabeth, John and Margaret. Peter (grandfather) was
born in 1780, in Cheltenham. He married Sarah Rogers and had children, two of whom,
James (father) and Sarah, survived to advanced years. Peter married (second wife)
Rosanna Lee, of Lower Merion, daughter of James and Elizabeth (Crickbaum) Lee. Their
only child was S. Powell Childs, a prominent farmer and leading Republican of Plymouth
township, now deceased. James Childs was a farmer residing for many years near
Montgomery Square, but the latter part of his life he spent with his daughter's family
on the Livezey farm at Plymouth Meeting. He survived his wife several years, and died at
the age of eighty-seven years. (page 35) T. Ellwood Livezey was educated in the Friends' School at Plymouth Meeting and
attended Friends' Central School in Philadelphia one year but was compelled to withdraw
at the end of that time on account of ill health and because his services were needed at
home in assisting his father on the farm, in which he always took much interest,
preferring agricultural pursuits to any other employment. He made farming his lifework
and was very successful in it. He was in every respect a first class farmer, his stock
being of the finest and best breeds, his crops among the largest in the county, and
everything about the farm well cared for. Genial in disposition and always ready to
accommodate a friend or neighbor, few men were so popular in the community as he. In
politics he was a Republican but he never sought or held office, preferring to attend
strictly to business connected with his occupation of farming. He succeeded his father
as director in the First National Bank of Norristown, which position he held until his
death. He was an active member of the Society of Friends, anti for a number of years
held the position of overseer in Plymouth Preparative Meeting. For twelve years prior to
his death he held the office of treasurer of Gwynedd Monthly Meeting, filling the
position with great acceptability. He not only manifested much interest in the meeting
but also in the school attached to it, being for twenty-five years a member of the
school committee, and for twenty years its treasurer. His hospital home, being
convenient to the meeting house at Plymouth, has for several generations been a resort
for Friends in attendance at meetings, and the rites of hospitality were well maintained
by T. Ellwood Livezey until his death, which occurred on Tenth month 8, 1903, as the
result of an accident, and by his widow and sons since his death. JOHN T. DYER, one of the most prominent business men of
Norristown, is a native of Lehigh county, where he was born April 19, 1848. His
ancestors were English Friends or Quakers. They were among the early settlers of
Pennsylvania. He is the son of Richard H. and Caroline (Hoffman) Dyer. The Dyers settled
in the vicinity of Dyerstown, Bucks county, the family giving name to the place. Jesse Dyer (grandfather) was a farmer by occupation. He was born at Dyerstown and
died near Doylestown, Bucks county, in 1855, at the age of eighty-two years. He was a
member of the Society of Friends (Orthodox). He married Lucinda Hough. The couple had
three sons, Thomas P., Richard H. and John S. The father was a successful business man
and accumulated a competence. Richard H. Dyer (father) was born in Warrington, Bucks county, in 1817. He was
educated in time schools of the vicinity, obtaining a good education. On
reaching manhood, he engaged in teaching in the public schools of Lehigh county. After
being occupied in this vocation for several years, he became interested in building and
contracting, combining these occupations with the lumber business. He was also engaged
in general merchandising, shipping produce to Philadelphia and New York. His strict
integrity and careful attention to business brought him success in all the enterprises
with which he was connected. He was an earliest, enterprising and public-spirited
citizen, doing all that he could to promote the welfare of his community, contributing
liberally of his means to every worthy object. He married Caroline Hoffman. The couple
had six children as follows: William G., John T., Eugene, Elizabeth, Emily and Laura. In
1854 Mr. Dyer removed to Slatington, residing there until his death in 1876.
John T. Dyer was educated in the public schools of the vicinity, and after heaving
school was employed as a clerk in one of the quarries at Slatington. He soon became
interested in railroad construction, superintending the building of new lines. In 1880
he engaged extensively in railroad contracting on his own account, his first large
contract being on the New York, Ontario & Western. He did much of the construction
work on the Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley line, which led to still more important
contracts. He soon afterwards located permanently in Norristown. He also was extensively
engaged in executing other railroad contracts, including the following: Bay Ridge and
Annapolis Railroad; fourteen miles of the Ohio River Railroad, from Parkersburg, West
Virginia, south, and a similar stretch on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railroad. Mr. Dyer has also done much work on trolley line construction in Norristown
and elsewhere, employing large numbers of men, and pushing his contracts with great
energy and success. He built the terminal at Waterbury, Connecticut, and several
sections of the Trenton Cutoff Branch of the Pennsylvania railroad. (page 36) Mr. Dyer married, December 11, 1879, Mary F., daughter of the late Dr. Cornelius S.
Baker, a prominent physician and druggist of Norristown. The children of Mr. and Mrs.
Dyer are: Elsie, Caroline, Frederick, John L., William Gordon and Marion. Mr.
Dyer is a Democrat in politics and was for several years a member of the board of
trustees of the Norristown Hospital for the Insane, by appointment of Governor Pattison.
In these as in all other positions in which he has been placed, Mr. Dyer has performed
his duties faithfully and conscientiously, endeavoring to promote the public interests
by every means in his power. He is also connected with several Norristown corporations,
including the Merchants Ice Company, with extensive plant at Markley and Marshall
streets. Mr. Dyer has for a number of years been very extensively engaged in
stone-crushing at Howellville and near Norristown, also at Trap Rock quarries at
Birdsboro, Pennsylvania, carrying on the business on a very large scale. He is
interested in many local enterprises, and is generally recognized as a liberal and
public-spirited citizen. By his industry, energy and business ability, he has achieved a
position and a reputation among the business men of eastern Pennsylvania such as few have
attained. The Bakers (Mrs. Dyer's family), are of New England origin, although
long domiciled in eastern Pennsylvania. David Baker (grandfather) was a native of
Connecticut. He came to New Jersey settling near New Brunswick. His son, Cornelius
Baker, studied at Yale College, entering the medical department, where he studied under
Professor Tully, then at the head of that department. He graduated from the institution
most creditably. Dr. Baker married a daughter of Professor Tully, who did not, however,
live very long. He practiced medicine at Churchville, Bucks county, for a time, and
married (second wife) Miss Elizabeth Feaster, of a prominent family, long settled in
that section of the state. Dr. Baker also practiced medicine at Carlisle two years, and
then removed to Norristown where he spent the remainder of his life, dying in 1886, in
his seventy-second year. The family resided on DeKalb street, and he conducted for many
years the drug store at the west corner of Main and DeKalb streets, which, since his
death, has been conducted by his son, Theodore W. Baker, and George W. Grady, the firm
being Baker & Grady. BENJAMIN THOMAS. The Thomas family are of Welsh origin
but they are among the earliest settlers in this section of Pennsylvania. The progenitor
of the American branch of the family was William Thomas, who came from Wales about two
hundred years ago, locating in Philadelphia. His descendants are widely dispersed
throughout the country, while many members of later generations are yet located in
Chester county. Thomas Thomas, father of Benjamin Thomas, was a teacher,
surveyor and conveyancer. He was a son of Benjamin and Abigail (Powell) Thomas, and was
born in Charlestown township, Chester county, December 24, 1805. He made the best
possible use of such educational facilities as were available in country districts at
that time and succeeded in acquiring sufficient knowledge to enable him to enter upon
life as a teacher, an occupation in which he acquitted himself most creditably for many
years. While teaching in the old subscription and common schools of that day, he
combined with the task of instruction the business of a surveyor and conveyancer for
many years. He removed to Norristown in 1830 and taught in the schools of that borough
and vicinity for a number of years. He subsequently located in Upper Merion, and later
in Bridgeport, where he followed teaching and conveyancing, and then engaged in a
wholesale coal business which he successfully conducted during the remainder of his
life, his son Benjamin being associated with him in his later years. He was a man of
high character and an exemplary member of the Protestant Episcopal church. (page37) He was a Whig until the dissolution of that party, when his abhorrence of human
slavery led him to become a Republican and he voted for its first presidential
candidate, John C. Fremont, and affiliated with it during the remainder of his life. He
commanded the entire respect of his fellows and was called to fill various local offices
in the various villages in which he made his home. In his early manhood he was a member
of a local military company. In 1836 he married Susanna Fryer, born July 15, 1813, a
daughter of William and Catherine Fryer. To them were born five sons and one daughter:
Benjamin, William F., Charles S., George W. H., John W. and Mary E. A., all of whom are
living except George, who died November 21, 1891. He was engaged very extensively in the
real estate, insurance and conveyancing business at Bridgeport. John W. is the foreman of
the Herald job office in Norristown, having occupied that position many years. The father
of this family died in 1886, aged eighty-one years. His widow survived him about ten
years dying about 1896, at the advanced age of eighty-three years Benjamin Thomas, eldest son of Thomas and Susanna (Fryer) Thomas, was born in the
township of Upper Merion, February 25, 1838. Attending the district schools whenever he
could, he acquired a practical education which well fitted him for the busy useful life
which was before him. At fourteen years of age he left school and entered upon the
active duties of life, taking the position of clerk in the book and stationery store of
the late Franklin D. Sower, on Main street, Norristown. Later he learned the trade of a
machinist with Ezekiel Potts & Company, Bridgeport, and followed that occupation for
a number of years in different establishments. He then associated himself with his father
in the coal business, as already stated, continuing in this partnership until the death
of his father, March 30, 1886, when he became sole proprietor, and remained in the
business until 1902, carrying on an extensive and profitable trade in a territory having
a radius of forty miles. On the death of his brother George, in 1891, Benjamin Thomas
succeeded also to his insurance and conveyancing business, proving as successful in it
as in his original avocation. Careful and painstaking in the investigation of titles and
in the preparation of wills, deeds and other legal documents, Mr. Thomas is possessed of
all needful qualifications for his business, and commands the confidence and patronage
of the best classes in the community. He has been prominently connected with various
enterprises in Bridgeport, having been one of the organizers of the Fame Building &
Loan Association, of that place, and has served as its secretary since its formation, in
1871. He has also been a director of the Montgomery National Bank of Norristown since
1890, and when its president, John Slingluff, was removed by death in 1899, he became
his successor at the head of the board of directors, and was elected president of the
bank, in which position he has acquitted himself to the entire satisfaction of both
owners and patrons of the institution. Mr. Thomas is a member of Charity Lodge, No. 190,
F. & A. M.; Norristown Chapter, No. 190, R. A. M. and Hutchinson Commandery Knights
Templar; of Norris Lodge, I. O. O. F.; and several other benevolent and fraternal
organizations. He is one of the most interested members of Christ (Swedes) church Upper
Merion, having served as a vestryman for more than a quarter of a century and being also
its treasurer and one of its wardens. In politics Mr. Thomas is a Republican by
inheritance and conviction as well, and he is an earnest worker for party success at
elections involving local, state or national issues. He has served as councilman, clerk,
school director and treasurer of the borough of Bridgeport. In 1887 he was elected
recorder of deeds of Montgomery county, on the Republican ticket, serving the term of
three years. (page 38) In all these various positions, as well as in his ordinary pursuits, Mr. Thomas has
acquitted himself with such ability and integrity as to earn the genuine regard and
confidence of the community, who number him among their most useful and honored
members. October 18, 1871, Mr. Thomas married Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas
and Catherine Van Horm [sic] [Van Horn?], of an old and well-known Bucks county
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