Selected Biographies From
Biographical Encyclopedia
of the Juniata Valley
Comprising the Counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, and Perry, Pennsylvania
Chambersburg, PA: J. M. Runk & Company, 1897
Name |
Volume |
Page |
Aiken, Matthew |
II |
727-727 |
Albright, John |
I |
469 |
Allison, Joseph |
I |
637 |
Alter, Joseph H. |
I |
464-465 |
Aurand, C. E. |
I |
651 |
Baker, Daniel |
II |
731-732 |
Baker, William McClain |
I |
427-428 |
Barefoot, William R. |
I |
668 |
Barr, Henry A. |
I |
568-569 |
Barr, John D. |
I |
597 |
Bell, Gruber H. |
I |
441-443 |
Blett, William J. |
I |
419-420 |
Blymyer, James Nicholas |
I |
469-470 |
Bossinger, Frederick |
I |
473-474 |
Blymyer, Jacob Crull |
I |
470 |
Bossinger, Henry |
I |
679 |
Bratton, Charles |
I |
552-554 |
Bratton, William B. |
I |
554 |
Breneman [Brenneman], Jacob |
I |
506-507 |
Brisbin, Samuel J. |
I |
424-425 |
Brown, James M. |
I |
644-645 |
Burns, George W. |
I |
582-583 |
Caldwell, John T. |
I |
529-530 |
Camp, John |
I |
645-646 |
Campbell, John |
I |
475-476 |
Casner, Jacob |
I |
532-533 |
Cassey, Andrew L. |
I |
554-555 |
Childs, George T. |
I |
495 |
Clarke, John, Sr. |
I |
477 |
Clarkson, James A. |
I |
425-426 |
Clemens, Henry |
I |
591-592 |
Close, William Thomas |
I |
652-653 |
Coldren, Samuel D. |
I |
418-419 |
Collins, Joseph |
I |
479-480 |
Conrad, Edmund |
I |
603 |
Contner, David McKane |
I |
633 |
Corkle, David |
I |
619-620 |
Cressman, Mark S. |
I |
429 |
Culbertson, Horace J. |
I |
421-423 |
Decker, William Harrison |
I |
440-441 |
Dellett, Wilson S. |
I |
655-656 |
Diffenderfer, John W. |
I |
626-627 |
Drake, Franklin |
I |
514-515 |
Dreyer, Peter |
I |
497 |
Dull, Hannah C. |
I |
608-609 |
Dysart, James A. |
I |
517-518 |
Eckbert, William F. |
I |
495-496 |
Eisenbise, Samuel |
I |
462-463 |
Elder, George Wilson |
I |
488-489 |
Ellis, David C. |
I |
551 |
Emery, Thomas J. |
I |
534-535 |
Erwin, William H. |
I |
609-610 |
Evans, John |
I |
436-437 |
Felix, Henry A. |
I |
493-494 |
Felix, William H. |
I |
458-459 |
Fichthorn, Joseph A. |
I |
482-483 |
Fields, C. C. |
I |
519-520 |
Fike, Charles B. |
I |
556 & 559 |
Finley, William Edward |
I |
502 & 505 |
Fleming, James R. |
II |
772 |
Fleming, Joseph M. |
I |
631 |
Fleming, Joseph W. |
II |
739-740 |
Fleming, Robert Thomas |
I |
631-632 |
Fleming, William Wilson |
I |
578-579 |
Floyd, John B. |
II |
773 |
Fosnot, Henry J. |
I |
416-417 |
Frysinger, George |
I |
497-498 |
Garver, Abraham Benjamin |
II |
772-773 |
Gibboney, Granville M. |
I |
596 |
Gibboney, William M. |
II |
768 & 771 |
Gift, Levi |
II |
732 |
Gilmore, Sarah A. |
I |
667-668 |
Glasgow, John |
I |
623 |
Goss, Isaac L. |
II |
717-718 |
Goss, Robert E. |
I |
628-629 |
Graff, Abram Witmer |
I |
646, 649 |
Graham, James M. |
I |
518-519 |
Grassmyer, Abram M. |
I |
560-561 |
Gray, Joseph B. |
I |
551-552 |
Greene, Calvin |
I |
429-433 |
Hamaker, David C. |
I |
484 |
Harshberger, Alexander Samuel |
I |
420-421 |
Harshberger, Joshua |
I |
561-562 |
Hartman, Christian |
I |
655 |
Harvey, Edwin P. |
I |
653 |
Hazlett, Ephraim |
I |
633-634 |
Henry, Davis |
I |
579 |
Henry, John |
I |
587-588 |
Hoffman, George S. & William H. |
I |
439-440 |
Hoffman, John F. |
I |
472-473 |
Hooley, Jonathan B. |
I |
589 |
Hoopes, Ezra M. |
I |
653-654 |
Hoot, Amos |
I |
462 |
Horrell, George F. |
I |
632-633 |
Hough, David J. |
I |
680 |
Huey, William |
I |
635 |
Hunt, John J. |
I |
444-445 |
Hunter, John Russell |
I |
423-424 |
Jackson, Henry C. |
I |
506 |
Johnson, Richard M. |
I |
603-604 |
Kauffman, Solomon |
I |
617-618 |
Kennedy, John |
I |
482-482 |
Kennedy, William F. |
I |
500-501 |
Kiefhaber, Ferd |
I |
530-531 |
Kimberly, Andrew Jackson & George Swigart |
I |
620-621 |
Kiner, John |
I |
546-547 |
Kissinger, Charles Franklin |
I |
454-455 |
Knight, John Alden |
I |
452-454 |
Koch, Louis J. |
I |
455-456 |
Kohler, Benjamin Rush |
I |
564-565 |
Kohler, William H. |
I |
638-639 |
Krepps, Moses |
II |
683 |
Kyle, Joseph W. |
I |
563 |
Kyle, McFarlane |
I |
583-584 |
Kyle, William B. |
I |
583 |
Leffard, Adam |
I |
624-625 |
Leffard, Joseph S. |
I |
555-556 |
Lewis, Henry C. |
I |
493 |
Long, Arthur B. |
I |
463-464 |
Martin, Andrew Parker |
I |
501-502 |
McCauley, Anthony |
I |
471-472 |
McClintic, Martin Luther |
I |
459-460 |
McClintic, R. H. & Brother |
I |
445 |
McCoy, Richard Milton |
I |
456-457 |
McCurdy, James Henry |
I |
474-475 |
McFarlane, James |
I |
674-677 |
McFarlane, J. Howard |
I |
678-679 |
McKee, J. Strode |
I |
483-484 |
McKinstry, Joseph |
I |
523-525 |
McNitt, William Brown |
I |
656-657 |
Means, Robert Howard |
II |
741 |
Metz, Jacob K. |
I |
627 |
Miller, Jacob |
I |
562 |
Milliken, Francis |
II |
726 |
Moodie, Henry A. |
II |
718 |
Moore, Samuel T. |
I |
645 |
Moore, William A. |
I |
610 & 613 |
Muthersbaugh, James K. |
I |
682 |
Muthersbaugh, Johnson |
I |
461-462 |
Myers, Robert H. |
I |
499-500 |
Norton, Felix |
I |
550-551 |
Ort, Martin |
I |
680-681 |
Parker, Andrew H. |
I |
563-564 |
Peachey, Jeptha H. |
I |
632 |
Peters, Henry N. |
I |
699 |
Pollock, John T. |
I |
548-549 |
Postlethwaite, Joseph E. |
I |
548 |
Price, John B. |
II |
740-741 |
Price, William |
I |
601-602 |
Pyle, Thomas S. |
I |
625-626 |
Ramsey, William H. |
I |
677 |
Reed, Andrew |
I |
438-439 |
Reed, John |
I |
598 |
Reed, Thomas Benton |
I |
445-451 |
Reigle, George |
II |
708 |
Rinehart, Charles A. |
I |
426 |
Robeson, David E. |
I |
494 |
Rodgers, Isaac Hallerman |
I |
609 |
Rogers, Hiram |
I |
598-599 |
Roop, John T. |
I |
511-512 |
Rothrock, Samuel Henry |
I |
596-597 |
Ruble, George S. |
I |
624 |
Ruble, Louis H. |
I |
470-471 |
Runk, John V. |
I |
528-529 |
Satzler, William |
II |
696-699 |
Sayers, James |
I |
533-534 |
Sayers, William |
I |
561 |
Schaaf, Frederick |
I |
567-568 |
Shahen, John C. |
I |
602-603 |
Shimp, William T. |
I |
474 |
Shoop, Aaron |
II |
725-726 |
Shunkweiler, Charles A. |
I |
492-493 |
Slagle, Louis N. |
I |
420 |
Smyser, M. L. |
I |
437-438 |
Soult, George Washington |
I |
466 & 469 |
Spangler, Peter |
I |
460 |
Spanogle, Albert B. |
I |
460-461 |
Stackpole, James Barton |
I |
417-418 |
Stine, John A. |
I |
618-619 |
Stratford, Daniel Rowe |
I |
451-452 |
Strode, Joseph |
I |
600-601 |
Swartz, John Andrew |
I |
604-605 |
Swoope, George W. R. |
I |
547-548 |
Taylor, Henry |
I |
574 & 577 |
Taylor, Matthew B. |
I |
569 |
Thomas, Clifford S. |
I |
457-458 |
Thomas, George McClellan |
I |
505 |
Thompson, Albert |
I |
638 |
Thompson, Moses R. |
I |
426-427 |
Thompson, Ner |
I |
654-655 |
Thompson, Roland |
I |
637-638 |
Troxell, Samuel |
I |
623 |
Wakefield, George Miles |
I |
559-560 |
Wakefield, John Bennet |
I |
559 |
Walker, Harry C. |
I |
428 |
Walters, Henry Augustus |
I |
465 |
Walters, Henry J. |
I |
420 |
Webb, Thomas A. W. |
I |
627-628 |
Wharton, Harry B. |
I |
525 |
Wian, Ephraim |
I |
477-479 |
Wierman, Thomas Thornburg |
I |
434-436 |
Wierman, Victor |
I |
433-434 |
Willis, William |
I |
494-495 |
Wilson, John |
I |
597-598 |
Wilson, William |
I |
621-622 |
Wirt, Jacob Rupp |
I |
622-623 |
Wray, John |
II |
720-721 |
Yocum, George B. |
I |
465-466 |
Yoder, Jacob |
II |
744 |
Zerbe, Henry |
I |
443-447 |
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