20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 654] a representative citizen of Chewton, Wayne Township, and a life-long resident of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, was born in Taylor Township, in what is known as Hog Hollow, September 3, 1853. His parents were Daniel and Sarah (Wilson) Yoho.

John Yoho, the paternal grandfather, was born in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, and was a son of an old Indian fighter, who, with his two brothers, assisted in exterminating the savages in this section. John Yoho married Nancy Dougherty and they had six sons and one daughter, namely: Jacob Manasa, Daniel, Edward, John, James and Elizabeth, the latter of whom was the wife of Martin Foster. The maternal grandparents were John I. and Eliza (Munnell) Wilson, of Wayne Township, and they had the following children: Sarah; Elizabeth, who married Harry Moore; Eli H., who was killed at the second battle of Bull Run, during the Civil War; John P., who resides in Wayne Township; Louisa, who married Ira Cunningham; Ella, second wife of Ira Cunningham; Emma, who married Samuel Hill, of Shenango Township; Harriet and Hiram, twins, the former of whom married Frank Shalenberger and they reside on Chewton Hill; and George H., who resides near Slippery Rock Church.

Daniel Yoho, father of John W., was born near Ellwood City, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, August 10, 1830, and died February 26, 1906. He married Sarah Wilson, who was born November 21, 1827, and died November 12, 1907. Their family consisted of six sons and three daughters, as follows: John W.; Nancy Elizabeth, who married Charles Coulter, resides in Chewton; Edward J., residing near Slippery Rock in Wayne Township, married Lizzie Nye; Manasa George, born June 2, 1859, died April 18, 1865; Eli E., residing near Slippery Rock, married Annie Hoover, since deceased; Ella L. married Harry Garoway; Mary L. married A. J. Freed and resides in Beaver County; William W., residing at Wampum, married Catherine McConahy; and Harvey D., residing at Chewton, married Lydia Cook.

John W. Yoho was brought to Wayne Township in childhood. He obtained his education in the small brick school-house near Slippery Rock and then worked for farmers near New Castle and Homewood. After his marriage he worked in the old Wampum furnace and for six years was a conductor on the Pittsburg and Western Railroad. Later he was elected a justice of the peace in Wayne Township and remained in office for nine years. For the past four years he has been engaged in a general mercantile business and also handles flour and feed. He moved to Chewton in 1867 and there are but two residents the village surviving, who were here when Mr. Yoho located at this point. He thus has been identified largely with the progress and development of the place.

On October 30, 1873, Mr. Yoho was married to Miss Lydia Robberman, who was born and reared in Morgan County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Henry Robberman. They have four sons and two daughters, namely: Arthur Clyde, who is employed in a store at Homewood, married Anna Stannard, and they have two sons, Lawrence C. and Frank; Florence Myrtle, residing at home; Daniel Clarence, residing at Chewton, married Maud Crawford and they have a son and daughter; and John Charles, Ross Culberson and Sarah Mabel, are all at home. Mr. Yoho and family belong to the Presbyterian Church at Wampum.

For as far back as he can trace, the Yoho ancestors have been stanch supporters of the Democratic party and the present generation is identified with the same organization. Mr. Yoho and three of his sons, Arthur C., Daniel C. and John C., are members of Wampum Lodge, No. 865, Odd Fellows.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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