20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 821] one of New Bedford's older citizens, who is secretary of the Union Limestone Company and of the Lake Erie Limestone Company, the quarries of both corporations being located at Hillsville, was born in Pulaski Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, March 1, 1836.

The Van Fleets came to America from Holland and settled in New Jersey. From there Richard Van Fleet, the grandfather of George W., came to what is now Lawrence County, in 1798, and settled in Pulaski Township, among the earliest settlers, carving out a home from the wilderness, in the true sense of the expression. He continued to reside in Pulaski Township until his death, which took place in 1850. Of his family of twelve children, Eliza Sheriff, the youngest, is now the only survivor.

George W. Van Fleet grew to manhood in Pulaski Township and obtained his education in the local schools teaching subsequently through many winter terms. Later he engaged in a mercantile business at Pulaski, as a member of the firm of James F. Scott & Company. For a half century he has been engaged in clerical work, being an accountant, and for five years was located in the Pennsylvania oil fields, being mainly connected with the Bradford Oil Exchange as bookkeeper and accountant. Since 1895 he has been associated with the limestone industry at Hillsville, having been identified with both of the companies he represents since their organization.

Mr. Van Fleet married Sarah McCluskey, who was born in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, and is a daughter of Robert McCluskey. This family is one of age and prominence in Mercer County. Mr. and Mrs. Van Fleet have two children: Olive and Montrose V. The former is the bookkeeper of the two companies with which her father is identified, her office being at Youngstown but her home at New Bedford. Montrose V. is assistant superintendent of the Armstrong Cork Company, at Beaver Falls, being a mechanical engineer by training. Mr. Van Fleet takes a more or less active interest in public affairs but is no politician, satisfying himself at all times with performing such duties as are incumbent on all good citizens.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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