[p. 684] general contractor, who, during his residence of over a quarter of a century at New Castle, has become a representative and valued citizen, is a native of Lawrence County, born in 1846, and is a son of E. E. Sankey.
Among the early pioneers to Lawrence County, came John Sankey, the founder of this family, in Western Pennsylvania. He reared a family, all of whom were born in Lawrence County. He was the grandfather of S. Henderson Sankey, and the father of the late E. E. Sankey.
S. Henderson Sankey lived on his father's farm until he was twenty-four years of age and then learned the carpenter trade, at which he has worked ever since. For the past twenty years he has followed general contracting and during this long period he has built a large number of the important structures of New Castle.
In 1872 Mr. Sankey was married to Miss Mary R. Thorn, and they have the following children: Smith T., who is engaged in the contracting business at New Castle; Brant E., who is a practicing physician, residing at No. 54 North Jefferson Street, New Castle; Luella, who is the wife of Harry Davidson, who is a general yardmaster of the D. & H. Railroad, at a point in the state of New York; Ivy D., who is the wife of L. M. Rucker, of Youngstown, and Mamie A., who is the wife of C. W. Emery, of New Castle. Mr. Sankey and family belong to the Central Presbyterian Church. He has been identified with the order of Odd Fellows for many years, and is a member of the Encampment.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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