[p. 644] superintendent of the machine shops of the Pennsylvania Engineering Works at New Castle, has been a resident of this city since 1881. He was born in Monmouthshire, England, in 1856 and as he did not come to America until he was twenty-two years of age, he had completed his school attendance and had also learned the trade of machinist.
Mr. Powell's first fields of work were Pittsburg, Verona and Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and Salem, Ohio. When he came to New Castle, in 1881 he entered the employ of Withrow & Gordon, and practically has been identified with that engineering company ever since, through its changes of title and personnel. From Withrow & Gordon, the style changed to J. P. Withrow, then to the New Castle Engineering Company and finally to the Pennsylvania Engineering Company. Mr. Powell has been foreman for about fifteen years and has acquired stock in the business. He also owns valuable city realty and as a permanent resident, takes much interest in the development of New Castle.
In 1886, Mr. Powell was married to Miss Maud Beighley, who was born in Lawrence County and is a daughter of Sidney P. and Nancy C. (Stewart) Beighley, old residents. Mr. and Mrs. Powell have five children, namely: Harry Stewart, Clarence E., Mary A., Martha and Dorothy A. By a former marriage, with an English lady, Martha Morris, Mr. Powell has two sons: William and David. The family belong to the First Baptist Church of New Castle, Mr. Powell serving as a trustee for some years. In politics he is a Republican and in fraternal connection is an Odd Fellow and a member of the Encampment.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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