20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 886] a successful and highly respected farmer, of Shenango Township, who has also had much practical experience in carpenter work and other handicrafts connected with the building trade, was born on the place he now occupies, December 20, 1865. He is a great-grandson of John Newton, who settled at an early date on 300 acres of land in Wayne and Shenango Townships, this county, of which property Mr. Newton's present farm forms a part. This early settler, by his wife, Margaret, whose maiden name was Houk, had a family of eight sons and four daughters, of whom the second-born child was John, born March 4, 1801; died December 3, 1880. John Newton was a farmer, carpenter and stone mason. He married Mary Wilson, daughter of William Wilson, and had twelve children, of whom he and his wife reared eleven. The record of this family in brief is as follows: Nancy is the widow of William Montgomery, and resides in Shenango Township; Margaret married John Houk, and is now deceased, as also is her husband; Philip, now deceased; Christina, mother of the subject of this sketch, born January 21, 1830, who is living in a good state of health, on the old homestead with her sister, Euphemia; William, John N., and Mary Ann, who are deceased; Euphemia, mentioned above, who is residing on the old homestead; Elijah, a resident of Wayne Township; Sarah, now deceased, who was the wife of B. Franklin Houk, of Shenango Township; and Arthur, who is now deceased.

Andrew J. Newton was educated in the schools of Shenango Township, and has always resided on his present property, which is a part of the old Newton homestead. Besides operating this farm, he also takes care of that part of the old estate belonging to his mother and her sister, having the entire property under excellent cultivation. His principal products are corn, oats, wheat and hay. When a young man he picked up a knowledge of carpentering, mason work and brick-laying, at all of which he has worked at different times, being a skillful workman at almost any of the building trades. Since 1892, in addition to farming, he has been engaged in operating a coal bank, having a three-foot vein, and hauling to New Castle yearly about 1,000 bushels of the "black diamonds."

Mr. Newton married Ida L. Newton, who, though having the same surname, is no relation of his. Of this union there have been three children: John Thurman, Lillie Ellen, and Leander.

Mr. Newton is a member of the Presbyterian Church. In politics he is a Democrat, and, it may be added in particular, a citizen who is respected throughout the township and beyond for his sterling integrity, industry, and life-long devotion to duty and principle.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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