[p. 679] the efficient manager of the plant of the New Bedford Creamery Company, which was established at New Bedford in 1895, is an experienced man in this line of work. He was born in the canton of Berne, Switzerland, September 7, 1868, and is a son of Frederick and Elizabeth (Buhlman) Moeschberger.
The parents of Mr. Moeschberger lived out their lives in Switzerland, and in that country the son grew to manhood, received a good public school education and learned his trade of butter an cheese maker. He followed the same here until 1891, when he came to America. For a time he lived at Alliance, Ohio, and then came to Pulaski Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, where he was manager for the Hamilton Creamery Company for two years. When the New Bedford Creamery Company was established he was invited to become its manager, and in fact, it was largely due to his efforts that this prosperous industry was founded. Its product is a high grade of fancy butter and its present output taxes the capacity of the plant.
Mr. Moeschberger was married to Elizabeth Zryd, who was born in the same canton as her husband, in Switzerland, and they have three children: Fritz, Frank and Ina. Mr. and Mrs. Moeschberger belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, at New Bedford, Pa. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, at Youngstown, Ohio, and of the Home Guards of America, at Lowellville. Mr. Moeschberger is a public spirited citizen and intelligent man. In politics he is a Democrat, and belongs to the Democratic County Committee from Pulaski Township. In his specialty as a butter maker he is known all through this section, and his approval of a grade of butter or cheese is taken as a final test when comparisons are made.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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