20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 417] residing on his productive farm of seventy-four acres, which is situated in North Beaver Township, about one and one-half miles southwest of Mahoningtown, is a well known and highly respected citizen of this section. He was born September 26, 1855, in North Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, and is a son of John E. and Nancy N. (Leslie) Miller.

The Millers came from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, to Lawrence County, and the grandfather, Robert Miller, was a very early settler in North Beaver Township, where the family has ever since been one of substance and stability. The parents of William S. Miller were both natives of North Beaver Township. In his early and middle life the father engaged in agricultural pursuits on his farm in the southern part of the township, but in 1884 he disposed of it, having moved to New Castle in 1881, where his death took place in 1890. His widow survived him for nine years. They had eight children, the four survivors being: James L., who is a farmer, residing in Pulaski Township; John H., a contractor in street paving and cement work, who resides at New Castle, was formerly county surveyor and for ten years served as city engineer; William S., and Miness E., who resides at New Castle, and is in partnership with his brother, John H. Miller.

William S. Miller attended the schools in the neighborhood of his home, through boyhood, after which he gained the practical knowledge of farming that has contributed largely to his success as an agriculturist. For five years following his marriage he rented a farm in North Beaver Township, but in April, 1886, he bought and moved to his present farm. This is excellent land and he engaged in general farming and in berry growing. He has done a large amount of improving, and in 1904 he erected his commodious residence and substantial barn.

Mr. Miller married Rachel Coleman who is a daughter of Francis and Jane (Ferguson) Coleman, and they have four children: Marinda J., Robert Edgar, Charles Clyde and John Francis. Mr. Miller is a member of the United Presbyterian Church at Mount Jackson, in which he is an elder. He takes no active part in politics, but always performs every duty to his community which devolves upon one who is a representative citizen.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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