[p. 688] who is engaged in general farming and dairying in Wayne Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, comes of an old family of this section of the state. He was born in Franklin Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, September 4, 1845, and is a son of Mark and Mary (Wiley) McQuiston. His paternal grandfather was of Scotch- Irish parentage and came to this country in 1802, locating on the McKimm place in Franklin Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. His wife's maiden name was Swick.
Mark McQuiston was born in Franklin Township, Beaver County, and was there reared to maturity. He followed farming in that county until 1851, in which year he came to Wayne Township and purchased a tract of 100 acres of land of Henry Chew, located near Slippery Rock. He and his wife lived on that farm until their deaths, he dying in 1895, at the age of seventy-six years. He also owned an additional 175 acres, a part of the Aiken place. They were parents of seven children, as follows: Philip, Margaret, who married William Lyttle, resides in Shenango Township; Elizabeth, deceased, was the wife of William Gilbert; Irene married John E. Rhoades and lives in Indiana; William, who married a daughter of Allen Guilbert, lives at Elwood City; David, who resides on the old home place in Wayne Township, married a daughter of John Brown, of Perry Township, and Tirza, who married a son of John Brown, lived on the old home place until her death.
Philip McQuiston, attended the Mount Hope school in his home district, and resided on the home farm until he was thirty years of age. He purchased his present farm of fifty acres, located near Chewton, formerly the John Egner farm, and has resided upon it since about 1883. He follows general farming and dairying, keeping on hand an average of thirteen milch cows, and he has met with success. For some time he was engaged in the mercantile business. He has a comfortable residence, which he erected in 1896, and has other good, substantial buildings, including a barn, 50x60 feet in dimensions. He has always evinced a deep interest in all that pertains to the general welfare of the community, giving active support to such measures and enterprises as tend to that end.
Mr. McQuiston was, in 1874, united in marriage with Electa Prye, a daughter of Solomon Prye, of Big Beaver Township, and they became parents of eight children, as follows: Cleo, who married William P. Guy, a son of Albert and a grandson of Peter Guy, has four children: Edward, Ellis, Lillie and Leslie, and they reside in Chewton; James is married and lives in Utah; Minnie is the wife of George Hess, of Wampum, and has three children, Harold, Mary and Wilbur; Emma, wife of Martin Solsberg, resides in Hazel Dell, and has two children, Mary and Harry; Lillie, at home; G. Ross; Ivy married Campbell Price, of Wayne Township, and Annie, the youngest of the family, is at home. Mr. McQuiston is a member of the Christian Church. He has always been a Democrat in politics, but has never been an aspirant for office.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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