20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 815] a representative farmer and stock raiser of Scott Township, was born on the farm on which he resides May 3, 1843, and is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Wallace) McCracken.

Jacob McCracken was born in Ireland and accompanied the other members of the family to America while young. They bought a farm in Scott Township, on Slippery Rock Creek, in Lawrence County. It contained 200 acres, and as fine water power was afforded, the family built and operated a grist-mill for many years. Jacob McCracken was reared on this farm and in early manhood married Elizabeth Wallace. She was born in Scott Township, on the Slippery Rock Creek, April 4, 1814. She was reared through childhood and attended school at Washington, Pa. There were ten children born to this marriage, namely: George W., Elizabeth, Jacob W., Robert W., Isabel V., Mary Jane, Sarah M., William P., Rosanna H. and Margaret A. George W. was born January 30, 1838, married Mary E. McCreary. He served in the Civil War, in which he was wounded. Elizabeth, born April 15, 1839, never married. Jacob W., born February 2, 1841, is deceased. He served as a member of the Sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, during the Civil War. Isabel V., born August 17, 1845, married William C. Stewart. Mary Jane, born March 1, 1848, married David W. Stewart. Sarah M., born April 9, 1850, never married. William P., born February 2, 1853, married Catherine Peebles. Rosanna H., born October 22, 1855, and Margaret A., born September 19, 1858, never married. All the above children were born and reared on the present farm to which Jacob McCracken came when he married, buying at that time 300 acres. To his original purchase he added until he owned 550 acres, a large part of which he was instrumental in clearing and on which he made improvements. In 1883 he retired from active life and moved to New Castle, where he bought a home in which he lived at ease until the time of his death. He was a leading member of the United Presbyterian Church. In politics he was a Republican. He was a man held in the highest esteem by his fellow citizens.

Robert W. McCracken was educated in the district schools of Scott Township and worked on the home farm until he enlisted for service in the Civil War. He enlisted first, August 15, 1862, in the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and re-enlisted December 14, 1863, in the Tenth Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, serving until the close of the war. He participated in many of the hard fought battles, including the Wilderness, Antietam, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville and on to Appomattox, and was honorably discharged June 29, 1865. At the battle of the Wilderness he was wounded in a hand to hand engagement and taken prisoner, but later escaped. After the war he returned to the peaceful pursuits of agriculture and he was married December 28, 1869, to Matilda Jane Ellis. She was born March 18, 1848, in Hickory Township and is a daughter of James and Elizabeth (Blair) Ellis and a granddaughter of William Ellis. The latter came with his wife and children from Ireland to America and was an early settler in Scott Township, Lawrence County. Later he removed to Hickory Township, where, full of years, he died. James Ellis, father of Mrs. McCracken, was born in Ireland, but was reared in Scott Township. After moving to Hickory Township he worked by the day and out of his wage of 50 cents he accumulated finally $500, with which he bought a farm in Hickory Township and continued to live on it until his death. He was a member of the United Presbyterian Church. In politics he was a Democrat. To James Ellis and wife were born nine children, three sons and six daughters, as follows: Mary Josephine, Lorinda, William John, Harriet, Emma, Margaret, Robert, James and Matilda Jane.

Roy E. Alexander, son of Emma, lives with Mr. McCracken, his parents having died when he was five years old.

To Mr. and Mrs. McCracken were born seven sons and two daughters, namely: Jacob, residing at New Castle, born February 4, 1871, was married in September, 1894, to Maud Palmer, and they have three children, Esther Margaret, Mary Emily and Rachel Harriet; James S., residing in New York City, born June 6, 1872, was married June 30, 1903, to Ida B. Boak, and has one child, Olga Genevieve; William John, residing at Harbor Bridge, born November 2, 1873, was married August 27, 1902, to Della May Wallace, and they have two children, George W. and Helen. Robert Calvin, born July 15, 1876 died July 12, 1889; Lizzie Bell, born May 23, 1879; George Scott, born September 27, 1880, died July 18, 1889; Charles Ellis, born October 5, 1882, died July 16, 1889; Ellen Frances, born June 26, 1884, died July 14, 1889, and Milton Wesley, residing at home, was born November 22, 1890.

Mr. and Mrs. McCracken have a beautiful farm of 200 acres and are surrounded with everything to make them comfortable. Mr. McCracken has taken much interest in raising fine stock and in carrying on a general agricultural line. In his political views he is a stanch Republican and has cast his vote for the candidates of that party ever since the administration of President Lincoln. At various times he has efficiently filled township offices. He is a member of the United Presbyterian Church.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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