[p. 689] alderman of the First ward of New Castle, and one of the city's successful and public-spirited men, was born in Minnesota, in 1871, and is a son of William A. Mayne.
William A. Mayne was born in Lawrence County in 1841, and was a son of William Mayne, who was one of the earliest settlers in the county. William A. Mayne has been identified with the business interests of New Castle for the past thirty-five years.
Charles B. Mayne has lived at New Castle ever since being brought here a child of two years. After completing his education he became his father's partner in the bottling business, and for fifteen years was an active member of the firm. Ever since he reached mature years he has taken a lively interest in politics, and has been prominently identified with the Republican party in Lawrence County and has served on the county committee of that party for more years than any other citizen now living. In May, 1907, he was elected alderman of the First Ward of New Castle, for a period of five years, this being the only office Mr. Mayne has ever entered into contest for, although his loyal work for his friends is well known.
Mr. Mayne is one of the few citizens of New Castle who has visited the great Klondyke region and returned perfectly satisfied with his four years of prospecting. He had the experience of crossing Alaska twice on foot, traveling alone, and he operated the first successful gold mine in the Keokuk district on the South Fork River. Mr. Mayne is enthusiastic concerning the healthfulness of that far northern region. It is probable, however, that New Castle would protest if he decided to make Alaska his permanent home.
In 1901, Mr. Mayne was married to Miss Minnie B. Irwin, of New Castle.20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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