[p. 610] residing in his handsome residence at No. 177 Park Avenue, North Hill, New Castle, is one of the city's valued and esteemed citizens. He was born in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, January 30, 1847, and is a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Robison) Martin, both of whom were born in Pennsylvania.
The father of Mr. Martin brought his family from Mercer to Lawrence County in the spring of 1861 and engaged in farming in Mahoning Township, near Hillsville, until his death, which took place July 23, 1867. He was a son of Hugh Martin, who crossed the mountains from Eastern Pennsylvania, and settled in North Beaver Township seventy-nine years ago. Thomas Martin and wife had eight children, the survivors being: Robert J., living at Colton, Cal.; James R., residing at New Castle; Cyrus L., living at Hillsville; Parmelia J., wife of Edward Miller, living at Springfield, Ohio, and John S. The following are deceased: Samuel B., Annie E. and Mary.
John S. Martin was fourteen years of age when his parents came to Lawrence County and he completed his education in the schools of Hillsville. For many years following he engaged in agricultural pursuits and for fourteen years he also acted as superintendent of the George W. Johnson Limestone Company, of Hillsville. He has ever been active in all that concerns the welfare and progress of his section and on numerous occasions has been his party's choice for public office. In 1873 he was elected constable and tax collector on the Republican ticket and served as such for nine consecutive years. In 1898 he removed to New Castle. He continues to be interested in agriculture but no longer devotes close attention to it. His beautiful home in New Castle is situated in one of the most attractive sections of the city.
On October 27, 1869, Mr. Martin was united in marriage with Miss Rebecca J. Fox, who was born in Butler County, Pennsylvania, and is a daughter of the late Daniel Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have one daughter, Nora M., who married Frank Kelly, of Allegheny, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly have two children: Gladys R. and John M. Mr. Martin is a member of the First Baptist Church at New Castle and is a member of its board of trustees.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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