[p. 683] a leading business man and citizen of Wayne Township, Lawrence County, Ohio, has lived in the town of Chewton all his life. He was born June 20, 1854, is a son of Socrates and Rachel (Miller) Hennon, and a grandson of George and Annie (Moore) Hennon, who were pioneer settlers in this township.
George Hennon, the grandfather, came to Lawrence County at a very early period and located on the farm on which his son, Socrates, was born. His children were: Socrates, John, James, William, George, Joseph, Ellen, who became the wife of William Cotterson, and Rebecca, who was the wife of John Reed.
Socrates Hennon was born in Wayne Township, on the farm settled by his father, and there grew to maturity. He learned the trade of a blacksmith in his younger days, and after his marriage, in 1852 or 1853, moved to Chewton, where he first conducted a shop on the hill. He later started a shop where George E. is now located and continued there throughout the remainder of his life, dying in 1876. He was first joined in marriage with Rachel Miller, who was born on the old Egner farm in Wayne Township, and was a daughter of Montgomery and Lydia (Egner) Miller. She was one of the following children born to her parents: Sarah, wife of Charles Roth; Elizabeth, wife of Alvi Warner; Mary, wife of Thomas Whetson; Ellen, wife of Nathaniel Lindsay; Annie, wife of Joseph Thompson; Jane, wife of Thomas Morrow, and Rachel. Socrates and Rachel Hennon became parents of the following children: George Egner, whose name heads this sketch; Casius M., a painter residing at Beaver Falls, married Amanda Lindsay; William died at the age of twenty-four years; Annie married Westley McMillen, and died in Wayne Township; Frank died in boyhood, and Eleanor, who died at Allegheny, Pa., was the wife of Ulyses Simpson, of Enon Valley.
George E. Hennon was reared in Chewton and attended the public schools there. When eighteen years of age he began learning the trade of a blacksmith, which he has followed successfully throughout his active career. He has been a hard worker and the success he has attained has been solely through his efforts. He is at the present in partnership with his son; they make horseshoeing a specialty, and also carry a line of vehicles, handling the Halker buggies, manufactured at Crestline, and Kramer wagons. They enjoy a liberal patronage of the people throughout this vicinity.
Mr. Hennon was united in marriage in July, 1879, to Miss Fannie Kerr, who was born in Indiana, and was a daughter of Isaac Kerr, who was born at East Brook, Lawrence County Pa. They became parents of one son, Socrates, born in April, 1883, who married Stella May McDaniel, a daughter of Samuel and Rebecca McDaniel, by whom he has a daughter, Rebecca, born July 4, 1906. He and his son are members of Wampum Lodge No. 865, I.O.O.F., while the latter also is a member of Wampum Lodge No. 440, K. of P. Religiously, they are members of the Christian Church at Chewton. Mr. Hennon is a Democrat in politics. He and O. P. Cunningham enjoy the distinction of being the oldest native born residents of Chewton and he well remembers conditions in the early days prior to the advent of a railroad. He recalls seeing the soldiers on the way to the war in 1861, going down in canal boats. His parents both died in the house where Mr. Hennon has resided for more than thirty-two years.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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