[p. 681] one of New Castle's representative business men, has been engaged in the staple and fancy grocery trade in this city at No. 203 West Grant Street for the past twenty-three years. Mr. Griffiths was born at New Castle, Pa., June 28, 1854, and is a son of William Griffiths.
William Griffiths was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, and came to New Castle in 1846, taking a position first as puddler in a mill of which he later became superintendent, where he remained until he retired from business activity. At the age of eighty-four years he still survives, enjoying the comforts of his pleasant home in Wood Street, New Castle. In his political views he is a Republican.
After leaving school, J. J. Griffiths went to work in the sheet and plate mills at New Castle, and continued there for twenty years. In 1885 he embarked in the grocery business at his present location, and his store is one of the landmarks in that section.
In 1876 he was married (first) to Miss Adella Coppis, of Allegheny, Pa., who died in 1895, leaving four children, namely: Ida May, who is the wife of Alexander Lawson, of New York City; Clyde Nelson, who is an electrician connected with the steel mills in this city; Gertrude, who is the wife of Clifford Morrison, of McKeesport; and Clara A., who is the wife of Harry Remly, of New Castle. In 1901 Mr. Griffiths was married (second) to Lydia M. Okeson of Mercer County, Pennsylvania.
In politics Mr. Griffiths is a Republican, but his activity is confined to the performance of his full duty as a good citizen. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum, the Junior Order of American Mechanics, and of the Retail Grocers' Association.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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