20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


Benjamin Graham[p. 679] a highly respected retired farmer residing at New Wilmington, to which place he moved in 1902, purchasing then the old Moore farm, which he subsequently sold to Westminster College, was born January 16, 1835, in Venango County, Pennsylvania. He is the adopted son of Thomas and Eliza (McNair) Berry.

Thomas Berry was the first county superintendent of schools in Lawrence County and was also a man of large estate in Butler and later in Lawrence County.

Benjamin Graham attended school at Butler and during his early years his education was advanced by Mr. Berry. After the latter moved to Lawrence County, Benjamin was given charge of Mr. Berry's farming interests and resided in the vicinity of New Castle for fifty years. Mr. Graham inherited the Berry estate.

In 1855 Mr. Graham was married first, to Rachel McCaslin, who was a daughter of John McCaslin. She was accidentally killed on the New Castle Fair Grounds, in 1877, Mr. Graham at that time being one of the vice-presidents of the Agricultural Association, and both himself and wife taking an active part in making its meeting a success. The following children were born to this marriage: Thomas B., Lida Ellen, Elizabeth, William H. and Anna Margaret. Thomas B. Graham married Maggie Edwards, and they have three children, namely: William, who married Edna Britton, and has one child, Margaret; Edward, and Herbert. Lida Ellen Graham married Frank Geiger. Elizabeth Graham married C. Swick and they have six children—Benjamin, Charles, Ray, Rachel, Vest and Clifford. Charles is married and has one child, Mary. William H. Graham married Elizabeth Lutton. Anna M. Graham married Robert Baird and they have three children—Wayne, Charles and Thomas.

Mr. Graham was married, secondly, Angust 11, 1879, to Miss Carrie E. Palmer, a highly cultivated and educated young lady who had been engaged in teaching for a number of years previously, at the time of her marriage being principal of the Mahoningtown schools. She is a daughter of Samuel and Mary Palmer, natives of England. Mr. and Mrs. Graham have had six children, namely: Benjamin George, Caroline Emma, Kathryn, Frank Palmer, Paul Delbert and Harriet L. Benjamin George Graham graduated with honors from Westminster College and is an M. A. He is principal of the High School at Greensburg, Pennsylvania. He married Belma Burrows, of Washington, Pennsylvania, who was also a teacher and a lady of many accomplishments. Caroline Emma Graham passed from the New Castle High School to Grove City College, where she took the normal course and is a successful teacher in the public schools of New Castle. Kathryn Graham married Rev. H. T. Hazlett, who is a graduate of the Allegheny Theological Seminary and is now stationed in Illinois, having an important charge. Frank Palmer Graham is a member of the Gordon corps of engineers of the Topograpical service, at Yonkers, N. Y. Paul Delbert Graham is a student in his sophomore year at Westminster College. Harriet L. is a student in the New Wilmington schools. This family is a representative one of the cultured, intellectual class of New Wilmington society. Mr. and Mrs. Graham belong to the Second United Presbyterian Church. A Republican in politics, Mr. Graham has voted with this party ever since he cast his first Presidential vote for John C. Fremont.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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