20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 758] general farmer and dairyman, one of the largest milk producers for the New Castle market, resides on his finely improved farm of sixty acres, which is situated in Hickory Township, on the south side of the Harlansburg Road. He was born on the old homestead on the Butler Road, February 13, 1859, and is a son of George B. and Nancy (McCaslin) Gibson. His grandparents, George and Anna Gibson, came from County Down, Ireland, and settled on this farm in 1830.

James M. Gibson went to school with the boys and girls of his early youth, in the same neighborhood, and many of these are rearing families and owning farms in the section where all have been acquainted from childhood. One of these he married, Jane Armstrong, to whom he was united March 24, 1887. She is a daughter of Alexander and Charlotte (Kennedy) Armstrong, and a granddaughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Armstrong, who came to America from County Down, Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson have six daughters, namely: Gula Elizabeth, who resides at home but enjoys the acquaintance of many New Castle friends; Mamie Opal, born January 2, 1885; and Helen Charlotte, Olive Gertrude, Theresa Catherine and Lois Matilda.

Mr. Gibson's handsome, modern residence is a commodious two-story structure, placed some twenty-five yards from the highway, in the center of a fine lawn. His home has modern equipments and he has a system of waterworks with piping to his barn and stables, the latter buildings being also of modern and sanitary construction. He raises his own Jersey and Holstein stock and is one of the largest milk dealers in the township, having an immense trade in New Castle. With his family he belongs to the United Presbyterian Church.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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