[p. 614] first vice-president
of the Lawrence Savings and Trust Company,
at New Castle, is prominent in many
circles in this city, where he has been a
valued resident for the past seventeen
years. He was born and educated at
Allegheny, Pa.
Prior to coming to New Castle Mr. Craig was interested in the railroad business for some years, but since then has been identified with gas and oil production, both in the Pennsylvania and West Virginia oil fields, as a producer. Since coming to New Castle, Mr. Craig has thoroughly identified himself with her interests. He was one of the main promoters of the Lawrence Savings and Trust Company, and has been its first vice-president ever since its organization, and through his encouragement and financial assistance many other enterprises have prospered and in many of these he is a director. He is a director of the Young Men's Christian Association and formerly was its president, having always been interested in its work. For three years he served as president of the Lawrence County Sabbath-school Association and still continues a member of its executive committee. He has given fostering care to many of the city's worthy charities and is president of the board of trustees of the Highland United Presbyterian Church, and a trustee of the Elmira Home.
In 1891 Mr. Craig was married to Miss Eleanor T. McKee, a former resident of Allegheny, and they have two children, Earl M. and Margaret L. The handsome family residence is situated at No. 112, East Lincoln Avenue. Politics have never appealed to Mr. Craig, although he never ignores the duty of good citizenship,
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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Updated: 15 Nov 2001