[p. 662] alderman of the Fifth Ward, New Castle, is one of the city's influential citizens, a dealer in first class realty and both fire and life insurance. He was born in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, and is a son of Silas M. Crabill.
Silas M. Crabill served as a soldier in the Confederate Army, through the Civil War. Subsequently he removed with his family from Virginia to Baltimore, Maryland.
William H. Crabill was eighteen years of age when he went to Hagerstown, Maryland, where he completed his education and later accompanied his parents to Baltimore. In the fall of 1896 he became a mill worker, entering the tin mills at Connellsville and later the Stickney mills at Baltimore. In March, 1899, he came to New Castle and worked in the hot mills of the Shenango mill of the American Sheet and Tin Plate Company, where he continued until May 1, 1908. Since retiring from the mills he has devoted his attention to his real estate and insurance business and to the duties of alderman of the Fifth Ward, to which he was elected on the Socialist ticket in the spring of the current year. He owns a half interest in the Owens Photograph Gallery, an enterprise of this city.
In 1899, Mr. Crabill was married to Miss Carrie V. Kreps, of Hagerstown, Maryland, and they have four children: Helen Hilda, William and Mildred. Mr. Crabil was reared in the Disciples Church. He is a member of the Socialist party and takes a very active part in politics, especially in local matters.
20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908
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