Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 454] an enterprising and prosperous merchant of Wurtemberg, Lawrence Co., Pa., was born in Butler Co., Pa., Sept. 11, 1859, and began his education in the district schools, when he arrived at a suitable age. He continued his studies in Grove City College in Mercer Co., and finding himself well adapted to educational work, and fonder of teaching than of the routine work of the farm, he took up that calling, and for fourteen years devoted his energies to planting the seeds of knowledge in youthful minds, his field of labor lying in Butler County. Finally, when even teaching became irksome to him, a fine business opportunity presented itself, and he left the work in which he had been engaged for so many years, and entered upon a mercantile career in Wurtemberg, where he is at present conducting a well-appointed general store that has proved quite a money-maker. That Mr. Wick has been so successful is due to his ability to anticipate the wants of the community and to supply almost their every need in a courteous, urbane manner that gives offense to none, and attracts those who would find an agreeable salesman. He is perfectly acquainted with business forms and methods, for before he undertook teaching he had received instruction in Duff's Commercial College in Pittsburg, Pa. He chose for his wife Elizabeth Fisher, daughter of Solomon Fisher of West Liberty, Pa., and she is the mother of one son, Charles. The family are members of the M. E. Church, and may be found among its most regular attendants and most earnest supporters. Mr. Wick is a thorough Republican, believing that the protection of home industry is of advantage to the business circles of the land. He has not had reason to regret his change of occupation, as mercantile life offers many inducements to the man who is wide-awake and alert to the main opportunity.
Mr. Wick's father was William S. Wick, who was bound by close ties to Butler Co., Pa., for there he first saw the light and there he passed the years of his boyhood and then of his manhood. He purchased land near what is known as the "Old Stone Tavern," and established himself thereon, paying especial attention to stock-raising, and chiefly to breeding a fine grade of Short-horn cattle. He retained possession of this farm, and was active in carrying on the work until his death at the age of fifty-one. His wife, Mary, was a daughter of Andrew Turke, a native of Butler County; she bore him these children, eleven in number: John; Sarah; Perry; Jennie; W. S., Jr.; Samuel L., whose biography is given above; Wesley E.; Martha; Ada; Emma; and Myra. Our subject's grandfather was John Wick of Westmoreland Co., Pa., who was a hardy farmer, and attended to the duties of his farm up to a few months before his death at the age of seventy-seven.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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