Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 325] is a substantial farmer of Little Beaver township, and lives near Enon Valley in that township. His birth occurred Jan. 26, 1821, near the village of Darlington, Beaver Co., Pa. He was reared in his native township, and attended the district schools until he was a young man of twenty years. In March, 1845, when he was twenty-four, John Wallace and Margaret McClusky were bound by the mutuals vows and obligations of matrimony, and began housekeeping on a farm of thirty acres. Not long after he sold the farm, but the sale fell through because of the failure of the intending buyer to turn over the necessary funds; at length, however, he disposed of the land satisfactorily, and lived as a tenant on rented farms until 1862, when he became the owner of his present home. Mrs. Wallace was a daughter of William and Ann (Wilson) McClusky, and she bore her husband five children: William, who was a royal soldier in the Civil War, and married Eliza McKean and has three children; David C., who died in babyhood; Harriet J., deceased, who married William J. Young; Lucinda A., who accepted Robert Young of Beaver County, and became his wife—they have seven children; and Mary A., deceased. Mr. Wallace belongs to the United Presbyterian Church. He is a Republican politically, and has served as a school director in both Beaver and Lawrence Counties. Mr. Wallace contracted a second marriage in October, 1888, with Angeline Wilson, daughter of Samuel and Nancy (Sprout) Wilson of New Castle. He is a practical, progressive farmer, making each part of the whole 125 acres yield some income. In addition to general farming, he has a dairy, which diverts no small portion of his time and attention. Mr. Wallace is a representative farmer of this county, and has won an enviable reputation for the thoroughness of his business methods, his uprightness in all his dealings with his fellow-men and for his unfailing kindness to all with whom he comes in contact. At a ripe old age he is enjoying the comforts of a beautiful home, which has been fairly won by his industry.
Our subject's father, David Wallace, was born in Ireland, and at the age of eight years accompanied the family, when they sought a new home in America. His father, Patrick Wallace, died in this country, aged fifty-three years, but David possessed wonderful vitality, and after a long life spent in agricultural pursuits answered the summons of death when eighty-four years of age. His wife, Jane Scott, was born in Northern Ireland, and when she was an infant of twelve months, her parents, John and Jane Scott, emigrated to America. They lived for a time at Baltimore, and then removed to Chippewa township, Beaver Co., Pa., where John Scott maintained his family by weaving. He was a member of the Covenanter's Church, as was our subject's father. He stood the flight of time remarkably well, being very strong and healthy up to a few months preceding his death at three score and ten.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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