Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 552] the esteemed pastor of Rich Hill and Volant Presbyterian Church of Wilmington township, Lawrence Co., Pa., whose residence is in the northern part of Hickory township, was born March 27, 1865, and is a son of Robert and Melvina (Westlake) Stewart, both natives of Mercer Co., Pa.
John Stewart, the grandfather of the subject of this notice, was of Scotch-Irish descent, and came from the north of Ireland to the United States when a young man, and settled in Mercer Co., Pa., where he purchased a farm, and engaged himself in its cultivation throughout the remainder of his life. He married Jane Nelson, a native of Ireland, and to them were born William; Benjamin; John; George; Robert and Samuel, twins; Eliza; Margaret; and Mary. In their religion, they held steadfastly to the teachings and doctrines of the M. E. Church, in which they had been raised.
Our subject's father, after securing a common school education in Mercer County, learned the carpenter's trade, which in connection with a little farming remained his vocation. He is a stanch Republican, and uniformly shows his belief in its principles by casting a ballot at each election for its candidates. He married a daughter of George Westlake of Mercer County, and to our subject's parents were born six children: Hannah, who married Frank McMasters of Plain Grove, and has one child, Ethel; Mary, who married Edward Reynolds of New Castle, and has borne him four children, Edith, Blanche, Bessie, and Minnie; Robert C.; Edward, deceased; William, who married Sadie Dight of North Liberty, Mercer County, who died and left him one child, Addie; and George. The family are Presbyterians.
Rev. Robert C. Stewart received his primary education in the schools of Grove City; he graduated from the high school in 1890, and then took a higher course, and graduated from that in 1892. He then entered the Western Theological Seminary, from which he received his diploma in 1895. He immediately commenced his service for God and humanity in his first field of labor, his present pastorate in Wilmington township. He has been an earnest and conscientious laborer in the vineyard of the Master, and is held in high estimation by his parishioners. In 1890, he married Clara Covert, daughter of Jacob Covert of Grove City, Pa., and to them have been given two children, R. Francis, and M. Leila. His views on politics lean strongly toward the Prohibition party.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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