Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 623] a prominent physician of New Castle, Pa., was born in Pulaski township, this county, Jan. 2, 1856, and is a son of Samuel and Mary (Montgomery) Smith.
Our subject's grandfather, William Smith, was a native of County Derry, Ireland, and was a scion of a family in whose veins flowed Scotch blood. He came to America about the year 1786, and settled in Big Fork, Westmoreland Co., Pa., where he took up farming; eventually he settled in New Bedford, Pa., where he engaged in pursuits of a general agricultural nature the remainder of his active period. His wife, Rosanna, made him the proud parent of six children, who were named: Elizabeth (Davidson); Margaret (Carnahan); Samuel; John; James; and Hezekiah. Our subject's grandparents were reared as members of the religious sect of Seceders, but after coming to this country and becoming associated with many of their fellow-countrymen, they joined the United Presbyterian Church, which was a development of the original sect.
Samuel Smith was educated in the common schools of his native town, and upon the completion of his education turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, and was thus engaged until his retirement from active work, during this time accumulating considerable property and providing liberally for his children. He gave his political allegiance to the Republican party. He was a popular man, and prominent among his fellow-townsmen, deserving well of their respect for him, for his life was spent in a simple, unostentatious manner, as one of nature's noblemen. His modesty and retiring character prohibited him from seeking political elevation of whatever nature. His wife, Mary, was born in Ireland, near Dublin, and was a daughter of James and Elizabeth Montgomery, both natives of Ireland; seven children were born to our subject's parents. Rosanna, the eldest, married John Duff of Aledo, Ill. Elizabeth, the next in order of birth, married Henderson G. Sharp, of New Wilmington, Pa., and bore him six children: Nettie; Jesse; Rutherford L.; Rufus; Smith; and Elmer. William, M. D., married Emma J. McCreary of New Wilmington, Pa., and has three children, Genevieve, Samuel, and Gula. John A., the next child, is the subject of this personal history. Samuel S. married Eva McEwen of New Castle, this county, and has one child, Carelton. Nancy J. married Elmer Black of Grove City, Mercer Co., Pa., and has two children, Edward and Clifford, Frank, the youngest member of the family, is unmarried, and lives in Grove City. The family were United Presbyterians in their religious belief. Our subject's mother was taken to the "land of pure delight" March 13, 1872, and she was followed by her husband on April 28th of the same year.
Having received a rudimentary education in the common schools of his native place Dr. Smith attended and graduated from the State Normal School of Youngstown, Ohio; he also received a diploma from the college at New Wilmington, Pa. After a year's study under the direction of Dr. Silas Stevenson, now of Ellwood City, Pa., he entered the Medical Department of Hudson College of Cleveland, Ohio, and graduated from that institution in 1881, among the first in his class. While a student in Hudson College, his preceptor was Dr. Proctor Thayer. He then opened up an office for the practice of his profession at East Brook, Pa., where he remained four years. On account of ill health he gave up his practice there and went to Ashland, Ohio, where he lived until 1886. In that year he returned to Pennsylvania and located in New Castle, where he has built up a large and flourishing practice, most commendable to his enterprise and professional skill. His practice is not confined to his immediate vicinity, but is general, and extends over a great part of Lawrence County. He is a Republican politically, and as a successful candidate on that party's county ticket held the office of coroner three years. He is a member of the Lawrence County Medical Society.
In 1885 he was joined in marriage with Mary J. McKee, daughter of Charles and Margaret McKee of New Castle, Pa., and to Dr. and Mrs. Smith has been given one child, Hazel A., born Sept. 17, 1887. In religious matters he follows the example of his parents and unites with the United Presbyterian Church.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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