Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 380] is the popular and accommodating agent on the Pennsylvania railroad stationed at Pulaski, Pa. His parents were Pennsylvanians, George W. and Margaret Rogers, and he opened his eyes on life in Pulaski on Feb. 7, 1863. His father was a native citizen of Lawrence County, while the mother came from Westmoreland County. Practically all of our subject's life has been passed in his native county, and his family for many years back has been in that vicinity, as is shown by the fact that his grandfather when a lad came with his parents from Washington to Mercer County, just across the County line. They settled on land that was as yet untouched by the hand of man, and after Nathaniel Rogers, the grandfather of Charles C., grew large enough, he helped his father, and after the latter's death began farming for himself on the estate that fell to him. Politically he was a Whig, and then merged his sympathies with the Republicans. He married Catherine Bosell, a native of Mercer County, and it was their fortune to be the guardians of the happiness and welfare of nine children: George W., who became the father of Charles C.; Franklin; Jacob; William; Catherine; Caroline; Mary; Rebecca J.; and John who died in infancy. The family adhered to the Presbyterian faith.
George W., the eldest son of Nathaniel Rogers, was born in North Liberty, Pa., June 22, 1831, and was furnished with a common school education as an equipment for life. He learned the wagon-maker's trade when a youth of seventeen, and this continued through life to be his only means of securing a livelihood. In 1847 he came to Pulaski township, where he set up a wagon-shop, and has maintained it ever since. Politically he is a strong Republican. In 1852, Mr. Rogers was bound by marriage ties to Margaret Best, daughter of William Best of Mercer County, and she became the mother of six children. Alva, Mary and Alice are deceased. Charles C., Frederick, William and the parents compose the family to-day.
Charles C. Rogers attended the public schools of Pulaski township, and after proceeding as far in the path of learning as the limited course of study would allow, he worked on a farm one season, and then found a place in the office of the Pennsylvania R. R., where he could learn telegraphy. After some time spent in perfecting himself in the art, he was appointed a special agent, and was sent out to fill vacancies on short notice. He has been with the company for a matter of fifteen years, five of which were spent in running the office at Clinton, now Hoytdale, Pa. In 1889 he was advanced to the position he now holds, that of station-agent at Pulaski, and the intelligent manner in which he has uniformly discharged his duties in the succeeding years has given him a place high in the regard of his employers. He is known along the line as a good operator, pleasant and obliging, and merits the regard that is extended to him. In social circles he is an Odd Fellow, belonging to the Wampum Lodge. Mr. Rogers inclines to the Presbyterian Church in religious affairs. In political life, Mr. Rogers holds strongly to the Republican course of action. He has twice been auditor of the township. He is a man who is deservedly popular among his associates and indeed among all his acquaintances, and at all times treats everyone with never-failing courtesy. The merit of his work has secured him his present position, and is the most powerful factor in enabling him to satisfactorily fill it, and hold it down.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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