Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 199] This honored citizen
of Neshannock township, where he is successfully
engaged in farming, is a native of the
same, and is a son of William F. and Margaret
(Gundy) Reynolds, and grandson of Robert
Reynolds, of Irish descent, who came to this
country from England about the year
1775, and settled in the eastern part of Pennsylvania.
Later he moved to Hickory township,
then a part of Neshannock, took up a farm, and
was industriously engaged in its cultivation the
remaining active years of his life, leaving at his
death as a legacy to his descendants a well-improved
farm ranking among the best in the
township and a noble name, untarnished with
any suspicion of dishonesty or wrongdoing. He
was a Democrat in his politics, and consistently
upheld his chosen party. To him and his wife
were born twelve children, namely: William
F.; John F.; Betsey; Nancy; Mary A.; Peter
and Joseph, twins; Michael; Christian; Isaac;
Robert; and James. The family were governed
in religious matters by the rules of life as found
in the teachings of the M. E. Church.
William F., the father of our subject, received his education in Neshannock township, and followed agricultural pursuits after coming to man's estate in that township all his life. At a later period in his life, he found time to operate with a fair degree of success a grist and saw-mill for the accommodation of his neighbors, among whom he was known as a leading and progressive citizen. His wife, who was born in Pulaski township, made him the proud parent of eleven children, namely: Robert; Sarah; John; Elizabeth; William; James; Peter S.; Cossitt; George; Mary; Seth. A Methodist, like his father, he trained his children in the same faith. He was a prominent and popular man, as well as successful, and as a Republican filled the township offices of squire, supervisor and tax collector. His, death took place Oct. 18, 1876, following that of his beloved wife's by ten years, she having died Feb. 15, 1866.
Our subject from the first years of manhood devoted the most of his attention to agricultural pursuits, although he also learned the stone-mason's and carpenter's trades, and built a number of residences, among which is the house in which he now makes his home. He enjoys in a large degree the confidence and respect of his neighbors and the community at large. He is a Republican, and has served efficiently as school director, overseer of the poor and as supervisor. He is not by any means an "offensive partisan," but a genial and whole-souled citizen, and a general favorite among his townsmen.
In 1865, Jan. 25, Mr. Reynolds was joined in marriage with Lydia A. Kemp, daughter of John P. Kemp, deceased, of Neshannock township, whose biography appears elsewhere in this volume. Eight children have been born to our subject and wife as follows: William J., who married Louisa Bludorn, and has eight children, Bessie and Jessie, twins, Nettie, Nestor and Chester, twins, Amelia, Forbes, and Lydia; Nettie, who married George M. Shoaff and has borne him four children, Paul, Mabel, Hazel, and Merrill; Forbes; Alice; Joseph B.; and Esther A. Those deceased are Della and Nellie. The family are members of the M. E. Church.
The companion portraits of Peter S. Reynolds and his wife Lydia, that appear on a preceding page, add a decided interest to the accompanying sketch.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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Updated: 9 May 2001