Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 657] an engineer on the railroad, living in Mahoningtown, his birthplace, was born Oct. 1, 1859, and is a son of John D. and Katherine (Glasser) Pitzer. John D. Pitzer was born in Ohio, probably about 1830. Commencing his life-struggle as a quarryman, he was for a long time employed as foreman in the quarries near Mahoningtown, and finished his career as a farmer; he had previously been a boatman on the canal. He was a son of Michael K. Pitzer, who moved to Pike Co., Mo., and died there. Our subject's mother was born in Wittenberg Germany, and was four or five years old when she was taken with the rest of the family by her parents to America. She was a daughter of Martin Glasser, who served as a soldier under Napoleon Bonaparte; he lived to be eighty years of age, and passed away at Wurtemberg, Wayne township, this county.
Joseph D. Pitzer, who was the eldest of six children, was reared in Mahoningtown, and attended private schools until he was eighteen years of age. He then worked in the quarries for five years, at the end of which period he worked in the engine house in the employ of the railroad. From June 28, 1887, to May, 1890, he was fireman, and since the latter date has been engineer. He is well thought of by his superiors, and is very popular among his associates.
He was married in Union township March 8, 1882, to Margaret Buchanan, daughter of Johnson Buchanan, whose wife was Miss Eliza Burns. To Mr. and Mrs. Pitzer have been born two children: Gertrude and Ethel. Mrs. Pitzer is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Our subject is a Republican in his political views, and a very pronounced and emphatic man in advocating those principles which he believes to be just and right. He is a member of the F. & A. M., Lodge of the Craft, No. 433, of New Castle.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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