Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 485] This solid and substantial citizen and farmer of Union township was born on the farm that is now the scene of his agricultural operations July 29, 1841, and is a son of David and Jane (Stewart) Pattison. David Pattison was born in Glasgow, Scotland, where he worked at his trade of cotton-spinner before he came to America when a young man. He came to Western Pennsylvania, and found employment in quarry work, building the old canal. Being industrious and filled with the desire to provide a home to which he might ask his sweetheart whom he had left in Scotland, he soon accumulated sufficient property to be able to purchase fifty acres of land that now constitutes the farm of his son, the subject of this sketch. He built a log-cabin and cleared a plot for a garden, and then sent for Jane Stewart, to whom he had been engaged before coming to this country, commencing his married life on the new farm. The clearing of the land went on when he had no other work. Through their observance of the rugged Scotch principles of thrift, honesty and independence they won the honor and admiration of all they came to know. Mr. Pattison's last years were devoted to gardening, and his death took place when he was eighty-four years old. His wife, who was born in Paisley, Scotland, passed to the better land beyond the river of death at the age of eighty-six. Their children were: David C.; Mary; William S.; Jeanette; Robert D.; Alexander S.; and two that died in infancy.
Our subject stayed at home and cared for his parents, and assisted his father in building a new frame house and barn, inheriting the same with forty-four acres of choice land. In 1855, he enlarged the barn, and has brought about great improvements in the condition of his property since it came into his possession, and he now owns a home which is replete with comfort. Everything is neat and in excellent repair, denoting an owner who knows the value of good appearances. In years past he was accustomed to utilize the summer and fall seasons in doing threshing for the grain-growers of the township, for he owned the only thresher; in late years, however, he has devoted his time to general farming, and has also raised many barns in the surrounding country.
Mr. Pattison married Miss Maggie E. McCreary, daughter of Thomas McCreary, who resides with Mr. Pattison, and this union has been fruitful of five children: Thomas M., a machinist of New Castle, who married Lillian E. Daggart, and has one son, Paul; Adella J., who married David Wilson, and has one child, Cleda; John D.; Nanny P.; and Robert H. The three younger children live at home. Mr. Pattison affiliates with the Republican party; he is decided in his opinions, brave and courageous in the expression of them, and conscientious in the endorsement of everything he believes to be just and right. It is hardly necessary to add that he is one of the most valued citizens of Union township, whose growth and development he has been at pains to foster. Mr. and Mrs. Pattison are members of the old Covenanter's Church; they are highly esteemed in their community, and are admirably filling their position as useful members of society, being the promoters of intelligence, education, and the highest of moral principles.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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