Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 350] a substantial and well-to-do farmer of Pulaski township, Lawrence Co., Pa., was born June 20, 1843 in the above township. He is a son of Alexander and Nancy (Mayers) Neal.
Alexander Neal was born in Cumberland Co., Pa., and was one of the early settlers in Pulaski township, where he took up his residence in 1806. He bought 400 acres of wild land, and worked at clearing and improving it, by his industry providing himself with a comfortable living, and giving his family many advantages, usually denied to pioneer settlers. He served in the War of 1812 as a private and a fifer in the fife and drum corps. Politically, he affiliated with the Whigs, and later joined the Republican ranks. His helpmeet was Nancy Mayers, a daughter of Benjamin Mayers of Hubbard, Ohio, and their children were: James, Benjamin, Alexander, and Sarah A. These all married, and became the parents of families. James took Rebecca Stevenson of New Bedford, Pa., to share his lot, and they have five children living—Alice, Dawson F., Leonora, Nellie, and Florence. Benjamin, the second son of Alexander Neal, is the subject of this personal history, and of him we shall speak later. Alexander, the next in order of birth, espoused Sarah Heasley of Pulaski, and they have a boy, Clarence, and a girl, Pearl M. Sarah A., the only daughter, became the life companion of James Stevenson of Beaver Co., Pa., and they have one daughter, Hattie D., as the fruit of their marriage. Mrs. Sarah (Neal) Stevenson is a lady of sterling qualities, highly endowed with good common sense, and is highly thought of in her neighborhood. She possesses the happy faculty of making the home bright and attractive to an unusual degree. The Neals were members of the United Presbyterian Church. Alexander Neal's life terminated on Aug. 1, 1874, having passed the three-quarter century mark; he was survived by his wife, who lived until Aug. 29, 1880, when she, too, passed to her last home at the age of eighty-four.
Benjamin Neal had a common school education, and then began to make a livelihood by agricultural pursuits, and has never deviated from that course. Politically, he is a steadfast Republican, and although no office-seeker, he has been assessor, and is now supervisor. In 1876, he was bound by the ties of wedlock to Emma Barrett, whose father was Matthew Barrett, and she gave birth to two sons, Charles G. and James A. Mrs. Neal answered the summons of death when a young woman, being only thirty-two years of age at the date of her demise in 1886. Some time afterwards, Mr. Neil [sic] married Ollie M. Campfield of Clarksville, Mercer Co., Pa. Mr. Neal's influence has always been cast in favor of the best moral interests of the community, and he has never been known to shirk a pledge given, or a responsibility undertaken. He has proved an excellent servant of the township as assessor and as supervisor, and will be continued in office many more years, no doubt, so that his fellow-citizens may have the benefit of his good judgment and executive ability.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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