Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 372] now deceased, was for many years a successful traveling salesman, and made his home in Pulaski township, Lawrence County. He was born in Armstrong Co., Pa., Feb. 28, 1840, and was descended from John and Priscilla (Miller) Miller; the father was from Armstrong County, and the mother's home was in Butler County.
John Miller, the father of our subject, had the usual education that boys received in his day, and learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked during the years of his activity. He was the father of five children, who grew to adult age: Mary; Catherine; Margaret; William; and John J. The eldest daughter, Mary, became the wife of James Johnson of Wilmington, Pa., and has borne him Charles, William, John and Anna. Catherine, the second child of John Miller, married Phillip Conrad of Youngstown, Ohio, and these children gathered about their fireside and partook of their affectionate care: William; Walter; Harriet; Catherine; Dorothy; Margaret; and Elizabeth. Margaret, the next child in order of birth, married Mr. France of Ohio, now demised; their children were—George, Kate, Annie, and Ida. After the death of her first husband, being left with quite a family of children to rear and educate to their proper position in the world, she accepted the hand of John Grey in marriage and went to live with him in Wilmington, Pa. William has a wife and family, and lives in Kansas City, Missouri. Both of our subject's parents are deceased, the mother passing away in 1889. In religious belief they were Lutherans.
John J. Miller had the ordinary school advantages, which he improved to the best of his ability, distinguishing himself then among his schoolmates, as he did afterward among his associates in business, by a fixedness of purpose and general earnest bearing that proved so valuable to him in his business career. He learned the carpenter's trade, and was employed at that trade for a number of years until he secured a position as traveling salesman for a farming implement house. He was a cordial, approachable man, and met customers in a manner that filled his book with orders. His death was caused by an injury inflicted in an accident at Wampum, Pa. He never recovered his former health, and the light of his life, after flickering feebly for many months, went out at last in 1890, and his spirit was returned to Him that gave it. He had friends by the score, who admired his manly, upright character, and many were the expressions of regret that were uttered when the fatal nature of his injuries became known.
In 1862 Mr. Miller was united in nuptial bonds to Mary J. Dicks of Hickory township, this county, and they had one daughter, who grew to womanhood, and became the loving and trusted wife of Elmer Shields of New Bedford, Pa. Mrs. Miller was called to her last home on Dec. 19, 1863. A second marriage was contracted on Aug. 2, 1864, with Sarah E. Rogers of New Bedford, Pa., born Aug. 12, 1844, a daughter of Thomas Rogers. She bore a son, Carl C., on Oct. 18, 1869; his death occurred July 6, 1895. A daughter, Nina O., was born on April 2, 1877. The family are members of the Disciples Church, and deeply interested in all the good work that is aided by that church, giving liberally of their means for its support.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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