Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 583] an enterprising young citizen of Pulaski, is the station-agent on the Erie Railroad, in charge of the office at the village named above. His people have lived in Lawrence County for a good many years, and he was born in Pulaski township on Dec. 25, 1871. He is a son of John and Mary J. (Davidson) McClusky, the former of Pulaski township, and the latter a native of Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
Mr. McClusky had his educational training in the schools of his native place, and in 1889 was drawn toward the study of telegraphy, which he finally mastered by diligent work in the same office which he now occupies as agent, his promotion coming in the succeeding year. He is an industrious, capable young man, and has enlarged his legitimate duties to include those that arise from being the agent for Wells, Fargo Express Co. As a young man in the employ of a great railway system he will no doubt seize every chance of advancement, at the same time violating no confidence reposed in him as the occupant of a position of trust. In 1893 he won the affections of Hattie J. Espy, daughter of Frank A. Espy of West-Middlesex, Pa., a bright young lady of many accomplishments and excellent points, and she consented to share his fortunes for better or for worse, and to bear his name. Two children gladden their homeMargery and Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. McClusky are decided in their preference for the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. McClusky's father, John McClusky, went to school in Pulaski township after which he began farming, and continued that mode of life until 1887, when he was elected constable and tax collector, and he has since served in those capacities without interruption. Mr. McClusky is a firm believer in Republican theories of political life, and has served on the county committee. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Lodge of the Craft, No. 433 of New Castle, and is also counted in the membership of the Chenango Valley Lodge, No. 129, A. O. U. W., of Pulaski. In 1865 his nuptials with Mary J. Davidson, daughter of John M. and Mary Davidson of Cumberland Co., Pa., were celebrated. Four children came to constitute their familyAltha M., who married William S. Hopper, now of Allegheny, Pa.; Lauretta J., wedded to T. H. Jewell, a druggist of Pulaski township, and the mother of a son, Arthur, and a daughter, Mildred; William D., the subject of this sketch; and F. Roy, who lives at home. To the great sorrow of the family Mrs. McClusky's life terminated on June 3, 1894, at forty-nine years of age.
Joseph McClusky, the paternal grandsire of our subject, lived in Pulaski township, where he tilled the fertile soil for his daily bread. He learned tailoring, but spent the greater part of his life on the farm, where he attained a degree of prosperity and was regarded as a very successful and wide-awake agriculturist. He belonged to the Whig party originally, but at the advent of the Republican party he transferred his whole allegiance to the new power in the political world, and cast his first vote as an adherent of that party for John C. Fremont. He was for a considerable period a member of the township board of trustees. His wife was a daughter of William Holtz of Beaver Co., Pa., and their offspring was named: William H.; John; Robert; David H.; Ella J.; and a babe, demised. According to the traditions of the family they were Presbyterians in religious belief. At the close of her life in 1879 Mrs. McClusky's years numbered sixty-seven, and her husband's age was the same at his death in 1881.
Going back one generation farther, John McClusky, the great-grandfather of William D., was born in Chester Co., Pa., and grew up to be a farmer. He lived for some time in Washington County and later removed to Pulaski, where he was one of the pioneers. He was a hard-working man, cleared his own farm, and became well-to-do. He served in the War of 1812 as a private, and in National affairs was a Whig. His wife, Margaret Black, was a native of Pulaski township, and these children gathered under the roof-tree: Robert, James, Samuel, William, Nellie, Joseph, Isaac, Alexander, Mary, and Elizabeth. They were of the Presbyterian faith. Mr. McClusky's life was finished in 1850, and his good wife survived him six years.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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