Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 416] Republican nominee for sheriff of Lawrence Co., Pa., was born in New Castle, of which city he is still a resident, Oct. 15, 1856. He is a son of Matthias and Anna (Brant) Matthews; the latter was born in London, England, and died in 1871. Matthias Matthews was born in Staffordshire, Eng., and passed away in 1888, aged eighty-five years. He came to the United States in 1827 or 1828 under contract to work in the iron mills, of which at that time there were but three in the whole country. He was a supporter of the Democratic party on political matters, and a member of the Episcopal Church. He was a son of John Matthews, a native of Wales, who married a Miss Bennett. Our subject's parents were married in New York City, where our subject's mother was a school-teacher. To them were born seven children, four boys and three girls, as follows: Joseph, a mill hand of New Castle; John, also a mill hand of the same city; Susan, the wife of David Saunders of Cleveland, Ohio; Mary, who married Benjamin Garbett of Niles, Ohio, a mill hand; Emma, now deceased, the wife of William Mann of Vulcan Forge; James; and Charles.
When Charles Matthews was an infant of two summers, his parents moved to Niles, Ohio, where they lived five years, and since that time he has resided in New Castle. He attended school till he was about fourteen years of age, working in the mills in the summer as soon as he was old enough, and going to school in the winter. At the age of sixteen years, he was apprenticed to the trade of roll-turner in the iron mills, and when nineteen years of age attended the business college in the winter. In 1887, he embarked in the shoe business one year, but was satisfied to give it up at the end of the year to re-enter the mills, where he had been urged to come. In November, 1894, he became business manager and treasurer of the Lawrence Guardian, and continued to hold the office until after the campaign of that fall, when the Guardian was consolidated with the Courant, and in the resulting corporation Mr. Matthews is still a director.
On Feb. 26, 1888, in New Castle, his nuptials were consummated with Miss Elizabeth Lutton, a native of New Castle, and daughter of William B. and Jane (Buck) Lutton. William B. Lutton was for many years city poor director and county commissioner; he died in 1889, aged sixty-five years; his wife survives him at the age of sixty-six. Three children, Charles, Marlen, and Helen, have been born to our subject and wife. They are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Matthews is a prominent Mason, and has taken high orders; he belongs to the following organizations: Mahoning Lodge No. 243, F. & A. M., of which he is past master; Delta Chapter, No. 170, R. A. M., of which he is past high priest and trustee; Hiram Council, of which he is T. I. G. M.; Lawrence Commandery, No. 62, Knights Templar, of which he is past eminent commander. He was grand steward in the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in 1895-96. He was formerly a member of the A. I. & S. W. He has served in both the common council and select council, and has been sent by his party as delegate to State Conventions. While a member of the select council he served as chairman of the finance and fire committees and was a member of other important committees.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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