Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 305] deceased, late an extensive
real estate dealer and land-owner of the
city of New Castle, was born in the town June
20, 1844, and was a son of William N. Maitland,
who came from Chester Co., Pa., and settled two
miles north of New Castle in this county on a
tract of land, which he cleared and out of it
made a fruitful farm of 150 acres. At first he
lived in a log-house, and then built a frame
dwelling, in which he resided until his death at
the age of sixty-four. He married Camilla Pollock,
a daughter of Dr. Pollock, who was one of
the early physicians and surgeons of the county;
Mrs. Maitland lived to be seventy-eight years
old, before she was taken away to rejoin those
gone before. Our subject's father was a man
who always identified himself with progress;
sound in his judgment and careful and shrewd
in his investments, he rarely failed to reap handsome
profits from his ventures, and thus accumulated
a comfortable fortune quite early in life.
After getting well started in life, he purchased
what is known now as the Maitland Square,
offered for sale in 1845, for a yoke of oxen.
Far-seeing as he was and despite his confidence
in the future growth and wealth of New Castle,
he little realized that the city should arrive at its
present condition of prosperity, or that the
Square should increase in value so many fold.
The property then had on it a few small buildings,
of which only one was framed; upon his
taking possession of it he built a number of
small houses, which he rented, and also erected
a double store. He was unassuming and reserved
in manner, and although well and favorably
known, he never sought public notoriety.
Five children, all living but one, were born to
him, as follows: John R., who now resides on
the old homestead; Irene, who makes her home
in New Castle; Addie R., who married O. C.
Carl of Pasadena, Cal.; William M. of Springfield,
Misouri;[sic] and Perry, deceased, the subject
of this personal history.
Our subject attended the public schools, and in early manhood began to clerk for W. R. Clendenin in the latter's dry goods store, and in a few years time he engaged in the grocery business, locating on the corner where the Citizens' Bank now stands. In 1874 he built the three-story block, which later on he sold to the Citizens' Bank. After conducting a store for some years, he moved the old store to Mill Street, and remodeled and enlarged the structure, making it bright and new throughout, and thereafter rented it for store purposes. For the past fourteen years he dealt in real estate, and was a very heavy taxpayer. In 1886, he built a fine residence at No. 161 North Jefferson Street, where he resided till his death, Aug. 6, 1897.
On the 23rd of May, 1871, Mr. Maitland married Miss Adda F. Farver, daughter of Joseph C. and Nancy (Carl) Farver, and granddaughter of Samuel Farver, who was a son of John Farver, who was a farmer of the State of Maryland. Samuel Farver came to this county about the beginning of this century in 1800 and settled in the wilderness, where he marked out his farm and built a log-cabin; the remainder of his days were spent in clearing the land, and being a millwright by trade in working in the Fisher Mill. The 500 acres were divided among his children after his decease, and our subject's wife and her sister own at the present time the old homestead, on which Mr. Farver in his later years built a frame house and barns. He married Rebecca Carl, a niece of Thomas Fisher, and she brought him a large tract of the Fisher farm. Samuel Farver served in the War of 18l2 as a sharp-shooter at Fort Erie. His death occurred in 1861, when aged seventy-seven years; his wife joined those gathered on the other store at the age of eighty-five. Their children were: John; Thomas F.; Taylor; Joseph C.; William; and Mary. Joseph C. Farver was born in Shenango township, December 4, 1817, and all his life was engaged in farming and caring for his parents, and after their death inherited the farm of some 150 acres, on which he built an entirely new set of buildings. He easily ranked as one of the most enterprising and industrious men in the town, and was highly thought of by all who knew his good points. Seventy-one years measured the life allotted to him, his death taking place in 1889; his wife at the age of sixty-eight is still living; she was a daughter of Joshua Carl. To Joseph and Nancy (Carl) Farver were born the following children: Samuel, who lived three years; Joshua, who died at the age of six months; Adda F, our subject's widow; and Margaret E., who with her mother looks after the Farver homestead. They are Methodists in their religious preferences.
The union of Mr. and Mrs. Maitland was not blessed with children, but for a number of years Miss Myrtle Farver, daughter of Orrin Farver, lived with them, and was a great source of enjoyment, for they were very fond of young people and welcomed her friends with the greatest warmth and hospitality. Mr. Maitland was a Democrat. We have placed the portrait of the subject of this sketch on a preceding page in proximity to this, trusting that it will be of great service in perpetuating his good name and deeds, and in calling to mind in future years his many virtues of mind and heart.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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Updated: 21 May 2001