Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 223] one of the prominent and
progressive citizens of New Castle, and a
contractor of stone and brick masonry, was born in
New Castle, May 28, 1838, and is a son of David
and Jane (McWilliams) Long, and grandson of
Joseph Long, and great-grandson of Alexander
Long, who came from Westmoreland Co., Pa.,
and located on a farm just a little south of New
Castle in 1806. His two sons, Joseph and Arthur
divided the farm equally, each taking 100
acres, and living there all their lives. Joseph
Long, our subject's grandfather, was drowned
while fording the river at Rock Point on horseback,
when forty years of age. He was survived
by his wife, Ella, and seven children, all of whom
lived to maturity and many years thereafter. The
children bore the following names: Alexander,
John, Sarah, Margaret, Joseph, Jr., David, and
Arthur S.
Our subject's father was born in 1814, and learned the trade of a stone-mason; on the old canal he was engaged for long periods, and also constructed many cellars in New Castle, furnishing the stone for his work from a quarry he owned and operated. In 1864 he bought a farm in Mercer County, and farmed there in connection with his stone-mason trade until 1880, when he retired to New Castle, and died in 1885. His first wife, Jane, daughter of James McWilliams, died at the age of twenty-five, leaving three children: James M.; Ellen; and Lydia, deceased. His second wife, Susan, daughter of James McCandless, was born in 1816, and died in 1893, bearing our subject's father the following children: Scott D.; Robert C., deceased; Laura; William H.; and Joseph S.
Our subject in early manhood learned the brick-mason's trade, and worked at brick-laying and in speculating in the oil fields. In 1861, he enlisted in Co. F, 12th Reg. Pa. Vol. Inf. for three months, and then returned to labor at his trade, and in 1864 entered into the business of contracting at New Castle, and followed that occupation until 1885, when he was elected county commissioner, and served six years. He also manufactured brick at South New Castle from 1881 to 1890, when he sold out, and has since been one of the largest dealers in building stone and sand in the town. In 1897 he again engaged in the brick business in partnership with his brother, Joseph S. He has built seven houses, and owns several tenements and a fine home at No. 31 Court Street, where he lives. He has been a devoted worker for the best interests of New Castle, and has the best right to be included among the substantial and prosperous business men of the city.
Mr. Long married Miss Amanda Eliza McKee, daughter of Charles and Margaret (Chambers) McKee, who were born in Shenango township, and granddaughter of James and Rachel (Whan) McKee, who were born in County Down, Ireland, and New Jersey respectively. James McKee was among the very early settlers of Shenango township, and secured a good farm which he cleared and put into the best possible condition. His son, Charles, succeeded his father, and became a leading farmer of the town, and lived to be eighty-three years old, dying in 1896. His wife, who departed this life at the age of forty-four, bore him the following children: James; Amanda Eliza; Alexander C., now deceased, who served in Co. A, of the 134th Reg. Pa. Vol. Inf.; John C., a physician of New Castle; Caroline R.: David A., deceased; and Mary J.
To Mr. Long and his wife have been born three sons: Clarence C., born July 10, 1868, is an electrician at Reading, Pa.; Clyde D. died aged two months and a half; Roy A., born Oct. 7, 1876, is attending Westminster College at Wilmington, Pa. Mr. Long is a Republican, and a member of the G. A. R. Post and of the United Presbyterian Church. The portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Long, which accompany this sketch, add a decided value to the biographical records of Lawrence County.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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Updated: 13 May 2001