Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 509] is one of the representative and foremost agriculturists of Washington township. He is a member of a family which has had a most important part in the transformation of this section from the wilderness of ninety-five years ago into the broad acres of grain fields, and the wide-spreading meadows of the present. From almost the beginning of its history, Washington township has known and respected the name of Jordan, and it is probable that the progeny and descendants of those sturdy ancestors will live on the ancestral acres for many many years to come.
Henry Jordan, born and educated in Germany, but early transplanted to American soil, was the founder of this family. He came to this land when a young man; fought against the British in the War for Independence, and wended his way into Washington township, where he found a suitable spot, and located a home. His wife, Elizabeth, bore him ten children: Elizabeth; Margaret; John; Henry; Ann; Mary; George and Daniel, twins; Mercy; and Michael. Henry Jordan and his family favored the teachings of the Presbyterian Church, which they attended whenever circumstances would permit and an opportunity presented itself. In politics, he was a firm believer in the principles of the Democratic party, and an especial admirer of Thomas Jefferson.
Henry Jordan, the younger, and father of our subject, was a resident of Baltimore, Md. He followed his father into the new country, and as soon as he was fitted to strike out for himself, he bought a farm of 200 acres, where John Jordan now lives and carries on agricultural operations. This tract was similar to the surrounding places, in that it was mainly covered with virgin forest, so Mr. Jordan was compelled by the exigencies that make the sustaining of life dependent on labor to release the fields from the bondage of the forest, and sow them to grain. He hewed away at the woodland giants and in time built the old home which now stands a relic and landmark on one portion of the estate. The faithful wife, who followed Henry Jordan through his long and busy life was a Miss Anna Anderson, daughter of Alexander Anderson, a native of Ireland. To Mr. Jordan and his wife were given eight children, who were born in this order: Alexander; Elizabeth: Margaret; Henry; Anna; Catherine; John, our subject; and Sarah. Mr. Jordan both in political and religious matters followed his father.
John Jordan, of whom this biography is written, became a member of his parents' family April 13, 1830, being born on the farm he now owns and upon which he now resides. He passed his boyhood days in the district school and at work on the home place; as time passed on, and his respected father was laid to rest, our subject inherited the homestead. He now holds 206 acres of very fertile and well-conditioned land. Mr. Jordan at his earliest opportunity erected the fine new house, barns and outbuildings, which to-day grace and add value to his property. He set out new and carefully-selected orchards, which have come into prolific bearing, and made what other improvements his complete knowledge of good methods could suggest. The raising of high-grade stock has always claimed his attention to a greater or less degree, and he is rated a very careful and experienced breeder, any stock coming from his place being sure to possess the characteristics Mr. Jordan claims for it, and needing no certificate of merit. Mr. Jordan has all in all spent a very busy life, and one which has borne fruits commensurate with the intelligent efforts he has ever put forth. His wife, the dearly beloved companion of so many happy years of married existence, was taken from him by death Jan. 30, 1892, at the age of fifty years. She was Margaret A. Young, daughter of Samuel Young, a native of Ireland. Mr. Jordan's influence has been felt in many ways in his native town through his connection with various societies. He has been a steady supporter of the Democratic party, and has held many places of trust of a public nature, among them the offices of assessor, auditor, overseer of the poor and judge of election. The Presbyterian Church numbers him among its regular attendants and most liberal supporters. In social circles he is well and favorably known, having a disposition and manner, which bring him friends everywhere. Living on an estate, the pleasant surroundings of which are due mainly to his own efforts and good taste, he is enjoying a life of well-earned prosperity and contentment. It gives us pleasure to present his portrait on a preceding page in connection with this brief outline of his life.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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