Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897


[p. 277] for many years past a prominent and prosperous farmer of North Beaver township, was born at Mt. Jackson in that township, in the first dwelling-house erected in the village, Jan. 16, 1824. Mr. Henry is a son of William and Jane (Logan) Henry, and a grandson of the old pioneer Francis Henry, who in the early days moved from Washington Co., Pa., and settled near Poland, Mahoning Co., Ohio, where he died at a ripe old age. Francis Henry was well-known throughout that section as an upright, industrious citizen, and he was a fitting founder of a family whose history has been inseparably linked with that of their chosen abiding places.

William Henry, son of Francis and father of the subject of this sketch, was born east of the mountains, moved with his father to the Ohio home, and settled on a farm near Poland. Here death claimed his first wife, a Miss Gray, whom he had married when a resident of Washington Co., Pa., just prior to going to Ohio. She left him as a precious legacy two daughters—Margaret and Matilda. After a few years had elapsed, William Henry married Jane Logan, who became the mother of the subject of this notice. Following his second marriage, Mr. Henry and his wife moved to North Beaver township, buying and settling on the farm owned later on by Mr. Dunnon. Here Mr. Henry, alive to the demands of a thriving young community, opened the first store in the township. When the village of Mt. Jackson was laid out, he was one of the first investors. He bought three lots, and on one of them erected the first dwelling-house in the place. The store was also provided for, which Mr. Henry stocked with staple articles of merchandise and conducted many years. The dwelling, referred to, stood where the residence of John F. Pitts is now located, and the site of the store is now occupied by D. M. Weddle's store. William Henry was an American to the core. He loved a good horse and made frequent trips on horseback to Philadelphia, where he purchased supplies for his store. In 1817, Mr. Henry was appointed postmaster in the now thriving town, a position he held many years with honor to himself and advantage to his fellow-citizens. The year 1832 found him a prosperous merchant and an extensive owner of real estate in and about Mt. Jackson—there being besides many smaller properties the J. Dixon farm, the Mrs. Magill and the Van Atta farm. About 1840, Mr. Henry brought his successful mercantile career to a close, and built the residence on the McGill farm, which he occupied, and which is now the home of the subject of this sketch. The balance of his life was devoted to agricultural pursuits, and to the care of the property which his industry and good management had accumulated. Many evidences of his correct methods may be seen to-day in the improvements he made on the farms that were under his immediate control. William Henry, besides being endowed with varied business talents, stood high among his fellow-citizens. Many men knew him as a friend ever realy [sic] to extend a helping hand. He was a devoted Christian; a member of the Presbyterian Church, and one of the prime movers in building the present church edifice of that denomination in Mt. Jackson. He died in 1872, mourned by all who knew him. Eight children were born of the second marriage: John J.; William Harrison; Francis Brown; Eliza; T. Logan, the subject of this sketch; Mary; James; and Matilda.

T. Logan Henry received the very best educational advantages which the schools of Mt. Jackson could give. He was from boyhood his father's right-hand man and helper, even down through the latter's declining years. The methods of the father became those of the son; as the burdens grew too heavy for the older, they found a ready and trained bearer in the younger. Success, which was certainly won by the pioneer, has been retained and maintained by his worthy successor. T. Logan Henry inherited the old home place and 250 acres of land, all of which with the exception of a small plot he still owns. This farm has been brought to a high state of cultivation, and every improvement, which modern ideas suggest, has been added. Acres of bearing orchards, invariably loaded down with fruit, with everything in the best of condition, show the care and foresight of a practical man who understands very [sic] detail of his business. In 1878 a handsome barn, 44x66 feet in dimensions, with a high basement, was built, and the old home enlarged and remodeled. Many out-buildings have been added from time to time as they were needed.

Early in life, the subject of this sketch was married to Miss Ellen Bushnell, daughter of the Rev. Wells Bushnell of Mt. Jackson township; she died at the age of forty-eight, leaving two daughters—Jennie and Minnie. Miss Jennie is a graduate of Percers College, and is well known in teaching circles. Minnie is the wife of Samuel Hoffmaster of Mt. Jackson.

T. Logan Henry has always been an active, public-spirited and valued citizen. While not a politician, he has often been heard with telling effect in the councils of his chosen party. He was originally a stanch Whig, and when the question of human slavery merged that party into the Republican party, he became an enthusiastic Republican, and an advocate for equal rights for white and black. There was no sturdier champion of Liberty and Union than he, and his faith in the ultimate result never wavered. To the blue-coated soldiers in the field or to the children left behind he was always a friend. Mr. Henry has never sought office, but the willing, hearty votes of his fellow-townsmen have often placed him in public positions. He has been clerk, supervisor, school director, assessor and overseer of the poor in turn. He has always been an active churchman, being a member from youth of the Presbyterian Church. Though now well along in life, Mr. Henry retains the marks of his rugged American ancestry; active, clear-headed and acute as of yore he brings all the ripe experiences of the days gone by to bear upon present-day problems. Respected by all, he is rounding out a life that has been well-lived and useful to all who have come within its influence.

Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897

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