Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 502] deceased, a well-known and universally respected citizen of New Castle, was born in Mercer Co., Pa., and was a son of Zechariah Hartsuff, who was an old settler of Mercer County, following agriculture pursuits throughout his life. He married Mary Pierce, daughter of John Pierce, and there were born to them seven children: Stewart; Lewis; Ebenezer; John; Hiram K.; Sarah (Woods); and Melissa (Scott). They were United Presbyterians and Methodists in their religions beliefs. The mother of our subject died before middle age had silvered the hair.
Mr. Hartsuff came to New Castle forty-five years ago and took up the trade of blacksmithing, learning his trade under the instruction of Mr. Clark. He operated a shop for himself in New Castle for a number of years, and then accepted a position as blacksmith in a glass factory, where he remained many years. He then rented the farm where the family now lives, and started a milk dairy which he was operating at the time of his death.
Mrs. Hartsuff's grandfather, William Kyle, was a well-to-do farmer of Lawrence County. To him and his wife, whose maiden name was Nancy Chambers, there were born ten children, as follows: Eliza; Sarah; Margaret; Martha; Jane; Mary Ann; Robert; Alexander; John; and Agnes. Mr. Kyle departed this life at the age of ninety years, and his wife fell into that last sleep that knows no waking this side of the grave at the age of eighty-seven. Robert Kyle, the father of Mrs. Hartsuff, married Miss Anna Reed, a native of Lawrence County, and to them were given eight children, namely: Jane; Agnes; Elizabeth; William; Michael; Sarah; Marguerite; and a child that died in infancy. The union of our subject and his wife was blessed with the birth of ten children, who were named: Albert; Robert; Hiram; Edward; Harry; Velma, deceased; Aggie; Theresa; Carrie and Anna. The family are United Presbyterians in their religious attachments and beliefs. Mr. Hartsuff was a Democrat, and always faithful and true in his party obligations.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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