Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 40] a broker of New Castle, and large real estate owner and dealer of that city, was born in Brantford, County of Brant, Ontario, Canada, June 1, 1849, and is a son of Sergeant James and Mary (Thompson) Fallis, who were both born in County Fermanagh, Ireland. James Fallis was a British soldier most of his life, and took part in the memorable Battle of Waterloo, in which engagement he received a bullet in the forehead, and carried it there for many years thereafter. He was commissioned by the British Government as drillmaster, and was stationed at Toronto, where he prepared recruits for the army. At the age of ninety, he could ride a horse, go through the full cavalry drill, and cut an apple in two with his saber while riding at full tilt. He was a skilled officer, and fully understood all the details that came in his department; he ranked as sergeant-major upon his retirement from the army. He lived to be ninety-scven years of age, and his wife was ninety-two at her death. Their children were named as follows: Margaret H.; Jane; John; Sarah; Elizabeth; Isabella; Noble; Maria; James N.; and Lucinda.
Our subject, after attending High School, studied law with his brother John, but not liking the profession well enough to stick to it as a means of livelihood, he learned the tinsmith's trade, and in 1863 went to San Francisco, Cal., and opened a store at No. 8 Fourth Street, where he carried on a prosperous business in stoves, tinware, crockery, and took contracts for plumbing. In 1869 he sold the store, and went to Chicago, where he was engaged in the same line of business until 1873, when he came to New Castle, where, on May 8th of the same year, he married Miss Mary Kerningham, daughter of John and Margaret (McClelland) Kerningham. Mrs. Fallis' father was a gentleman of County Down, Ireland, and there she was born.
Mr. Fallis has a fine residence at 49 North Jefferson Street, where he lives, and since he has lived in New Castle has been identified with real estate interests and conducted a highly profitable business as a broker. He owns the following real estate: Two houses on West Fall Street; three houses on Shenango Street; one house on Lutton Street; two houses on Jefferson Street; one house on Grant Street; four houses on Croton Street; and one house on Lincoln Avenue. He has also a farm, of 180 acres and another one of 65 acres in Shenango township, and a farm in Wayne township. Our subject has been a member of the New Castle city council twenty-one years, and is president of the select council, and has been most active in improving the city, and in advancing its numerous interests. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is a charter member of the Commandery of Knights Templar. In his business life he has exhibited great push and energy and has been far-sighted in his speculations. He is a deservedly popular man, and is well entitled to the great respect and esteem in which he is held.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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Updated: 13 Apr 2001, 18:06