Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 629] deceased, who in life was prominently connected with many important interests of the city of New Castle, was born in the neighboring county of Butler, this State, and was a son of Daniel and Hannah Duffy, who were natives of the Keystone State.
Daniel Duffy followed agricultural pursuits all his life, and well merited the success with which he met. He and his wife were members of the Catholic Church.
Our subject, having completed a common school education in the school of Monroesville, Pa., took up the pursuit of boating between Pittsburg and Philadelphia; the boats that were used were called section-boats, that is, they were so constructed that they could be taken apart and put together again with very little trouble, thus facilitating the passage over the mountains. After a number of years were spent in this employment he came to New Castle, where he engaged in a freight and passenger transportation business, running a horse packet between New Castle and Brighton, Pa. This venture proved very profitable and was continued up to the time of the advent of the railroad, which of course put a stop to the traffic by offering superior means of communication. He next saw money in the hotel business, and ran a hotel a number of months. He was also engaged in the real estate business to some extent, and New Castle is indebted to him for many improvements in her surroundings and in the rapid progress she has made. Mr. Duffy was also connected with the iron business with Messrs. A. L. Crawford, Wilder, and others, well known to citizens of Lawrence County. Our subject was one of those cheery, companionable men, whom everyone delights to know, and who go through the world surrounded with friends, and at death leave many to mourn their departure. His success in a financial sense was quite phenomenal, but still was what might be looked for from a man who commencing at the lowest round of life's ladder, raised himself to a position among the most highly esteemed men of this part of the State, as a self-made man, whose chief characteristics were energy and pluck and a wonderful determination to succeed. His death took place very suddenly in 1883. He was a Catholic in belief.
He married Delilah Painter, daughter of William and Eliza (Brewer) Painter, both of whom were natives of Westmoreland Co., Pa. To Mr. and Mrs. Duffy were born two children: William A., deceased; and Hannah E., who married William Cary Cobough of New Castle, Pa., and had three children: Arabella C.; Charles D.; and Eva, deceased. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cobough are deceased.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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