Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 618] ex-sheriff of Lawrence Co., Pa., was born in Big Beaver township Aug. 16, 1852, and is a son of Jonathan and Sarah (Cannon) Douthitt.
The grandfather of our subject, Robert Douthitt, was born in Carlisle, Pa., but later settled in Beaver Co., Pa., where he achieved prominence as a very successful and prosperous farmer. Politically, he was a Democrat. His wife, a Miss Mary Loutzenviser bore him twelve children, of whom Jonathan, our subject's father, was among the youngest. In the matter of religious preferences he favored the Presbyterian Church.
Jonathan Douthitt was educated in the schools of his native town, and when a young man learned the stone-cutter's trade, which he followed to good advantage a number of years; later on he purchased a farm in Big Beaver township, and moved into what is now Lawrence County in 1848, although at that time it was a part of Beaver County; in that district he spent the remainder of his years in agricultural pursuits, dying in 1875, aged sixty-seven years. He reared ten children as follows: Jerome, who married Sarah Henderson of Washington Co., Pa.; Harriet, the wife of Thomas C. Taylor of Little Beaver township; Joseph, who married Mary McClure of Beaver Co., Pa.; Mary, who became the wife of S. D. Eckles of Big Beaver township; John; Rhoda, who married R. W. McChesney of Big Beaver township; Andrew J., who married Elizabeth Snyder of Wampum; Thomas J., who married Nancy Leet of Wampum; William, the subject of this sketch; and Sarah J., who became the wife of Levi Repman of Wampum. He was a prominent and influential politician of the township, and as a Democrat served as collector, road supervisor and as school director. He was an attendant of the Presbyterian Church. Our subject's mother died in 1864, aged fifty-seven years.
William Douthitt obtained the elementary principles of an education in the district schools of Big Beaver township, and upon leaving school turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, which he followed with excellent results until 1890, being also interested in the Wampum Run Coal Co., and is now heavily interested in the Thompson Run Coal Co. in Beaver Co., Pa. He has always been found in Republican political circles, and in reward for his constancy to party and in recognition of his many estimable qualities, he was elected sheriff of Lawrence County, taking his office in January, 1892, and holding office three years to the complete satisfaction of citizens of all parties. He has also held the office of collector and constable for four years. After filling out his term as sheriff he engaged in the coal business mentioned above, and devotes a large share of his time to his mining interests. Socially, he is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Western Star Lodge, No. 160, of New Castle, Pa.
In 1875 Mr. Douthitt chose as a life-partner Emma Bell Vance, daughter of R. M. and Caroline S. Vance, of Big Beaver township, and to them have been born seven children, as follows: Frank H., who works for the Standard Oil Co. at Bayonne, N. J.; Harriet, who is attending high school; Robert Roy, who is attending school; Sarah C., also a pupil of New Castle's public schools; Samuel; and two that died in infancy. In religious matters, the family favors the Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Douthitt is a member.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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