Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 479] a highly respected and honored citizen of Lawrence County, engaged in carrying on farming operations in Washington township, was born in the above township, on the eighth day of December, 1844. He came from ancestors who fully earned the name of Americans, and who took active part in the struggles of sword and plow that have given our citizens in the nineteenth century the liberties and the abundance they daily enjoy.
The great-grandfather of Robert Dicks was by name John Dicks. He was trained in the rugged colonial school of experience, and was one of those valiant men who, under the leadership and prowess of George Washington, dared to hurl defiance at King George and his mercenary soldiers, and entered a life and death contest, which forever freed this country from the British yoke. After the sanguinary struggle of the sword and musket had terminated, the young soldier took up his axe and began to do his part in the battle for prosperity. He came into the western part of the Keystone State among the first settlers of the region, and for many long years waged a constant warfare on the forces of nature; the struggle, with no loss of blood, partook of the nature of a triumph with each succeeding year. He died at the age of eighty-five years, leaving a name that will live forever in the hearts of his worthy descendants.
Aaron L. Dicks was a son of the above, and grandfather of our subject. He located in Hickory township, and worked in the canal business in addition to carrying on his farm, and rounded out a career which exceeded by five years the allotted three score and ten. His son, Aaron L. Dicks, Jr., began his active life as a farmer, as soon as he was out of school. He located on the farm in Washington township, now owned by his son, Robert, in 1844, cleared it of trees, and made considerable improvements that more than doubled its value. On this farm he resided up to the time when he was taken from life in 1858 at the age of fifty-five. His wife's name before marriage was Elizabeth Michaels, and to them five children were born: Aaron E., deceased; Robert, our subject; Elizabeth A., now deceased; Peter M.; and William J. In his lifetime, Mr. Dicks was a very enterprising, wide-awake citizen, and upheld the standard of the Democratic party. His church leanings were with the United Presbyterian Church.
Robert Dicks from boyhood was taught industry and thrift. After leaving the district schools, he labored with his father and in time became the owner of the estate himself. On this excellent property he has erected a new house and suitable buildings, and has his life through been a farmer of merit and painstaking methods. He has made quite a reputation as a careful breeder of fine stock, and made many a tidy sum of money in that line. His faithful and true wife was a Miss Mary J. Brennaman, before he met her and made her his life-companion. Five children have been born of this union; Solomon B., William A., Mary E., Elizabeth A., and Henry J., deceased. The family are in religious belief Presbyterian. Mr. Dicks has always paid much attention to the civil affairs of his State and Nation. Born of a family that has had much to do with public affairs, he is a sturdy exponent of true Democracy. He keeps in step with modern progress and has full faith in the destiny of the nation for which his forefathers suffered so long and toiled so hard.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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