Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens
Lawrence County Pennsylvania 1897
[p. 345] whose portrait with that of his wife, is shown on the opposite page, lives in Mahoningtown, and is employed by the P. & W. R. R. at New Castle junction as general yard master and foreman of machinery; he was born in Peru, Ind., Aug. 9, 1867, and is a son of Martin and Ellen (Bearney) Daly.
Our subject's father was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, where both his father and mother died; when he was thirteen years of age, he bade farewell to the land of his birth, and set sail for the United States, going at once after his arrival to Detroit, where he lived and supported himself as best he could. From Detroit he went to Indianapolis, and after his marriage took up a residence in Peru, Ind., where the children of the family were born. During his life-time, Martin Daly was well known in local railroad circles, and at the time of his death was freight agent at Peru, Ind.; this last important incident of his career occurred in 1874, when he was aged forty-seven years, and in the very prime of life. His wife was born in County Clare, Ireland, in 1834, and at the age of thirteen came to America with her brothers, landing in Canada, and coming thence to Terre Haute, Ind., and finally to Indianapolis of the same State, where her wedding took place. She bore her husband a strong, robust family of nine children as follows: Michael; Bertha; Kate; Charles, deceased; James D.; Martin R.; John William, deceased; Phillip; and Joseph P. The last-mentioned son is the only member of the family, besides Martin R., who resides in Lawrence County; he is conducting a confectionery store in Mahoningtown, and adds materially to the business interests of the place.
Our subject's youth was spent in Peru, Ind., where he attended the public schools, and the St. Charles Academy of that place, from which institution he graduated. He then accepted a position as shipping clerk in a basket factory of Peru, where he acquired an intimate knowledge of accounts and business methods, that have proved very serviceable to him. After continuing in this position for quite a period, he became a brakeman on the Wabash R. R., but soon resigned to accept a position in the shops of the Pennsylvania R. R., where he worked one year as machinist. In 1887, he moved to Mt. Carmel, Ill., where he was locomotive fireman for three years. He came to Mahoningtown April 10, 1890, and took a position as engineer on the Pittsburg & Western R. R., and served in that capacity until April 1, 1896, at which time he was appointed general yard master and foreman of machinery at New Castle Junction. He is still fulfilling the duties of that responsible position with a carefulness and method that have obtained for him the confidence and regard of his superiors, and proven him a valuable servant. Mr. Daly was united in marriage at Mt. Carmel, Ill., April 18, 1894, to Annie Maurer, daughter of Adam Maurer and his wife Margaret. Two children are the fruit of this marriage: Paul, who died in infancy; and William. His political views are pronounced in character, and make him a strong Democrat. Socially, he is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Wabash Lodge, No. 327, of Mt. Carmel, Ill. He is also a member of B. L. E. Div., No. 411, of Painesville, Ohio. Since coming to Mahoningtown, he has taken a deep and intelligent interest in the welfare and growth of the place, and is considered a model citizen.
Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens Lawrence County Pennsylvania
Biographical Publishing Company, Buffalo, N.Y., 1897
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